Fisshy Poop


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2003
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I don't know if I have a problem but I think I could have if I don't act soon. My tank has been running since August. I have a Fluval 200 internal filter.

My problem is that I am getting an ever increasing amount for dirt and grim at th bottom of the tank. I had to move some plants the other day and after disturning the gravel i couldn't see the back of the tanks for about 2 hours (its only a foot front to back)

I have tried to cause a little agiation on the top of my gravel to cause the grim to be sucked into my filter but it has little effect. I do a 5-10% water change every fortnite and my water test readings are normal. All 0 except nitrate which remains around 30.

I use a gravel vacuum but this seems to suck the water out and gets the smaller "dusty" bits but not the larger strands which sit on my pebbles for a while. Any Ideas.

Do i need more water movement?
A better pump?
a better vacuum?

Any suggestions I'm on a tight budget so as cheap as possible (thats probably the problem with the gravel vacuum.

Kev :thumbs:
For a cheap, short term solution, just syphon the dirt off of the surface using a flexible plastic hose, without the vacuum attachment on it. Not having the vacuum increases the suction and allows you to get into harder to reach places. Just wave it over the surface of the gravel and syphon into a large bucket.

What size aquarium is this?

You may simply need a more powerful mechanical filter, something witha high flow rate like an Aquclear is both inexpensive and very effective. Depending on the size of the tank, a powehead may help to prolong the amount of time the debris is suspended in the water, increasing the chances of it being picked up by the filter.
If your nitrates are at 30, then you do have an excess of debre in there. IN my oppinion. I try to keep my nitrates below 20. When you do water changes, do you vaccuum it out or just remove water? I personally vaccuum for every water change, being careful to only do half the tank at a time, so as to not remove the beneficial bacteria. I personally would check into finding a better vaccuum. I dont know where you are located, but Walmart has decent vaccuums for a few dollars.
look in all your lfs's - i've seen vacuums for about £6 :shifty: (they were small, but you could still anage with one :thumbs: )
Nitrates of 30 are perfectly normal for freshwater fish in an unplanted tank, an nothing worth worrying about. In some places the water comes out of the tap with nitrates as high as that. IMO if your nitrates are less then 50 you are fine.
My Tank is planted (if only with 2 plants - Sorry don' know the species). I do vacuum every time - any advise on tactics

I can either just rest it on the top of the gravel and it sucks some up or dig it into the gravel which seems move affective but disturbs the muck and makes the tank cloudy.

My tank is about 20 US gallon and the filter is higher thank recommended.

Is thier any DISADVANTAGE (other than cost) in going over the top with a high flow rate filter?

Thanks so far
sandyd said:
If your nitrates are at 30, then you do have an excess of debre in there. IN my oppinion. I try to keep my nitrates below 20.
You would have a hard job keeping nitrates below 20ppm here sandy, the tapwater in London (UK) and the surounding areas often has a reading of over 60ppm as it comes from the tap!

You dont mention what size tank you have or which fish are in it or how many. It does sound like your gravel vac is a little underpowered, cichliaddicts suggestion of using just the hose to remove larger lumps will help. IMO 10% a fortnight is not enough water to be changing, i would suggest changing 10% a week or 20% a fortnight.
Number of fish in sig. (slightly over stocked I know) but no problems (other than this one) so far.

I will increase my water change (that will make the missus happy) My vacuum is always coming apart and pouring water on the floor!! :lol: Probably a good reson to get a better one -

Any suggestions of models or things i should look for. I live in Basingstoke in the UK - I have acces to plenty of Maidenhead Aquatics (Basingstoke, Thatcham Reading and Ascot) and a few Petsmarts (i wouldn't buy fish from them but other bits tend to be cheaper).
Sorry, did not know there was difference. I have well water, and all of my tanks stay below 20. Sandy
would this be a suitable alternative AQUA-FLOW 3. does anyone know anything about this filter?
I believe the Aqua-flow filter is pretty much like the Fluval that you already have. I was thinking more along the lines of an external hanging power filter. Do they sell Aquaclear there?
I personally do a 25-30% water change EVERY WEEK and I also vac the gravel at the same time. I get right into the bottom of the gravel when I vac. It's a little more work but my tank is crystal clear and sparkes it is so clean. I have never had any problems with disturbing the bateria even when I clean all the gravel at the same time. I usually only clean heavily 1/2 the gravel once a week. You really should change more water than 10% though if you want a good environment for your fish to live in. Can you imagine living in all that debris? Kind of like living in a really polluted area. I liken it to living in the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont to living in NYC or Detroit!! :dunno:
Take your pick. :smb:
Is this a serious suggestion?

If so can you be more specific. I have a plec which I was told would help clean but then I heard that they were really dirty. Is thier a clean cleaner that I could add to the tank that would help??
Hi Kev

We're just down the road from Eastleigh (nr Southampton). We find in our freshwater tank that we have a steady nitrate level of 12.5 here. Never above, never below. We are starting to do our water changes with RO water with minerals as from this weekend, which hopefully will balance our tank out a bit as we seem to be having alot of probs lately with hair/beard algea. We do 30% water changes every other week which seems to keep the nitrate level steady. Just out of curiosity...what is your ph level in Basingstoke? Here in Eastleigh we have 8-8.5.


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