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  1. C

    Fish game 78

    Sting ray *guffaws* haven't a clue just a wild guess *titters* Sharon
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    We keep a marine tank too, but I have to say we only buy our corals from retailers like STM in Kent and Maidenhead Aquatics. STM frag their own corals and Maidenhead carried that certificate (can't remember the name of it :fun: ) that quarrentees their corals are not from the Ocean but come...
  3. C

    Strange Gourmai behaviour!!

    Hi and thanks for the replies. I cannot see any difference in the colour between the three of them. The bubble nest builder is at it all day but the nest never seems to get much bigger!! Is this because its by the filter intake and its slowly sucking the bubbles in :unsure: I'm afraid now...
  4. C

    Strange Gourmai behaviour!!

    Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out here. I have three 'sunset' dwarf gourmai in my community tank. On Sunday I noticed that one of them seems to be building a bubble nest in the corner near the filter intake :o I understand its the male that does this...but I have no idea of...
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    Zebra Danio Story

    We have 6 zebra danios, they were our first fish and the ones we used to help cycle the tank :*) They are gorgous fish, so playful, the faster your filter flow into the tank, the more they like it. Ours are always playing in the flow and the 6 harliquins we have shoal with them :wub: They are...
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    Are Glofish Inhumane

    I voted not inhumane, but having said that I'm not sure I would actually buy them as they may clash with the Cardinal Tetra :P Sharon
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    Please Help With Clown Fish

    We've got a terracotta half jug in our marine tank for our two clowns. They love it, they moved in the day after we put it in there and are always hovering in the 'doorway'. One day we would like an anenome but its probably years away at the moment, when we are a bit more confident about...
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    tidepool style

    As far as kids and auariums go, they are a nightmare. We have a huge marine setup with open top (as they are). We let our two yr old daughter feed the fish sometimes, by lifting her up, which is no problem. The problem is, when she sees Daddy doing maitenance to the tank stood on a chair, she...
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    How much did you spend on you marine setup?

    It doesn't bear thinking about...the must be near to over £2500 we have spent on our marine set up and its only been going about 7 months :o Also its also hearbreaking (not only about the money) when something dies. We have never lost a fish but have lost an Arrowhead crab due to a...
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    Fisshy Poop

    No test kit here either. Kev I just realised we highjacked your thread talking about hair algea!!! When the thread was fishy poop!!! I'm so sorry about that, in my excitement of finding someone close to where I live with the same problem as me I got a bit carried away :*) :*) :*)...
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    Fisshy Poop

    Lithril, yes Tropical Paradise is in the line of shops behind B&Q. Our marine st up is a 55gallon (Ithink). We will be upgrading it to twice as big sometime after christmas. It has only been running for about 5 months so it is still relatively new. We have two baby clowns (of course) :D one...
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    Fisshy Poop

    Hi As we are only going to be doing RO changes every other week and the next with tap water so, one RO water change a month for a while to see if has any effect, the PH change will only be very small and gradual (we hope) so that the fish will adapt slowly. You are right about the hardness of...
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    Fisshy Poop

    Hi Lithril To say I'm interested that you have a hair algea problem too is an understatement!! Why in this area are we all prone to it?? I haven't a clue. We have taken out so many plants because its impossible to clean them...I'm really fed up with it :( We noticed that when we had a red...
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    Fisshy Poop

    Hi again :D Its funny you should mention algea!!! We have had nightmares with hair algea just lately. We got rid of our large peice of bogwood cos it was such a pain to clean the algea off it. It didn't lower our ph either!! We've cut down or rooted up plants cos we can't get it off the...
  15. C

    Fisshy Poop

    Hi Kev We're just down the road from Eastleigh (nr Southampton). We find in our freshwater tank that we have a steady nitrate level of 12.5 here. Never above, never below. We are starting to do our water changes with RO water with minerals as from this weekend, which hopefully will...
  16. C

    good lfs arounbd southampton?

    Hi again. Yes you are right creature comforts in totton, thats the one. I thought their fish looked okay to me, even though some were a little overcrowded. But then I have a freshwater tank and Clint my hubby has the marine tank and is a bit more clued up on marine stuff than I am, sorry that...
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    good lfs arounbd southampton?

    Hi there...nice to see someone else from the Soton area :D We use Maidenhead Aquatics at Wyvale garden centre in Fair Oak. They have a huge selection of marine fish. Their live rock costs a fortune though...we went all to STM in Kent to get our rock. Also you may be interested to know there...
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    Alien Anna

    Its been a while since I have browsed this forum but....where has Alien Anna gone???? She used to post alot and I used to enjoy reading her posts. After a scan back over the previous pages, its been ages since she was last on here?? :blink: cjk
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    Your clueless times with fish

    Hi, I am the wife of CJK :D I brought my young son two goldfish, quite a few years ago now (he's 8 was only about 4 then). I put them into what must have been round about 7gallons of square tank. Brought them a bubble wall, weed, undergravel filter :lol: and cleaned them out twice a week...
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    Boxer peeing on parents BED!

    Hi, I too had a boxer for many years, until he died at the age of ten years old :( I too had the same problem with mine, peeing on beds!!! The amount of duvets I chucked away and high dry cleaning bills does not bear thinking about!! I never did find out why he did this but I can tell you...
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    "As long as it is for food and you are barbless fishing, yes I agree with it." Have to disagree there my friend, barbless hooks cause an applecoring afect in the inside of the fishes mouth due to re-penertration. Regards Clint
  22. C

    New Tank

    Argo sand (not live) the surlpier of my live rock gave me 2 kilos of live sand to kick things off, The lr is a mixer of Fijian and Carribean,(Grade a) We are in the UK, i have put 30 kilos of the live rock in, refugium? what the hell is that :sad: Regards Clint p.s Tank size 56 us Gallons
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    New Tank

    I have sand in yes, its not live sand, im adding 20kilo of live rock on friday. Thanks CJK
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    New Tank

    Hi ya all, i have had my water and pumps and lights running now for a week, im getting my live rock tomorrow, my question is.... is the only way to cycle a sw tank is to add fish? Thanks in advance CJK