Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

ANd please don't add any more fish. You were way overstocked before, and are still way overstocked even after losing 20 fish. I am so sorry to hear about your fish though. :/
Actually after a total body count it was about 30 that died, every single one of the adults died in the end, either from "After shock" or from being fried. So as my other thread said i've just got 15 fry left if that now.
Funny - I always presumed that heaters would fail off...just goes to show though.

Sorry for you losing a lot of your fish :(

Before I got my Eheim with a heater built in, I used 2 x 50W heaters, NOT 1 x 100W heater, as at least if one went the other was OK, but again, thats me thinking they fail off.

Unlucky. Try to find the dead ones though.

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