Is My Frozen Food Gone Bad?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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hey...i had a 2 inc by 2 inc piece of frozen food left form a big sheet i had...the other night i cracked off a bit to feed my fish, but i forgot to put the rest of it back i my freezer and it comptly melted :blush: ...i put it back in the frezzer when i noticed what i had done..but i'am wondering if i feed this to my fish will it harm/ kill them were it was out for so long??

Froozen krill is the main course for my fish and they are vary healthy. so I would say its good for them.
It depends how long it was defrosting, I have used food that I defrosted, I added vitamins to it and put it back to refreeze and it worked well. Keep in mind my food was still cold and was only out as long as it took to defrost. I am not sure if it would still be good after a few hours then refreezing, but I am sure someone who knows more then I on the subject will let you know.
Good luck
I would only throw it away if it had been unthawed over night. I've had frozen food left out for 4 hours before..and just threw it back in the fridge. Some have the luxuriy to just throw it away and grab a new one, but I have to save every last bit. Personally, I don't see why 4 hours would make a huge difference in the quality anyways.
IMO It really depends on how long the food was left out. For the most part frozen fish food acts just like normal seafood. Every time food is frozen its nutritional value and its flavor dimenises. For instance the note the difference from frozen salmon to fresh salmon. In culinary school we are given a two salmon filets from the same fish farm the only difference is one is frozen and one is fresh the difference is remarkable. Now if the food hadn't beend left out for to long it is probably eddible but if I was I fish I wouldn't want to eat. I wouldn't want to take the chance so I would pitch it and get some new food.

Chef Dugan
I'd chuck it out.

I tossed some BS, daphnia and bloodworm this past week. We had a power outage that lasted more than 3 days and although I did run the refridgerator on and off with a generator, the frozen BS had obviously thawed and refrozen. The daphnia and bloodworm was in those little blister packs and so I had no way of knowing but I assumed that they had done the same. While none of it really got "warm" I decided it just wasn't worth the risk to chance it. Food is cheap compared to fish. I'd rather be overcautious .

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