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  1. T

    Hi There

    lol dont listen to them. I bought an angelfish from wal-mart one day, brought it home, put it in the tank, did everything right, even left it in the bag for like 45 minutes before letting it out. it died that very day. I brought it back to wal-mart and listened to a 15 minute lecture on what I...
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    Just Brought A Dragon Goby

    I keep mine in a warm freshwater tank about 74 degrees f. and hes doin quite well. he eats, acts well within the behavior everything ive read on the guys says he should. this guy was at least 5 years old when I got him, and he was always in a freshwater tank. they do indeed do better in brackish...
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    Dragon Fish (violet Gobby)

    you know these fish are somewhat mysterious everyone has their own theories, think that everyone else is wrong. people argue that they are only brackish, but in reality can live in a variety of conditions. these fish are not bred in captivity, they are all caught in the wild and live in...
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    Dragonfish Dragongoby

    mine wouldnt eat the shrimp pellets, and i could get the bloodworms to the bottom by crumpling them up but it wouldnt eat those easier. I tried dried baby shrimp, crumpling it up and placing it right in front of him. he wouldnt eat it at first but he warmed up to it, and now hungrily scarves...
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    dragon fish

    Ok, first Im going to dispense a notion that these "dragon fish" or violet gobies, as they really are, and im sure thats what it was-are only brackish water fish. these fish are not raised but caught in the wild, usually in estuaries, but sometimes swamps. they do often prefer brackish water...
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    Violet Goby

    violet gobies can be difficult to warm up to food. I have a seven inch one myself. he wouldnt eat flake food, shrimp pellets, or bloodworms. the guy I got it from warned me that they take awhile to warm up to new food, he hadnt even gotten it totally accustomed to the food he was feeding it. I...
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    Filter To Small?

    I have filter of the same brand for my 29 gallon tank, though I only use it when I need extra filtration (if the water fogs up) theres a 29 gallon at the daycare where I work that only runs on it, and it doesnt seem to keep up. I dont know if thats because of improper care of the tank, or...
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    New Tank Stocking Advice Required, Please!

    well if you want agressive fish, stay with a species tank or just make sure you do your research to find ones they will work with. for a community tank, I would recommend finding fish that are all pretty passive. if you want to start one or two fish at a time, start with the hardy ones. one...
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    Hey, Problems With Live Plants.

    hey all, im fairly new here. I have had a 29 gallon tank for about 4 months now give or take. its a tropical aquarium, with 1 golden wonder killi, 2 angelfish, 3 scissortails, and my pride and joy, a 7 inch violet goby (otherwise known as a dragon fish in most stores) I am running an UG filter...
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    Hi - Im New And Having A Nightmare With Fish Keeping

    I do not believe that you have to start again from scratch – this is very drastic measure! I also don’t think you need under-gravel filtration (an utter sod to install now you have fish) and is now considered an old-fashioned approach to fish-keeping. You also don’t need a power-head –...
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    Hey All, New To The Forums And To The Hobby

    hey guys, just got into this hobby about a month ago. I currently have 2 tanks, a 29 gallon tank (my primary) and I have a 10 gallon but its only as a hospital tank (unfortunatly already in use) I kinda got into the hobby cuz I saw a Violet Goby (otherwise known as a dragon fish) at wal-mart and...
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    weird fish

    You have all stated that the dragon goby (otherwise known as the violet goby) is a brackish water fish and will not survive long in a freshwater tank-I would like to point out that this is not completly true. while the violet Goby does indeed do best in a brackish water tank it can do survive in...