weird fish

You have all stated that the dragon goby (otherwise known as the violet goby) is a brackish water fish and will not survive long in a freshwater tank-I would like to point out that this is not completly true. while the violet Goby does indeed do best in a brackish water tank it can do survive in a freshwater aquarium as well. they live in swamps and river estuaries and similar, in cold and warm water in varied water. I have done a lot of research and many owners can even raise them in cold water tanks, though they prefer warm water, and brackish water they do really well in. I myself have just purchased a violet Goby that is about 6 inches long. I purchased it from a small aquarium where the fish are well kept, I know the owner and he loves fish and takes really good care of them. it was in a freshwater aquarium there, im not sure if it was cold or hot water. I have just recently put it into my warm water freshwater aquarium along with 2 angels, a scissortail, and a golden wonder Killi, and so far it is doing just fine. they can be a bit difficult to get to eat however, but is a very hardy fish that will survive in a variety of conditions as long as it is taken care of. the biggest thing I have seen is making sure it gets enough to eat. it will eat flakes however it prefers ghost shrimp, bloodworms and the like, but it cant see very well and is a bottom feeder so often times the other fish eat up the food causing the poor things to starve to death.
You have all stated that the dragon goby (otherwise known as the violet goby) is a brackish water fish and will not survive long in a freshwater tank-I would like to point out that this is not completly true. while the violet Goby does indeed do best in a brackish water tank it can do survive in a freshwater aquarium as well. they live in swamps and river estuaries and similar, in cold and warm water in varied water. I have done a lot of research and many owners can even raise them in cold water tanks, though they prefer warm water, and brackish water they do really well in. I myself have just purchased a violet Goby that is about 6 inches long. I purchased it from a small aquarium where the fish are well kept, I know the owner and he loves fish and takes really good care of them. it was in a freshwater aquarium there, im not sure if it was cold or hot water. I have just recently put it into my warm water freshwater aquarium along with 2 angels, a scissortail, and a golden wonder Killi, and so far it is doing just fine. they can be a bit difficult to get to eat however, but is a very hardy fish that will survive in a variety of conditions as long as it is taken care of. the biggest thing I have seen is making sure it gets enough to eat. it will eat flakes however it prefers ghost shrimp, bloodworms and the like, but it cant see very well and is a bottom feeder so often times the other fish eat up the food causing the poor things to starve to death.

tell you what. when you can report that your violet goby is 16" long and still happy as a clam in freshwater, we'll revise the fish profile. until then, we'll go with all the reports of undersized dead freshies and big healthy brackish gobies.

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