I Need Bright Big Fish For Ten Gallon


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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i need to find bright bigger fish for the bedroom tank. i have female bettas in it now but their to dark for me to see with out my glasses. i thinking dwarf groumis maybe or some bright platys. any suggestions? oh and the tank is a ten gallon.
Platies (kind of small), mollies, guppies (kind of small), dwarf gouramis, ram cichlids. You're a bit limited with your tank size. :(
Platies (kind of small), mollies, guppies (kind of small), dwarf gouramis, ram cichlids. You're a bit limited with your tank size. :(

kinda leaning towards the gouramis i love rams but their still to small. could i do a trio of the dwarfs?
I think three would be pushing it. Unless you do a large water change every week and overfilter, I'd go for only two. They can be messy eaters. :nod: If you can maintain great water quality though, go for three.

*waits for people to disagree with me* I tend to be one who isn't too concerned with the perfect, pristine best-of-the-best environments for fish, and I'm okay with that. Many people don't like what I say. Many people will tell youone dwarf gourami won't fit in a 10-gallon. I say it's okay. Keep the water clean and they'll be fine. They won't have a vast ocean to swim in, but that's just the sacrifice you have to make. :)
I'd say some platies, my friend has a ten gallon and they're beautiful
she's got balck gravel, few plants and some nice orange/red platies they stand out BEAUTIFULLY
-i'm planning on buying some myself :)
I'd say some platies, my friend has a ten gallon and they're beautiful
she's got balck gravel, few plants and some nice orange/red platies they stand out BEAUTIFULLY
-i'm planning on buying some myself :)

hmmm.... i have to look in to them wonder how they would do on white gravel.
Platy's are good and you can get so many colour varieties!

But I'd maybe suggest some rainbow fish. I'm not too sure about the tank size though. maybe a group of dwarf neons or a couple of larger bright ones like the bosmani (?). feel free to correct me if 10 gal isn't enough space for these though!

The other thing that might be worthwhile is if you change the gravel for black gravel - It shows up the colours of the fish better!
None of these fish are very big though, and that's the problem you can't have a big fish because of the tank size you have.

But yeah platy's are nice and colourful, but only around 2 inches long.
The Rainbows that were mentioned would not be appropriate for that aquarium, but you could get some thread fin Rainbows, they are small and colorful (there are a few more small Rainbows also).
my tanks about the same size, platies and guppies thriving i'd go with 3/4 male guppies the ones with the big showy tails
and about the same number of male high fin platies, lots of fun to watch too my boys are all bonkers!

I do find the moving stuff about in the tank every soo often helps keep the little guys amused by their surroundings!
The biggest problem with a 10 gallon is swim / territory space...water quality which can be easily maintained with good routine and filtering. Most dwarf cichlids need a 20 gallon worth of space, except for african shell dwellers which are not big or colorful.

Dwarf or honey gouramis are colorful, and not overly active. Most rainbowfish however are too active for such a small tank.
someone said how about a male betta - no no no! i am experienced with keeping bettas and they certainly hate the opposite sex and will probably not get on with the gourami you plan on getting.


if you dont get a male betta (don't, unless you want a tank of dead fish, or to buy another tank) gouramis are fine in a 10 gallon - i have them there, peopla say that it might be a bit on the small side but then - look in a fish shop + think about what they live in then!

Platies are very well tempered - get along with anything - mine are best friends with my angel! - and they will show up on any colour gravel

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