Search results

  1. 4

    Which Oddballs To Get?

    yes arowanas will fit in the tank it depends which kind though. For the sting rays you'll need a tank double the size of yours right now so i would say stick to the aros oh and arowanas usually won't bother any fish at the bottom since they're top dwellers.
  2. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    so that's arowana your voting for right? Because sharks aren't on the poll :( .
  3. 4

    Fish Game!

    If he doesn't come back can i start another one?
  4. 4

    Temperature Problem

    Today i just found the REAL problem with the temperature in my wasn't the out side temperature but it was the heater. I checked the makers of the heater and they said that it should be at least 79 degrees inside the tank no matter the temperature outside...I checked behind the tank...
  5. 4

    Christmas Present

    sorry you didn't get you 75g, and that's a black tip reef shark you'd need 600 gallons+ for that. :P
  6. 4

    Temperature Problem

    Yes i did try another one and it read the same exact thing. The other one i used is the mercury one.
  7. 4

    Fish Tycoon

    I think zoo tycoon and the actual fish keeping is waay better than fish tycoon and i'm sure most people here would agree with me.
  8. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    Thanks for sharing although i'm not going to add that to the poll but desert gobies are nice since this is the first time i've heard of them i'm going to asume that they're rare.
  9. 4

    Fish Tycoon

    The game is fun at first buy then it gets really boring....the pictures are all pasted so that it looks realistic. The fish are just pictures of fresh and salt water fish just with different fins and named the (silky shark) is an imitation of the rtbs.
  10. 4

    Temperature Problem

    I do have a house heater and one of the vents is exactly next to the fish tank worried that it might catch on fire... i have a stand and it's made of wood.
  11. 4

    Fish Game!

    is it an oddball? :/
  12. 4

    Temperature Problem

    The heater is exactly 257 watts. I just got a look at the room temperature and i'm like :shout: the room temperature right now is 45 wonder im so extremely cold and it's winter so i'm not so surpised...btw i know the kuhlis are active at night it's just that there more active than...
  13. 4

    Temperature Problem

    My temperature in my tank is going down and i have tropical fish. My heater I think is the problem, somehow it's not working that well. When i came home from a 3 day va the temperature was 79 degrees. Tomorrow morning it dropped to 68 degrees then increased to 74 degrees then on the second day...
  14. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    aros and rays are on top the rest are way down there im afraid :( .But with more posts i'm sure that will change :) .Oh and if this poll needs improvement do tell.
  15. 4

    Starving Fish

    Thanks for all the information. I just came back from 3 days and they were fine no one died and they were all at max coloration. Except that one of the tetras got its fin shredded...but that seems to be the worst of the problems.
  16. 4

    Starving Fish

    I'm tempted to believe that but different kinds of fish endure longer without food i need specific info on my fish right now i'm worrying like hell about if my fish has died or is still alive...
  17. 4

    Starving Fish

    Me mom is planning to go out of town for 3 whole days...I need some info on how long my fish can survive without food. They are 6 black skirt tetras and 3 pangio kuhliis which i just bought 2 days ago. They are healthy and eating well i just need to know how long they can starv because i don't...
  18. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    sorry but the Australian lungfish isn't on the poll :(. But nice lungfish anyways maybe i should get 1?
  19. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    Nice Earthgirl i wish i had an arrow or a ray but i don't have a big enough tank and rays are banned in my state.
  20. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    Ok lets get this confusion over with my question is not to choose your favorite but which one that you'd prefer oh and for the people who like rays, do you plan on keeping them someday? So far the rays are winning the poll :( But the arowanas are in second place :D
  21. 4

    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Loach

    My personal favorite is this kind of kuhli loach (Acanthophthalmus kuhlii)
  22. 4

    The Oddball's Poll

    Hello to all oddball fans my uncle keeps different types of oddballs and i just wanna know what would you prefer as a oddball fish. The knife fishes, elephant nose, baby whale, arowanas, lepronus, distichodus, freshwater rays, or bichirs. My personal favorite are the arowanas they are...
  23. 4

    Hello And Looking For Advice....

    i don't recommend that you buy those plecs they're as messy as gold fish and really get your nitrates to levels at which your fish might not survive. anyway what kind of fish do you have in your tank so far? And how many gallons is your tank if you do i might be able to help you. sorry for the...
  24. 4

    What Fish?

    i suggest getting the big tank before you add any of those other fish than the tetras in it. Even a 20 gallon is not enough for most sharks, try first cycling your 20 gallon then add the fish 2 by 2 the hardiest tetra i recommend is the black skirts. Then use them to cycle your bigger tank (once...
  25. 4

    New Fish To The Tropical Fish Forums

    hey to every1 who posted here. Oh and stang1 do you do the welcome thing to every newbie around?
  26. 4

    Stocking Fish In 45g Tank

    if i do get a shark im only going to purchase 1 thats not so aggressive and is health. i also got plenty of hiding spaces in my tank (drift wood and plants). btw you need a 100 gallons or more to keep 2 or more sharks because they establish they're own territories that are about half the tanks size.
  27. 4

    New Fish To The Tropical Fish Forums

    Yeah, they are great and colorful when healthy but when it comes to feeding time they are agressive with any fish even their own kind. They also have the habit of nipping the group's fins.
  28. 4

    Stocking Fish In 45g Tank

    would red tail or red fin sharks, be ok? cuz i really like those my lfs has 2 red tails and hundreds of red fins. althought i'm not sure if they would swim with truce or with war. Or what i mean is if they would fight with the tetras until the tetra or the shark dies or will they live together...
  29. 4

    My First Post

    Hey, and welcome i'm new here too. I just wanna remind you that tropical fish+goldfish= :no: anyway :hi:
  30. 4

    New Fish To The Tropical Fish Forums

    hey i'm a new a member to this forum. ive been keeping fish for 3 months now. I got a 45 gallon tank (which im named after) its finished cycling and only has 6 fish in it which is a small group of black skirt tetras.
  31. 4

    10 Gallon: I Know What Kind Of Fish I Want...

    dwarf chichlids they get around 1-2" but i recommend a bigger aquarium.
  32. 4

    Favorit Fishy

    favorite fish=red tail black shark and black skirt tetra favorite bottom feed=kuhli loach (still trying to find 1 in lfs.
  33. 4

    Stocking Fish In 45g Tank

    i'm new to the forums and i was wondering what other fish could go into a 45g tank. ive already stocked it with 6 black skirt tetras which i used to cycle it. the tank is completely cycled btw.
  34. 4

    What Kind?

    sydnodontis catfish some only get up to 4 inches.