

New Member
Oct 24, 2003
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hi i am new to the marine hobby and have set-up a reef tank that has been running for the past 2 months. It is a 100 gal, and it has two overflow weirs going down to a sump that is about 60 litres. I have a deltec fuidised bed full of rowa-phos, a deltec apf600 skimmer nad a deltec hlp 4040 pump to return the water to the tank. I have in the sump a section that has caulerpa in it, and i use kent marine additives. In the tank there is around 70kg of live rock. In the tank there is a tunze stram pump that moves 7000 l/h. The tank has also got the arcadia series 3 250watt metal halide over the tank, it is a singla light and it has two actinics for a 100cm long tank.

It currently holds lots of soft corals, like mushrooms, ployps, leathers, clam, trumpet coral, and a coral that is like a anem but isnt as it is like a hard coral base (but i cant remember the number), and a plate coral.

the live stock is 2 common clowns, a regal tang, and a cleaner wrasse.

i will in the future look to add a yellow tang.

All the paramiters are fine: ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are 0. So are phosphate and iron are 0. the specific gravity is 1.023 and the ph 8.5 the temp 25. And the calcium is 440 and the kh 15.

I would like to get some acropora in the tank in the future, i know it is a stony coral, but i have had varying levels of difficulty told to me about them, as some retailers have said its okay to put in from the start as others have said wait years? What do you guys think about this? Is it hard to keep, and if you guys would suggest it what sort of time would you put it in your tank?

thanx in advance,
sps corals like very mature stable water all the flow in ur tank seems good
imo i would leave the tank for another 4 months then buy a cheap 10 quid frag and try it
if it dies you havent lost like 60 quid for a colony and you also no theres something wrong somwere how deeps your tank

cheers reef
oh right, do you think the lighting is okay?
what would be the best way to get a cheap frag, from other reefers or a lfs?
how many bulbs u got over if its 100 gallon i would imagine you have 2 x 250 watts over at what depth 2 ft

imo i would have them on the highest part of the tank

cheap frags some lfs will sell frags 10 quid
but reefers will sell them at that price and you no you will be getting good frags

cheers reef :/

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