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  1. T

    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    and so i just went home to check on my fish tank [it's @my moms house, and i'm @my dads house for a few weeks-my brother/mom are feeding the fish]The tanks looks like the water is crystal clear, only thing is that my brother was leaving the light on full time, so i decided to shut it off and...
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    Which Corys?

    I like albinos because you can see them very well, and so far i've had green, peppered, and albino and the albino's seem the most active [but it depends on your lfs...but still !]
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Hey i'm not sure if you read the post above yours, but i just wrote that i cleaned out the whole thing and etc. [just read the one above yours- or re-read it if you already have]
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    Cory Id

    peppered is what i'd say
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    10 Gallon Tank

    haha i used to have wo ten gallons, one broke and i sold the other to my friend and bought a 20 gallon i like the size of it..but i think 30 gallon is the best size to have [that's what i would recommend]...well unless if you want 1,000 gallon :) which is what i actually want.. but i could...
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    10 Gallon Tank

    no! sorry no way you could ever have one in a ten gallon tank! it's just WAY to small! [plus to short..needs to be 18" or taller the tank] mines a 20gallon 18" tall tank and i can JUST get away with angel fish!
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    10 Gallon Tank

    Add a background.. black makes fish stand out quite well I'd say a few bright platies, maybe some guppies, or if you want a sorority of female bettas you have a few options, but yet tehy're still limited because of your size of tank
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    I Need Bright Big Fish For Ten Gallon

    I'd say some platies, my friend has a ten gallon and they're beautiful she's got balck gravel, few plants and some nice orange/red platies they stand out BEAUTIFULLY -i'm planning on buying some myself :)
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Okay, well before i bought the plants, and new gravel [at the moment i don't have the money] I deceided to change all the water and clean everything and hope for not a mini cycle -but luckily last time i didn't get one and now i've narrowed my list of species down a little [i found out i had...
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Alright, thanks! I was hoping.. i wouldn't have to spend much money, but i guess i'll have to.
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    i already have checked the water. it is fine.
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Well my friend has black gravel that looks REALLY good, so maybe i could put some black gravel at the bottom and have the occasional larger rocks that i already have on it?
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Haha that's alright, most people think it is shorter but i always wanted angels so i checked when i bought the tank last year, but i've just gotten around to buying them. So for java ferns, i have rocks in my tank but they're larger.. like each one is 1-2inches large and there are like.. some...
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    ...i'm desperate. I've even asked in the plant section and NO one has replied...
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    How Do I Plant Plants? I Have No Idea For Anything.

    i thought that.. someone would be able to help me by now, probably everyone knows more than me about help?
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    ..hello? anyone? lol
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    How Do I Plant Plants? I Have No Idea For Anything.

    I've got green water all the time lately [here's a posted topic of my problems with it: HERE] Anyways, i was told that plants would help, hopefully. So what do i do? Just buy a plant and put it in my tank? I'm not really willing to sink in a whole bunch of money for this... But i think i should...
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Well if i get a plant or two, what do i do? Just stick it in my tank? And let it grow? How do i do it?
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Actually, my tank is 18"H, 24"L, and 11"W. I made sure that they would have the right height, and i just have about half an inch of rocks. and then plants in the back. I do not care if they eat my guppies, i have had probably over 500 in the span of less than a year, i am more than tired of the...
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    well if i get rid of all the guppies and just have the 2angels, and 5cories then the tank will be alright. I asked in another thread if that was alright, and two people said it's fine.
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    5cories, 2angels In 20gallon?

    Is that okay? and when the angels are like..4+ inches in a few years i'd buy a larger tank for them.
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    They are all male guppies due to when they got fried, all the females died. And i'll cull them all out when i get home in a few days. They don't let people return fish at any of my lfss. I've already tried 3day blackouts, actually, mine was a 4 day- did absolutly nothing. ammonia = 0.1...
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    Green Water Came Back. Argh.

    Well i had green water for about 3 months and i was about to buy a uv sterilizer because i tried everything except chemicals [i don't think they're needed to acheive a good tank] But then the clerk at my lfs said to try to clean everything out even if that means requiring another cycling [i...
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    Why can someone not boil rocks? that's stupid... everyone always does, i don't know anyone who DOESN'T. Sure they stay hot for a while...but you give them time to cool down or put it in the fridge/freezer for a while... that's a dumb rule IMHO.
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    tyo check to see if they're safe for your aquarium pour some vinegar [or any acid] on the rocks..if they fizz they're no good! or else just boil them and plunk em in!
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    Angel Fish ?

    Okay thanks for all the help! -i wouldn't really mind if the angels munched on a few of the guppies... but i don't think they will for a while since they're quite small is it normal for them to be very shy? or is it because they're new to the tank right now?
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    Angel Fish ?

    Alright thanks, they definetly don't have good water conditions, proper tank sizes, and good feedings..i'm not sure if they even ever do get fed? The lfs is one of those types that keeps bettas in half a cup of water and etc. Horrible, but they were cute so i had to get them! My angels are...
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    Angel Fish ?

    I went to petcetera [horrible fish store in my city] to buy 2 angel fish for 8$CAD..very cheap where as the other places it's 20+ CAD for ONE i got both for only 8$. Anyways it didn't say on the tank the type of angel fish they are but on the recipe it says "Angel mixed fancy fish" They're both...
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    How Many Fish Have You Bread So Far?

    Probably about 1000 guppies, 30 mollies, and some halfbeaks? i think thats what they're called
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    Advise Please

    5 male guppies 10 female guppies 2 tiger barbs 1 male betta 3 female bettas 7 tetras okay BAD choice sorry! you've got a few choices though, either go with dividing your tank into a few sections for a section for one male betta or go with having a female sorority tank of either 1 or 5+...
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    Mature Substrate

    How long has your tank been up and running?
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    Which Fish?

    Have you cycled yor tank yet? If not, please read the cycle thread up at the top of the "New to the hobby" page
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    Switching Filters

    Put both filters in the 10 gallon cycled tank for a week so bacteria can build up on there or just rub both your filter medias together so that good bacteria can be rub onto the non-cycled stuff
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    Actually after a total body count it was about 30 that died, every single one of the adults died in the end, either from "After shock" or from being fried. So as my other thread said i've just got 15 fry left if that now.
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    Re-stocking By Tank After Heater Broke And Fish Got Fried

    Sorry, could you try sending the link again, it says tehre was a problem with the link
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    Re-stocking By Tank After Heater Broke And Fish Got Fried

    I'm going to make sure it doesn't creat anymore cycles, they're a pain in the butt! I don't know if i could handle a planted tank, mine is quite full of plants though, and only one actually looks fake [i'm planning on taking it out] Dwarf puffers, that sounds interesting, i've never heard of...
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    Stocking Questions

    Actually i have 15 fry in it at the moment. And i was quite very aware that it was overstocked. And i was making changes to make it non overstocked
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    What Fish Would Go With Tetra's And Guppys?

    I'd say some more, but those are definetly my favorites! and no one else was replying so i might as well tell you what i like!!
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    Re-stocking By Tank After Heater Broke And Fish Got Fried

    Yes i do know that, i am not a beginner, but i am also giving my guppy fry away at the end of the month... so in a week max, they'll be gone!