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  1. P

    My acro is turning green!!

    Hiya guys :thumbs: i think im the guy chris was talking about. Leon, the coral has died, and i personally would take it out and bin it, or if you have a calcium reactor you could put it in there (but i wouldnt botther as the green on it is algae, so contains po4 which you dont want in the...
  2. P

    depth under water for acro with 250watt?

    cool ill put the frag at the surface when i get it, ill have to increase the sg as its 1.022! and i have a water turn over of around 20x is this okay?
  3. P

    Can you keep acros with soft corals?

    cool i was thinking of getting a calcium rector but the only problem is there is no room in the cabinet :( , so i may have to do it another way :X . thanx for the advice, andrew
  4. P

    depth under water for acro with 250watt?

    depth under water for acro with 250watt? yeah i am thinking about getting an acro frag and was wondering what depth under the water the acro could be kept in under 250watt metal halides? and what should the water turnover be? and what would your ideal parameters be for the acro? thanx andrew
  5. P

    Can you keep acros with soft corals?

    yeah knew they were hard but was told by retailer could put them in as soon as the tank was set-up, i think i was got :sad: , but they have been doing very well :P . i will now also start to run carbon for a few days a month from now on, and what would you recomend as a good calcium level for...
  6. P

    Can you keep acros with soft corals?

    Can you keep acros with soft corals? hi i have got a soft coral tank with muchrooms, polyps, pulse coral, plate coral, trumpet coral etc...... is it alright to put a acro frag in here or would i have to take out all the soft corals? i just heard somewhere i might have to because of chemical...
  7. P

    how can you tell if acros are happy?

    how can you tell if acros are happy? hiya yah i am thinking of putting some acros into my tank but i have been wondering how you can tell if they are okay in there, as its easy with soft corals as they shrivel up or the polyps go away, but is this the same with acros? if so could someone...
  8. P

    Caulerpa light 24/7 or reverse?

    Caulerpa light 24/7 or reverse? I have had my tank set-up and running for a while now and i recently got some caulerpa in the sump, which i was lucky enough to be given. I have heard that it can go sexual and die and then put back all the nasties that it has soaked up back into the tank!!! I...
  9. P

    Acro frags wanted.

    Acro frags wanted. I have got a reef tank and would like to put a/some frags of acro in the tank to see how they do. I live in Southampton area, so around here would be good. So if you have got any or know any body that has some could you pm me. Thanks for replies in advance, Andrew
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    oh right, do you think the lighting is okay? what would be the best way to get a cheap frag, from other reefers or a lfs?
  11. P

    good lfs arounbd southampton?

    yeah i am actually in sothampton, in highfield just off the avenue. I would love to know where people go to from around here as i havent been over impressed with places as i have been to creature comforts in totton and thought the fish looked ill and i do aggree with you about the live rock. I...
  12. P


    acropora? hi i am new to the marine hobby and have set-up a reef tank that has been running for the past 2 months. It is a 100 gal, and it has two overflow weirs going down to a sump that is about 60 litres. I have a deltec fuidised bed full of rowa-phos, a deltec apf600 skimmer nad a deltec...
  13. P

    good lfs arounbd southampton?

    hiya, i have been looking around the lfs in the southampton area, and i havent been totally impressed, some things are good in one shop and some things are bad and then its vice versa in another shop. Basically i would like to know which lfs the people from southampton go to? thanx in...
  14. P

    Skimmer? air bubbles?

    Skimmer? air bubbles? i have had my deltec apf600 up and running now for about two weeks and get rid of the skimmate every 3 to 4 days, but today when i did this, and turned the skimmer pump back on as i leave the pump that brings the water to the skimmer running, the air bubbles that run up...
  15. P

    using deltec apf600 skimmer?

    using deltec apf600 skimmer? hi, i have had the skimmer set-up and running now for a few days properly, and it was set-up from the instructions and they say that you should set it up and turn the air valve to 2 oclock, and the skimmer should have air bubbles half way up the tube towards the...
  16. P

    brown diatom algae?

    brown diatom algae? i have just set up the tank and its been up working properly for about a week, although had about 30kg of live rock in a tub with the rught water for about 2 weeks before that, then when the tank had been running for about 4 days i added another 40kg of live rock, so have...
  17. P

    which algae in the sump?

    cool ill do that then, thanx for the advice, oh yeah whats the best light to use over it, a marine white fluorescent tube or a plant one? -_-
  18. P

    which algae in the sump?

    which algae in the sump? which is the best algae in the sump, caulerpa or chaetomorpha? has anybody had any experiences with either of them? i have heard that caulerpa will go sexual and die, has this happened to anybody? will this happen to chaetomorpha? thanx andrew
  19. P

    tank connector?

    tank connector? hiya i have got all the plumbing done and have got 4 tank connectors: or if that doesnt work, go to and go to the album section and then andrew barnett, and there is a picture of the tank connectors i...
  20. P

    new tank plumbing noisy?

    new tank plumbing noisy? i have just set up my tank, and have just done the first fill and washed it out and it is now set-up with saltwater and live rock, pictures here:, marine fish uk or go to and look at albums and look...
  21. P

    anyone got caulerpa for sale?

    anyone got caulerpa for sale? i i am in the process of setting up my tank and am going to have a compartment in the sump with some caulerpa in it, and i was wondering if any of you guys have any that you will be cutting back, in the next few weeks, and then you could send some to me, and i...
  22. P

    caulerpa in the sump?

    cool tnx for the veryinformative replys, i hareally helped, i am going to goasdget me some when i have got my sump sorted outfor it. also do you ave toput it in at any stage whilst the tank is cycling? what sort of ight do you keep over it a tropical or marine actinic?
  23. P

    caulerpa in the sump?

    and can it be used in conjuction with a skimmer? and is the best substrate for it miracle mud? and where can you buy caulerpa?
  24. P

    new clean up crew?

    new clean up crew? yeah i think i will just go for manly snails say 50, 30 turbo, astrea, 12 cerith, 6 nassarius, and then 12 hermits, 6 red legs and 6 blue legs, and then two cleaner shrimps basically i have just decided to leave out the super snails (trochus) as they are bigger and...
  25. P

    caulerpa in the sump?

    caulerpa in the sump? is this stuff good, as i here it keeps the o2 levels at a constant level throught day and night, and that it also gives a food source for the fish and corals? als do you have to have a light over it, does it need to be on for 24 hourse a day? and also what else do you...
  26. P

    red legs and blue legs?

    yeah ive had a scout around and the stm the local store is the ceapest i can find so ill just get from them, thanx for all you help! andrew
  27. P

    ro water?

    yeah i got my ro from devotedly discus,, and it is a hma 3 pod and ro 8unit on top, will this be okay or will i need to get the di bit?
  28. P

    filter pads or live rock in sump?

    i was thinking of having filter pads in the first chamber of my sump (where the water comes in from the tank) but i had a thought last night that i could put live rock in there instead. i thought the benefits of this would be: that there wouldnt be a build up of nitrates on the filter pads as...
  29. P

    what clean up crew?

    yeah i think i will leave the crabs and just get snails :)
  30. P

    red legs and blue legs?

    i would love to get them cheaper, like you guys in the states, but i live in england, where we havent quite got as far as you as there is only i think one place that sells them online, andthats just up the road from me so ill go and pick them up. also i was wondering if the crans did any good...
  31. P

    ro water?

    yeah i think it is, what you mean by the di bit? mine has a three stage pod, with i think 2 pods which take out the bits of different sizes, and then a carbon pod. is this alright?
  32. P

    ro water?

    i have just got my ro unit and attached it to the hma and it is sort of hissing? does it always do this or is it letting out of the gas? also is it best to discard the first few gallons that it makes?
  33. P

    red legs and blue legs?

    do these crabs eat the same algae, or do they tend to like different ones, as i have seen today that my local lfs now sells both. so i was thinking about which one was better? do you guys have any preference? or do you think they will be able to be kept together if supplied with enough food if...
  34. P

    set up and fish list?

    yeah they are very expensive, mine was £170 i think, and then the multicontroller is £117. so i will still have to shell out alot in the end. but its easier on the hole in the pocket if its in stages. yeah i worried about the amoint of flow but thats the best thing about these things is that...
  35. P

    what clean up crew?

    yeah i have now thought some more about it and that thought was that variety is best as they eat different algae. So i was thinking of: 18 turbos (astrea) 6 super (trochus) 6 cerith 6 narrarius and then 18 red legs and 1 mithrax crab, how does that sound?
  36. P

    what clean up crew?

    i have got a 100gal tank, and am thinking about the clean up crew that i want to get, so that i have them in their before the algae starts. in my local lfs in england they have red-leg hermit crabs, turbo (astrea, i think) snails, super (trochus) snails, green mithrax crabs, nassarius snails...
  37. P

    set up and fish list?

    my tank is 100 gal, and 40" by 24" by 28", with about a 60 litre sumo, with some filter ppads in their. There is also a deltec apf 600 skimmer run by aqua bee 2000 and a deltec 509 fluidised bed full of rowaohos run by aqua bee 500. There are two heaters one a 300 w and the other a 150w. There...