What Sould Be The First Fish :)


Fish Crazy
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Bolton, machester , england
ok in the up and comming weeks it will be time for me to start adding fish, but what i want to know is what fish should be the first ones in. the tank is 150 gal 5,2,2 foot tank, so plenty of room. now the normal route would be to add some damsels , but apart from beeing angry little sodds, they look like they are a pain in the ass to get out of the tank when you want to take them back :(. Now i know clown fish are sort of from the same genus as damsels making them hardy(maybe not as hardy as damsels but the next best thing). i was hoping this would work as i would like two clowns anyway. only down side i can see is that these fish will think that the the tank is there's and when a new fish comes along they may defend there tank from him :( . i have also been told that a blue throat trigger will be ok in a fresh tank as well, seeing as this is a 50 squid fish i would like to hear what you guy think first :D .
I started my tank off with a small school of blue green chromis. They are hardy like damsels but not nearly as agressive and IMO they make a great addition to the tank even after it has matured. I highly recomend having a blue throat as a pet but I would wait a bit to throw him in. Blue throats unlike most triggers are not as aggresive so it shouldn't be a problem with him establishing the entire tank as a territory but all fish a different and he could make it tough for any new comers to the tank. So I would definately hold off on the trigg for a little while. And with that large of a tank you could get a way keeping a Male and female Blue throat and probably even a Niger Trigger. I have kept a Niger and Male Bluethroat together in a 92 gallon reef and they were both ideal residents. What is your stocking list for the tank?
i would like to have a lipstick tang in there ( know that the tank is on the small side but if he gets to big i will just have to give him back :-( ) sailfin tang , and pos a powder blue tang, the above trigger as they are the happy ones :) , and a masked yellow butterfly. and the two clown s :). may drop the numbers a bit but we will have to see, but there will be no more than that in there. the tank is also going to be very open, so lots of swimming space for the tangs. try to make them as happy as pos. aslo going to try to get them young so i have the most amount of time with them. :drool:
If you want clowns at any point, I'd put them in now. They're very hardy and very tolerant of other fish. Great first fish to put in your tank... However if you really want that triggerfish, dont put clowns in the tank. They'll just end up trigger food eventually :blink:
If you want clowns at any point, I'd put them in now. They're very hardy and very tolerant of other fish. Great first fish to put in your tank... However if you really want that triggerfish, dont put clowns in the tank. They'll just end up trigger food eventually :blink:

IMO Trggerfish have been given a bad name, some of them are very docile creatures and fairly peaceful. All fish or different and espically different fish in the same family. For instance in my experience Clown Triggers one of the most aggresive fish I have ever come across. I have been unfortunate and witnessed a Moron throw a 12 baracuda in with a clown trigger and the trigger tore the cuda up. But on the other hand there are several species of Triggers that are passive and affraid of there own shadows if you will. The blue throat wich you mentioned is one of these species. I had mine for 3 years with a niger trigger, pair of ocellaris clowns Blue green reef chromis and a Regal Angelfish. Another docile species of Angels. Sorry by no mean did I want to hijack your thread I just wanted to share my opinions about these gourgous often misunderstood fish.
IMO Trggerfish have been given a bad name, some of them are very docile creatures and fairly peaceful. All fish or different and espically different fish in the same family. For instance in my experience Clown Triggers one of the most aggresive fish I have ever come across. I have been unfortunate and witnessed a Moron throw a 12 baracuda in with a clown trigger and the trigger tore the cuda up. But on the other hand there are several species of Triggers that are passive and affraid of there own shadows if you will. The blue throat wich you mentioned is one of these species. I had mine for 3 years with a niger trigger, pair of ocellaris clowns Blue green reef chromis and a Regal Angelfish. Another docile species of Angels. Sorry by no mean did I want to hijack your thread I just wanted to share my opinions about these gourgous often misunderstood fish.

could not put it better myself, the blue throat and niger trigger, have to be some of the best fun fish around. i was more worred about the clowns picking on him (same with the tangs) than the other way around :nod: . i do think that he will be the third fish in the tank, then after that the sailfin, then the yellow buterfly and working on to the lipstick and last will have to be the powder blue as i have heard that they can be a bit bossy :crazy:

many thanks to all once again :) :good:
Triggers vary form fish to fish they have vary different personalitys withing the spieces and it really depends ond the fish. They are vary hardy and beautifuf to look at. My vote it a Huma Huma Trigger. They are pretty inteligent when it come to fish and beautiful aswell.
you a correct about the looks of the fish but the picasso is far too pissed off for my liking. i think i will stay with the blue throats and the pink tail. they are nice and happy triggers :) , well as nice and happy as you can get :)

many thanks rob :good:

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