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  1. P

    Biotop for mbunas

    okay. as I said I hasnt removed the plants yet. just trying to be preventive. U have algae on the rocks now. but not in the sand. I have very finegrained sand so algae there would look terrible and makes big flakes of it. Thanx for the advice :)
  2. P

    Biotop for mbunas

    oooh ignore all the pics in my sign and on my homepage. they are many years old :) hehe Well the fish eat some algae. but what about algae on the sand? Thats what ugly. algae on stones is really only decorative.
  3. P

    Biotop for mbunas

    Hey I am about to change my "allmost biotop" to biotop. I now have some java-fern (is that the name? long grass) to prevent algae. How do you cope with the algaeproblem when having noe plants at all?
  4. P

    110l (29 us gallons) with americans.

    Thanx. I love the albino convicts. they are very cute. espesially the little girl :) However they are not as big as they may look. the biggest is around 8-9 cm
  5. P

    110l (29 us gallons) with americans.

    Hey. just took some pictures of my jewel with americans. Here is a fullview of the tank. Sorry if the picture loads slowly. thats why I have linked to the rest of the pictures... More pictures from the tank at :
  6. P

    Redecorated malawitank

    Thank you :) I got the rocks from a local lake about 30min drive from here.
  7. P

    Convict Cichlid temperature

    Well around 25C they start mating :D hehe. but 20-23 is where they normally should be. But not to worry. 25 is okay too :)
  8. P

    Convict Cichlid temperature

    20-23C is about right.
  9. P

    Redecorated malawitank

    Thank you all :)
  10. P

    Redecorated malawitank

    Hey I have redecorated my malawitank and removed the grain in the favior of sand. have allso removed all the lavastones and added plain norwegian stones.
  11. P

    Does my cons have to be alone? :)

    Thank you for the info.
  12. P

    Does my cons have to be alone? :)

    They are not very aggressive for cons to be. about average I guess. The girl is not aggressive at all. :) And isnt the jewel african btw?...
  13. P

    Does my cons have to be alone? :)

    Hey. i am starting a fourth tank with convicts (albino)... :crazy: it is only 160l big (=35 us gallon). Is there any cichlids that can live togather with a pair of cons in such a small tank? I am going to have lots of hidingplaces and very good filtration. i hope they dont have to be alone...
  14. P

    Setting up a new tank, 500L

    wonderfull tank! I love it. Did you do anything before adding the tree-wood? (with the wood). DIY should be made of your co2-machine :)
  15. P

    pics of my first pair of cons

    grats with your cons. Cons are awsome. I am sure you will fall in love with your like I did with mine. Now I enden up with three convict tanks as I cant ged rid of anyone... :wub:
  16. P

    catching convicts..

    hmmm about growing. Somehow it looks like convicts grows faster than albino convicts. at leas mine does. The albinos grows very slowly while the normal convict grows very fast.
  17. P

    My 125 reef, step by step setup

    it has been a lot of progress since last time I postet in this thread... This is by far the most sexy tank I have ever seen!! AMASING!
  18. P

    catching convicts..

    Thats for sure. Noone can blaim them for being dumb :)
  19. P


    Welcome to the forum :) :hi:
  20. P

    catching convicts..

    hehe. This reminds me when I moved my convicts to their new tank. Three males and two females. I used about a day!! and ended up taking out everything from their old tank before being able to catch them. :crazy:
  21. P

    A decent picture of a fish!

    Wow FOTM on the first pic. how on earth did you manage to take such a sharp picture? Great work!
  22. P

    My tanganyika tank

    Your tank looks very nice! Welcome onboard!
  23. P

    How do i make a cave for my tank?

    WOW VERY nice background. I will for sure make one like that :)
  24. P

    baking soda?

    thanx for your good answer.
  25. P

    Wanna kill algae? Turn off the light.

    hmmmm how would this be on the plants? I have a lot of algae in one of my tanks as the light was on 15hours a day for two weeks :( (something touched the timer). now I have it down to 11 hours. However it does not seen to go back. it is mostly green algae but it way more than the plants can...
  26. P

    stop fish messing up tank

    hehe definitly dont remove the stones as this fish likes hidingspots. the only way I have found too stop them from digging is to use a grain with to big "stones" for them too handle. However digging is their naturly behavior I think I have lost some of the fun by changing the gravel for the one...
  27. P

    baking soda?

    I read the pinned post about using baking soda to get the right ph in the water for my malawis. Has anyone else tested this? Somehow I need more confirmation that it is okay before doing it. it sounds a bit "too good to be true" that I can add baking soda and it will make the ph go where it is...
  28. P

    how to keep covict cichlids

    hmmmm. hard to say whats wrong with you. not very much details. You said amonia was a little high? how high? Convicts is normally pretty hardies. but they NEED some things to not die. Maybe not the answer to why your fishes died (since they died so quickly) They NEED hiding spots. This is very...
  29. P

    Thorichtys meeki togather with convicts?

    We (my "wife" and I) have just setup (its done cycling and fish introdused) a central american tank. For now there is only Convicts there. Two males and two females. They work very well togather even during mating. Now my wife has set her eyes on some Thorichtys meeki. Would it be okay to...
  30. P

    Cyrtocara moori

    I have just introdused three Cyrtocara mooriis to my malawitank. Most of the pics I have seen of them they are blue. The three I got is silver with some blue spots. Will they be completly blue when thei grow up or will they stay that way? and how long does it take before they grow up?
  31. P

    How aggressive are Mbuna Cichlids??

    Not in a million years should convicts be mixed with mbuna cichlids. When convicts breed (and they do nomatter what you do to them! not sure but I think even two males with breed hehe ;) ) they will attack all fish that comes too close and may end up killing them.
  32. P


    I keep convicts in a tank and they lai eggs all the time. I havent done anything to help them on their way either. As long as they have places to hide and plants to eat. But I do have one question. (I have only albino convicts for now) What happens if I mix in some regular convicts? Will they...
  33. P

    Malawi setup

    I used a second hand tank which needed a lot of work to look nice andnot leak. No I am just finnishede cycling and I have added my malawi cichlids (which were making a mess in my communitytank while waiting) and have bought some new one. This is an overview of the whole tank. I am going to add...
  34. P

    February TOTM

    exiled!! :) I just have to copy that setup :D
  35. P

    remove cilichone and add new?

    hey i have bought a second hand tank 66 us g ;) i think. 250l. anyhow. the top 10-15cm of the cilicon is dry (as the water did not reach up there where it was). Should I remove it and add new or just leave it as it is?
  36. P

    My 125 reef, step by step setup

    That is by far the most awsom tank i have ever seen! Cant wait to see more pics :) :kewlpics: :kewlpics:
  37. P

    Some of my friends

    Yes it is in my plans now that you helped me sort out what fish it is. Have to wait untill my malawi setup is done though. Getting the glass, sand, filter, light etc tomorrow. Then i have to try to find some stone. To bad it is snow here now :) the LFS is far to expencive :/
  38. P

    Some of my friends

    Thanx. i love him too :) He does so many fun things.
  39. P

    Some of my friends

    here is some of my friends. This is my biggest Male albino convict. One of my favorite friend This is my biggest Albino convicts girlfriend. Here is two of my yellow labs. They are in my community tank while waiting for their tank to be done. The old one broke. This is my male and my...
  40. P

    Stocking plan...

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