Stocking Fish In 45g Tank

45 gallon tank

New Member
Nov 19, 2006
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i'm new to the forums and i was wondering what other fish could go into a 45g tank. ive already stocked it with 6 black skirt tetras which i used to cycle it. the tank is completely cycled btw.
There's a wide array of fish you could stock, depends on what you fancy. You could add some more tetras, maybe an Angel fish or two, some cory catfish, or a smaller loach variety for bottom feeders. There are so many combinations it would take forever to list. I would suggest going to your lfs and write down all of the names of they fish you like, then do some research, or ask on here for good combinations. Just remember to add them slowly, so you don't overwhelm the established bacteria in the tank, and cause a mini-cycle.
I have a few zebras and buenos aires tetras in mine, very pretty fish.
would red tail or red fin sharks, be ok? cuz i really like those my lfs has 2 red tails and hundreds of red fins. althought i'm not sure if they would swim with truce or with war. Or what i mean is if they would fight with the tetras until the tetra or the shark dies or will they live together with out any major conflicts. Also i'm only planning on getting 1 shark.
would red tail or red fin sharks, be ok? cuz i really like those my lfs has 2 red tails and hundreds of red fins. althought i'm not sure if they would swim with truce or with war. Or what i mean is if they would fight with the tetras until the tetra or the shark dies or will they live together with out any major conflicts. Also i'm only planning on getting 1 shark.

I have a red-tail, from my experience they can be a little aggressive, or mine is anyway My red-tail chases other fish around but it never hurts 'em..
Never kept sharks myself, but my understanding is that unless you have a large tank, 75gal or more, you should only keep one. You'll want to make sure there aren't any fish that can fit in it's mouth, and I think they like plenty of hiding places to feel secure. I'm sure there's some people on here is experience that could help more.
if i do get a shark im only going to purchase 1 thats not so aggressive and is health. i also got plenty of hiding spaces in my tank (drift wood and plants). btw you need a 100 gallons or more to keep 2 or more sharks because they establish they're own territories that are about half the tanks size.
some more really nice coloureful fish are the rummy nose and the clown loach but both fairly hard fish for beginners to keep
but some more easy fish are cory for bottom feeders and platys,mollies

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