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  1. R

    Algae Resistant Plants?

    thank you for your input, the duckweed and water lettuce are readily available at my LFS, ill have to pick up some when i go tomorow...are there any other plants that you would recommend that could possibly live in the low light levels underneath the floating plants? or plants that grow too fast...
  2. R

    Algae Resistant Plants?

    i just had to throw out all my plants in my 45 gal tank cuz they had HUGE amounts of algae on rocks have quite a bit on there too would there be a certain species of plant that could go in there that would block out the light from the rocks and not grow algae on its my 15...
  3. R

    Syno Breeders.....

    im not too sure how to add the pics but i ahve some of the biggest one that is about 5inches....they are currently in my 45 gal 36x18x16 community tank with all the fish that are in the sig, its kind of over stocked but i do a 15 percent water change every 2 days and make sure all the fish are...
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    Syno Breeders.....

    i have what looks to be 6 healthy Featherfin synos in my 45 gal...they were sold to me from wal mart and were said to me Upside down cats but as they grew older they lost their juvinielle markings that look simalir to the UD cats....they seem to be doing fine in the tank, not bothering any other...
  5. R

    Good Tankmates For American Toads?

    are their any suggestions with what may go great in a 4ft tank with three american toads...i was thinking a couple of commin geckos and maybe some newts, the guy at the LFS said that u shouldnt mix the toads with gecko's because "u never know what may happen." Personally i think its ok because...
  6. R

    Cloudy Water...can U Tell Me Whats Wrong?

    ammonia is always low, as per the fruequent water changes...i dont have any nitrate or nitrite test kits tho...after watching the tank today i think its from the Dojo's constant movement disturbing the debris from the bottom, and it could also be because they are all messy eaters...maybe i will...
  7. R

    Cloudy Water...can U Tell Me Whats Wrong?

    i have my 45 gal, 36"x18x16 and the water is pretty has about 10 live plants, 2 inches of silica sand. The stocking list is in my sig. its been running for a total of 3 months now...and ive tried that treatment that gets rid of cloudy water but it hasnt seemed to have worked...does...
  8. R

    Common Plec And Wintering In Pond

    ahh ic thanks for the info, i'll just hand him to the LFS when he gets too big, they have a few large tanks in need of a big janitor
  9. R

    Common Plec And Wintering In Pond

    my plec is going to get too big for my 40 gal within a year or so...its about 5 inches now...i have a outdoor pond with various goldies...would it be able to winter in a outdoor pond?
  10. R

    Lighting...does It Matter Which Kind

    Hygrophila polysperma, Hygrophila corymbosa, Ludwigia repens, Wisteria im getting a 15 Gal long 24x12x12 i think that will be strictly used for plants i also have those plants i listed in my 10 gal, 20 gal, and 45 gals 10 gal 20x10x12 20 gal 24x? 45 gal 36x18x16
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    Lighting...does It Matter Which Kind

    does it matter which kind of lighting...or is there a best option whether it be flourescent or incondescant...could i just pick up a flourescent fixture up at a local hardware store for my planted tanks? any input would be helpfull
  12. R

    Tetras That Breed Readily

    sweet thanks for all the advice, i'll post if i have any luck and any more questions.
  13. R

    Tetras That Breed Readily

    sounds good, i'll have to pick one up when i get my Danios next week some time, how often would i have to change the water on that...i already do weekly 20-25% water changes on all my tanks
  14. R

    Tetras That Breed Readily

    yeah my 10 gal is a few years old so its quite mature....a sponge filter geussing because the power filters would suck them up?
  15. R

    Tetras That Breed Readily

    i was told that kirbs wouldnt work because i have too many bottom feeders, i was actually planning on getting a school of Giant Danios, so maybe i can work with them...i already have a rearing tank set up (i can move the betta elsewhere) just in case if my corys take a whack at it... and there...
  16. R

    Tetras That Breed Readily

    hello, im looking to get a school of tetras that will more than likely breed in my 45 gal community. any suggestions will be appreciated
  17. R

    Sand Is Littered With Excrement

    im dealing with my first sand based aquarium, and it seems that everyday the cories and the plec lay down some business, are their any snails or invertabrates that will clean it up. I have been vacumming it, but everyday they leave more and any suggestions?
  18. R

    Baby Whale Question.

    yeah but the website said they have a electrical discharge, ive been wondering if that would hurt or stun any oif the fish in the community
  19. R

    Baby Whale Question.

    heres a profile from badman's site Baby Whale
  20. R

    Baby Whale Question.

    Would a single baby whale be good for a 45 gal community? i heard they have a electrical charge, would that damage other fish?
  21. R

    Sand Shifting Freshwater Comunity Fish?

    there are pure freshwater gobies around here. They are called Round Gobies, and are a invador species, they move sand and gravel aorund like its nobodies business..haha..mine died when i moved tho:(
  22. R

    Been Preggers For A Long Time

    thanks yeah i could do that, would he be a bother to my schools of tetras?....and to reply to the first response, the other two arent "sickly" skinny i just meant skinner than the fat one, their normal size for platy...thanks
  23. R

    Been Preggers For A Long Time

    i have 3 female platies in with a long male and the one female has been fat for quite some time now. all three females are pretty scared of the male with the two skinnier ones forever hiding. The male is very nippy, he goes after all three of them, he doesnt bother the white skirt cuz the...
  24. R

    Sand=cloudy Water/cycling With Fish

    makes sense, would setting up one of my filters from another tank speed up the process of getting the bacteria. Yes i have read the fishless cycling, but im leaning towards the other article of cycling with fish. just a couple at first then every week or so adding a few more until its fully...
  25. R

    Sand=cloudy Water/cycling With Fish

    hello, i just started up my 45 gal which is 36x18x16. It has about 2-3cm of silica sand on the bottom with a bunch of caves and some starter live plants...i started it up about 3 days ago and the water is still somewhat cloudy, its running with a AC long do u think untill its perfectly...
  26. R

    Tankmates For Dps

    i had a group of three DP's with a growing common plec and they didnt care for it, so yeah it definatly could work.
  27. R

    What Kind Of Cories...

    the smaller the cory the better so that u can have a bigger shoal...some pygmys or pandas, three is ok but they are happier with a bigger shoal
  28. R

    Any Common Cories For A 10g

    well the easier ones to get generally all max out at 3 might be too much of a load on the aquarium, but might be ok of u do weekly water changes...i dont know where ur from but the common ones around here are peppered, bronze and albino which get to be 3"
  29. R

    Any Common Cories For A 10g

    i'd say a group of 6 panda cories wouldnt hurt, i believe their max length is 2 inches.
  30. R

    Pygmy Coreys And Neon Tetras

    you were looking at albino peppered corydorasa group of five of those might be too much for the 10 gal
  31. R

    Tank Size For Senegal Bichir?

    yepp i planned on getting 5 or more...i wouldnt keep a schooling fish on their lonesome my white skirt chose to be alone by chasing all of his own species 2 years back...haha . Plus i Plan on setting up another tank soon anyways so their can be sepoaration if problems ensue, thank you all for...
  32. R

    Tank Size For Senegal Bichir?

    thanks everybody, that guy had me worried cuz i was pumped to get one yesterday until he told me otherwise. I was thinking on getting some upside-down cats for the tank too..they only get four the senegals ever attack anything larger than 3 inches?
  33. R

    Tank Size For Senegal Bichir?

    it says 10 inches is average in fish index, but the guy at my LFS said he's seen one that was 3 feet long. From what ive read they dont get much past 12 inches so he was prolly wrong right? I have a empty 45 gallon and was hoping to have a community with one in it. the tank is 36'x18'x15.5'...
  34. R

    Keeping A Pufferfish Entertained

    try adding a airstone, that may interest it for a bit, mine like the new plant i got for them...its really bushy, looks alot like a coniferous tree, they go into it, and every time im looking for them they seem to poke out of it...good luck
  35. R

    Common Plec And Dwarf Puffers

    i like to get different opinions on it before i actually do it. thanks tho
  36. R

    Common Plec And Dwarf Puffers

    i cheaped out and just put my pleco in there, the puffers arent aggressive at all, they dont chase eachother or bother with the plec, and i know they are over a year old....
  37. R

    Common Plec And Dwarf Puffers

    thanks guys ill go look at some Oto's today, will they clean up any leftover food from the messy puffers?
  38. R

    Common Plec And Dwarf Puffers

    i recently bought a 20 gal tank that came with 3 DP's, would it be possible to put my growing Common Pleco(2.5in) in with them for the time being or will they attack it>? the plec is ina 10 gal right now but is producing too much waste in there, it'll go in my 45 gal when its bigger.
  39. R

    Common Plec And Puffers?

    i just purchased a 20gal tank that comes with 3 dwarf puffers. I've read that these little buggers shred alot of fish but if i put my growing common plec (2.5in) in there for now will it be ok?
  40. R

    Good Tankmates For Betta

    alrighty will do thanks guys