10 Gallon Tank

Add a background.. black makes fish stand out quite well
I'd say a few bright platies, maybe some guppies, or if you want a sorority of female bettas
you have a few options, but yet tehy're still limited because of your size of tank
no! sorry no way you could ever have one in a ten gallon tank! it's just WAY to small! [plus to short..needs to be 18" or taller the tank] mines a 20gallon 18" tall tank and i can JUST get away with angel fish!
haha i used to have wo ten gallons, one broke and i sold the other to my friend and bought a 20 gallon i like the size of it..but i think 30 gallon is the best size to have [that's what i would recommend]...well unless if you want 1,000 gallon :) which is what i actually want.. but i could probably never have or afford..

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