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    Giesemann Nova Metal Halide For Sale

    Item number: 120174728756 on Ebay
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    Dd Nano Cube Open Top Cover Glass

    hello! I would like to take the lid off, and use MH with it. I am looking for smothing to cover the tank with, cover glass or mesh, have you got any ideas? thank you!
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    Bad Polyps

    I don't think so, they are not aiptasia, which is bad
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    Sun Coral

    hi all! I went yesterday to marine shop and I got sun coral, normally I do research before buying, but this time I just couldn't resist. Now I've read that it's very hard to keep and feed, what do you think? shall i have a go? or I could swap it for something!
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    What Are Those Shrimps In My Tank?

    :drool: I don't think their eyes are big, they move a lot, but always hide, bodies are long, curled tail, brown back, ...@) and far..
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    What Are Those Shrimps In My Tank?

    hi! I have few shrimps in my tank who came with live rock, they are getting bigger. there were about 6 of them, but now I have 2 left the biggest ones (they probaly killed the rest). They are about 1cm long, brownish back, used to be transparent. They hide in the rock I can't take the picture...
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    Will Swap Cerith Snails For Nassarius Vibex!

    THATS RIGHT! UK, BIRMINGHAM, but I will consider posting by post
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    Will Swap Cerith Snails For Nassarius Vibex!

    Hello! Can't find Nassarius Vibex snails anywhere, please email me if you have any, I will buy from you, or will swap my 5 cerith snails for 5 vibex! thanks
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    Small Nano, Big Question!

    hmm, i read somethere that it's better to keep the lights off in the new set up..But if you say so..I will put them on
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    Small Nano, Big Question!

    Hi! I didn't want to keep fish, I have 400l freshwater tank full of fish, I wanted something weird and unusual! shrimps, hermits, I really liked harlequin shrimp. Yes mandarins are not suitable, did some research on them, shame.. they are so cute! I put my living rock in! It's been there for 2...
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    Small Nano, Big Question!

    thank you!!!!! what about unusual fish like mandarins, jaw fish etc? something suitable for a small set up?
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    Small Nano, Big Question!

    Hi Guys! I kept freshwater fish for 10 years, decided to set up my first marine Nano. It's 30 litres (8US gallons, 7UK). I put live sand in yesterday with salt water. Tomorrow will buy some live rock. what are your suggestions for clean up crew? something friendly, colourful and small?
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    GEOSYSTEM fine black gravel! it's cheaper and looks fantastic
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    Geosystem River Black Fine Gravel

    After a long day of mess it's finally in the tank! it looks very nice and not expensive! I think i does alter kh, but I haven't checked and I don't mind as kh in my tap water is only 3kh, i recommend it to anyone, who wants a nice dark substrate!:)
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    Geosystem River Black Fine Gravel

    Hi! I just bought 4 bags of this for my planted tank, has anyone used it? what cons and pros? It's quite hard to find cheap black substrate, so I decided to have a go..
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    Red Anus? Swollen Belly? Worms?

    HI! I don't think it's dropsy, scales look normal , when they go to toilet, poo is thick, long and curly (brown/white mix), I gave all fish medicated food (praziquantel), they all seem have this kind of poo, they seem to be in pain when they do it
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    Red Anus? Swollen Belly? Worms?

    My female barbus had swollen anus (about 5mm) for about a week, and she looked like she was about to explode. She hid all the time, but came out to eat. Then one day, I noticed she suddenly shrunk, and she is ok now. My other fish has red vent now, what could it be? Worms?
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    Levamisole, Levacide Wanted! Help!

    Could somebody share this drug? My fish infested and I ordered Levacide online, but they refused to proccess order as it's illegal to use it on fish..if somebody can share I will pay, thanks
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    How Many Watts For My Tank Please?

    Thanks guys! It is Rena tank you right! I have t5 tubes with pink colour (for plants). I think my plants do not consume CO2 at this light level because my fish seem not happy and slow :) As soon as I stop CO2 they active and happy again. I had smaller tank before and everything was ok, but I...
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    How Many Watts For My Tank Please?

    Dave, when I calculated water volume I didn't count gravel, rocks volume, so 300 litres are just water without decor, so 200w then? thanks!
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    How Many Watts For My Tank Please?

    thank you for your reply! It is 75 cm deep! My Limnophilla is a bit leggy, that I think means it needs more light. I would like to carpet my tank with small plants like Glosso too...
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    How Many Watts For My Tank Please?

    Hello! I already have 3x54W T5 tubes (162W), but as my tank is very deep, I think it is not enough. How many watts would be ok? My tank is about 300 litres, thank you :rolleyes: p.s. I run CO2 pressurised system
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    Kh? Ph? Co2? Avoiding Ph Crash ..

    thank you for your reply! I guess I have bacteria bloom, one fish died from dropsy, i am treating tank with myxazine. Do I need to buffer KH anyway? It seems a bit low... My fish are Denison barbs, golden barbs, cories and danios.
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    Kh? Ph? Co2? Avoiding Ph Crash ..

    Hello everybody! I want start injecting CO2 in my 300l planted tank. The tank has been cycling for 3 months now with following readings: ammonia - 0 :) KH - 3 degrees (54ppm) Ph 7.2 ( i am suprises it's that high, I always thought it'l less that that) I use crashed corals in my external...
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    Co2 And Denisoni Barbs (oxygen Loving Fish)

    Thank you for your reply, it's very helpful , I will test my water!
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    Co2 And Denisoni Barbs (oxygen Loving Fish)

    Hello! I have 5 Denison Barbs in my planted tank (300l). I started to diffuse CO2 and noticed that my barbs started to lose scales on top of their heads. I stopped CO2 and they seem better. I have soft water and may be diffusing CO2 drops PH? I would like to have nice planted tank and also...
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    Reactors And Bubble Counters

    Hi! Buy the one which has bubble counter build-in, I got mine from Germany, it costly (40 pounds) but it does job great, it called MiniJet DM40, or Midijet for bigger tanks over 400l.
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    A Contact For People In Birmingham Area

    Hi! Thanks for info, do they recharge any bottles? Do they put liquid CO2 or gas?
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    Galaxy Rasbora

    Hi guys! Has anyone got this fish? Do they look that nice and bright in reallity as well as on pics? I would like to get some but I can't find them, do you know any shop that sells them in Midlands UK? thank you
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    New Luminaire

    I bought my luminaire from the same place and the light with it were too green (10000k), not blue, I have changed them, but make sure you can get replacement lights with right wattage for that type of luminaire
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    Tank Is Bubbling Like A Glass Of Shampagne!

    :hyper: good! I reduced CO2 and pearling stopped, so I increased it again, one more thing to get - fertilizer!
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    Tank Is Bubbling Like A Glass Of Shampagne!

    Bubbles are everythere! Shall I leave it as it is? Or I need to reduce my CO2 levels?
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    What Fertilizer And Where To Get It From?

    I am in UK, thanks for info, reading all links you gave me
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    What Fertilizer And Where To Get It From?

    Hi guys! What fertilizers are u using? I have CO2 and 3x 54W lights, and my tank is about 200l soft water and some red-leaved plants. Which fertilizer will be the best, and where to buy it from? I heard Tropica Mastergrow is a good one, what do you think?
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    Happy Xmas

    Happy Merry Christmas from Russia to everybody who's reading this!!!!!
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    Deltec Lights T5 Aquablue Plus + Flora Tubes

    thank you! just rang them and they have them in stock! thank you very much
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    Deltec Lights T5 Aquablue Plus + Flora Tubes

    hi! Iam trying to find 3 t5 tubes (deltec aquablue plus and flora ones) and shops are out of stock! do you know where I can get them from, none on ebay...shame..
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    Tropica Cheap

    THIS is a CO2 set up I use for my tank, got from EBAY, you can get it refilled, but not in the aquatic shop, which is expensive, my local gas company refills this for 4 pounds, so don't worry, and reactor is great, but you will need powerful filter for that
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    Choosing Co2 Bottle Size

    [thank you for your replies, refill for 2kg bottle costs 4 pounds at local gas company, the height of bottles is the same, just width is different.
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    Choosing Co2 Bottle Size

    Hello! I have fish tank which is about 200 litres (48in long) and I am using 500ml CO2 bottle for a month. I want to upgrade my CO2 system with a larger bottle, what size I should go for? I have a choice 2 kg and 3kg bottle and the price difference is 13 pounds. How long will they last for...