
Do you approve of fishing as a sport?

  • Yes, I am a fisherman

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  • Yes

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  • No

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My husband LOVES to fish, but since I started this hobby he doesn't seem to do it as much. he has always released them back once he has caught them. I think now that I am such a fish geek, and have conveyed to him that it MUST HURT THEM to get caught by a hook, he feels a bit guilty. it also does.'t help much that I don't go with him anymore. I really don't mind him fishing................what I do mind is getting hit in the head 5 or 6 times with a lure!!!!! The last time we went I wore a bike helmet and winced everytime he went to cast. I think I have ruined it for him. he used to go alone and get so into it, it didn;t matter how excited he got and how he does now with me in the boat!!! hehehehehehehhehe
Deb[holding her head]
I've gone fishing everywhere and I love it. I don't think there is a thing wrong with it though. I have seen people be completely inhuman to fish, but the majority of fisherman wouldn't do anything that would increase a fish's suffering.
freshmike said:
As long as it is for food and you are barbless fishing, yes I agree with it.
"As long as it is for food and you are barbless fishing, yes I agree with it."

Have to disagree there my friend, barbless hooks cause an applecoring afect in the inside of the fishes mouth due to re-penertration.
Regards Clint
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Are you a fishy breeder geeza? said:
Hmmm.... I could go for some fish & chips right now...

shhhhh, I'm f&c!!! :(
What's so bad about F&Cs? :huh: :blink:
it's drove me to F&C's....I was on my way back from uni about 8pm and soooo hungry I was dizzy, so I just HAAAAAAD to stop in the F&C shop...I tried to look up how many sins it was, but lots count at about a million...!! ;) :lol:
Hubby laughs at me when we go fishing together (rarely) because I flat out refuse to bait the hook :lol: ewwwww
Then he reminds me I don't mind feeding my fish frozen bloodworms & brine shrimp...Hey what can I say about a mother's love! :p

There's nothing better than to be sittting on the end of the dock when your 3 yearold catches his first fish...great memories *sigh*
I never have been able to catch a fish, goodness knows, I've tried. But, I've found that often people feel sorry for such an inept fisherwoman and actually give me fish. :lol: :lol: They taste just as good as if I caught them myself. :lol:

But, what I lack in fishing skills, I make up for with my crab traps! :D Great eating!
I can add a very personal touch to your 3 year old on a dock. 5 years ago my dad and I took my two nieces (3 and 4) out fish at a friends private pond. The girls had so much fun and it was a great time for my dad and I also. Two weeks later my sister called me at 2 or 3 in the morning and told me my dad had just died of a heart attack. He was only 50 and that is too young to go but you know last memory of him is me and my nieces fishing with him. And the girls saying "Gandpa Gandpa I caught another fish !!" Now the next time a PETA freak comes near me...I just look at them and sigh. I wonder if their last moments with their families will be with nature or in the cement jungle we call the world?
P.S. On our last wildlife exam at college one of the questions was what does PETA stand for. Our instructor laughed and said that the answer of People Eating Tasty Animals was a legitmate answer. :lol:
Good to hear all the answers on this issue.

But it would seem that there are positives to fishing as a hobby as long as the fish are returned and the money made from permits etc. is spent on maintaining the natural environment.

I shall sleep better tonight :D
I wouldn't call it a sport, just a hobby.
Sondan that was a very touching memory. I'm very sorry that your family had to go through losing someone you loved. I am very glad that you & your neices were able to have that one last sweet memory to hold forever close to your hearts.
God Bless
My family loves to fish (me, my husband, and five kids)<4boys 1 girl
we go on camping trips to the local lake and i have to say it is some of the best time i can remember! The kids love it as much as i did when i was a child. i can remember going on the boat with my daddy and spending all day on the lake. although i didnt like having to eat sandwitches out of the cooler with worm on my hands :sick: i just hope my childern have the same great memories as i do when they grow up. It is hard to find things to do with your childern now days. being close to nature is always a great idea.

PS> we always throw the fishies back i never did have the heart to kill them :-(
My family used to go fishing fairly often when I was a kid, I didn't do much fishing though...I prefered to "hunt" in the rocks for crabs that we used as bait. Now I don't do any sort of fishing 'cause I won't eat what I catch because I have developed an allergy to sea food. I have nothing against fishing as long the fish is going to be consumed, it's when the fish is caught for fun then released again that bothers's cruelty if you ask me.
i support fishing, i don't eat fish mind you but there is alot of fish out there and we need some kind of balance in this world now i wouldn't if fish were coming instinked then you know on the other hand people like us who love fish and breed samon etc.. wouldn't let that happen, :D thats why there are some fish lakes out there where no fishing is aloud!!!
Oh man, heck ya I fish!!! smb stands for Smallmouth Bass, a fish I go after all the time.

I have fished since I was 5 or so. I fish about 125-175 days a year. I keep most of what I catch unless they are really big. (nothing wrong with keeping big fish as their genes are already passed on, just personal preference so another angler can have fun reeling it in). Living on the best fishery in the World, Lake Erie, makes it nice too. :thumbs:

My nickname since I was 7 is Fish because that's all I ever do or think about. Only my Mom and g-ma or whatever girlfriend I've had calls me by my given name. I watch fishing videos I have or the Outdoor Channel, or the Outdoor Living Channel or read a ton of magazines and online about fishing. I'm also a Lifetime Member of the NAFC which I am very proud of, especially for it's contributions to the waters and Wildlife of the US.

I overdo it tho and it's an addiction. my fav place in the World is Bass Pro Shops. Women think they can shop a long time? In that store I'd embarass them. :nod: 8)

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