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  1. D

    *dream* Aquarium

    Well I am closing on my house next week and we will see If I ever get enough money and talk the Mrs. into it but my dream tank would be to take over the middle bedroom and turn it into a tank room. The tank itself would the length of the wall which is 11 feet in length, the tank would be 4 feet...
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    I think this combo would be fine in a 100 gal. I would strongly recomend you adding this Anthias early on because in my experience they take a bit to get acclimated and can be finiky eaters. As anthias are schooling fish and I you have a good size tank I would bump your number of swallow-tails...
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    Clams At The Local Food Store

    I have had alot of sucess with chopped shrimp, sea scallops and calamari (all of which you can purchase at a fish market) this way the fish have a little varitey to there diet. I usally get a couple of each chop it together and freeze what I don't use. There is several type of fish roe you can...
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    Puffers With Ich

    Sorry to hear about your situation and I wish I could of offered some help on the subject. Unfortunately I had to deal with ich when I was new to saltwater fish. The most common treatment for ich is using copper base medication Ich be gone and such. The problem with this is copper = poision for...
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    Chef Dugan says warm your skillet over an open flame add white wine shallots, parsley stems then drop the clam and add a touch of pepper. Cover the pan and steam for five minutes. Remove the clam after it is open add butter and chopped parsley to finish the sauce then pour the sauce over the...
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    Is My Frozen Food Gone Bad?

    IMO It really depends on how long the food was left out. For the most part frozen fish food acts just like normal seafood. Every time food is frozen its nutritional value and its flavor dimenises. For instance the note the difference from frozen salmon to fresh salmon. In culinary school we are...
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    Diary Of A Sex Change!

    So I was visting Trinidad Colorado and I decided to take the plunge. :D Sorry bad joke... Funny if you happened to know the worthless fact that Trinidad is the sex change capitol of the world but I digress... As some of you know I recently bought four female Lyrtail Anthias and like all...
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    Well all I just wanted to share some good news with you all. My three lovely ladies finely started to take some food in front of me. :D I ran a grilled swordfish with a honey orange teriaki sauteed baby bok choy and coconut basmatti rice. Any way while cleaning the fish I had the skin, blubber...
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    What Sould Be The First Fish :)

    IMO Trggerfish have been given a bad name, some of them are very docile creatures and fairly peaceful. All fish or different and espically different fish in the same family. For instance in my experience Clown Triggers one of the most aggresive fish I have ever come across. I have been...
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    What Sould Be The First Fish :)

    I started my tank off with a small school of blue green chromis. They are hardy like damsels but not nearly as agressive and IMO they make a great addition to the tank even after it has matured. I highly recomend having a blue throat as a pet but I would wait a bit to throw him in. Blue throats...
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    I appreciate the help this one definately has me scratching my head. Do you think they are passive because the school is small? Or perhaps because they don't have a male to lead them?
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    The tank is a 92 us gal bow front with 75 lbs of live rock, About six caves perfect for hiding. My water paremeters are right on the money with my SG 1.025 Ph 8.2 Alk 2.2 Ammonia nill and both Nitrate and Nitrate are close around 1. I preform a 5% water change once a week and every other week...
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    Clownfish Not Eating

    Are there any wounds (fins ripped) on the smaller clown? And did you buy them together or seperate. I personally have never had any problems with getting clowns to eat. Mine have been more like mini hoovers then fish. In my expererience though clowns are very hardy and if he is not being picked...
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    Thanks all for all of your help. It has been two weeks since I introduced them. The numbers have been reduced to three :( . One commited suicide by ramming the glass several times and my girlfirend had no clue what to due. The other just didn't acclimate. So to date I haven't seen any of my fish...
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    Best Cleanup Crew For Red Slime Alage

    First off I would like to apologize I know there was a recent topic about red slime alage but I can't find it. :blush: Any way I I am in the process of rebuilding a 72 gallon reef and I am working on my cleanup crew. Right now I have 3 scarlets, 3 red legs, 2 blue leg hermits For Snails I have...
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    Snowflake Moray Eels...

    I would cut out a hole in your plastic for your return pipe so there is no room what so ever. And when my eel was 10 inches he would feed from my hand 3 1/2 inches out of the water once he was trained. I used black pantyhos to close off every area of the tank.
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    Snowflake Moray Eels...

    I had the pleasure of having a snowflake in my reef tank for 2 years. Yes he was in a reef and he was a perfect gentlemen. You have to remeber eels are pretty much blind so thus I never feed him live food because I diodn't want him getting acustumed to going after other living things in the...
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    Thanks for the tip :D , I am a chef and I have some Salmon roe at the restaraunt I will try that tommorow.
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    Lyretail Anthias?

    Hey all have taken part in this forum in the past under a defferent name but I forgot the password and and the screen name. Any way I recently bought four lyretail anthias from a local fish store. Luckily for me he IDed them as some type of basslett and sold them to me at $6.50 a pop, four...
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    Good Lfs In Fort Worth, Texas

    Hey all I am new to Texas and I am looking forward to a good lfs. I have visited Mr. Kim at Fish paradise and he seems to be pretty good but I would like to look around. thanks alot Dugan