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    Woke this morning to find the one without the stress marks dead in the same manner as the last with no visible signs of illness. The other is still hiding and showing stress marks.
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    I cant honestly say about the chemicals i can only really think of my girlfriends purfume, but i honestly doubt that because she does that on the other side of the room but its a possibility. I shall wait and see what happens im hoping that they are still settling in.
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    Stocking so far - Around 11 guppy fry - about 2/3 months old. 2 Keyholes 6 Flame Tetras. Parameters. Ammonia - 0 NitrIte - 0 Nitrate - 20 Ph - 7.6 I have the standard jewel filter running and another internal from a fry tank - ( fully cycled ) with an airline connected to outlet and packed...
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    Hey ya, Still having problems with the keyholes, ive added more plants and introduced the last of the flame tetras and moved some guppy fry into the main tank ( the ones that were being culled and some that i wished to have in the community. But this afternoon at feeding i noticed a dead...
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    Blimey jules-h-t that was good but yeah your right, im assuming that you have studied chemistry at a good level or have just spent many hours reasearching them. I was using buffers as part of my a-level chemistry and physics courseworks.
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    i dont normally use buffers in any of my tanks, but i was using the 35l as a trial to see if i could keep the waters ph steady and stable through the use of buffers, but after this problem i wont be using them again.
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    hey ya, A Buffer ive used on my 35l tank has left a white layer on the glass and the water surface. If i wipe this away with a sponge or scourer will it affect my water ? And how do i remove the layer from the water surface ? Thanks in advance Dan
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    Thanks Gage, the danio seems much more interested in the tetras. Should i take one of the keyholes back or can i leave all three there and just build up the tank with the final school of tetras and some more flame tetras and some more plants. Dan
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    New Tank - I Need A Use

    Thats acctually another good idea, but isnt 3.5 gallons a bit on the small side for guppies ?? But i will look into it all and let ya all know what i decide. Oh decisions decisions lol Dan
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    Hey ya gang. Yesterday i went out and brought me some new fish seeing as i had a cycled 70ltr that had one surviving leopard danio. So i decided that i would have some keyholes and four flame tetras after reading on here that tetras make them less shy. While i was in the LFS the dude said...
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    New Tank - I Need A Use

    ive never really had any luck keeping bettas, thats where my QT came from. Shrimp sound fun - will have to look into those.
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    New Tank - I Need A Use

    Nah no filter or heater but i have all that left over from somewhere - just dont ask me where . If it helps bucksgill its made by clearseal if that will help you locate one from somewhere.
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    New Tank - I Need A Use

    Hey guys. Just come back and came home via the aquatics shop as you do. while i was there i noticed a small tank behind the counter thay they were selling. So i enquired and we settled that if i took it off their hands i could have it for a fiver, not to bad. Just got home and measured it to...
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    Chirstmas Tank Failure

    Thanks guys, ive gone and done it properly now with aquatic sand from maidenhead this afternoon so its now clearing ready to begin cycling. Thanks again for all your help it was great but i didnt fancy running a risk 2nd time round.
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    Chirstmas Tank Failure

    Hey ya. Ive just come back after christmas and found one of my tanks dead. So ive gutted it ( jewel rekord 70 ) out, and just finished cleaning it. But now i thought it would be a good excuse to redecorated the tank and stock it with something different. Ive decided that i want to go back to...
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    My First Betta

    Nope no name yet. Looking at doing some aquascaping at the weekend.
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    My First Betta

    He seemed to take to the frozen daphina today so things are looking up. But now i think im getting a case of mulitple tank syndrome.
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    My First Betta

    Thanks guys, i will send my brother to the LFS to get some betta pellets mainly becasue i forgot yesterday. He looks to be happy fella as he built a small bubble nest last night. Dan
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    My First Betta

    Well people, slightly delayed in getting him but i have done. His in a 5gal tank that looks very bare atm, need to get to pets at home to get some tropica plants. I will shut up now and let the pics do the rest. Sorry for the sideways image and the poor quality they were taken on my phone...
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    Starting A Betta Tank

    Ok thanks every one looks like im off to get my betta after school today and some plants, im hopimg they have a nice crown tail if not i will get a VT . Dan.
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    Starting A Betta Tank

    Ok thanks for the speedy replies people. Im hoping that if i plant the tank it will stop any problems.
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    Starting A Betta Tank

    Hello all, I'm thinking of taking my 6 gallon tank that used to house guppy fry and keeping a Betta in there. However after putting a substrate in and filling the tank with water again i think i have come across a problem. The tank in question has a mirrored background, but IIRC i read somewhere...
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    Really Need This Answering Quickly...

    Get over to a homebase mate its the same stuff and 1/4th of the price, ive used it in my tanks before hand and it worked perfect. Just make sure you really do wash it well.
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    Really Need This Answering Quickly...

    How bigs ya tank mate? I always thought that 1 litre was 1kg, if ya in the uk go to homebase or argos and get a 25kg bag of silver/playsand for just under a fiver mate. HTH Dan.
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    Stocking A 70l

    Ok cheerz guys, will look in to above mentioned and decide once i feel that i have the correct amount of research under my belt. Dan.
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    Stocking A 70l

    Hi all, im looking at rehoming the current occupents of my 70L and starting a new world styled tank. My Questions: Is it possible to even do this? Can a peaceful community be created? Is there any fish that can live in the lower quarter of the tank? The tank is a Jewel Rekord 70, i have seen...
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    Treating With Melafix

    Ok Tokis i will try that and try wrapping the actual pump in bubble wrap to insulate the noise some more.
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    Treating With Melafix

    Hi people, i've just started to treat my tank for torn fins on my angels and a scape one of my blue rams received from a scape against a rock, leaving its flesh open. So i dug out an old air pump and put it in with the dosing of melafix, but my question is do i have to leave the air pump running...
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    Rc Cars

    Oh not what i expected to find on a fish forum i came to fish to escape the cost of my cars but now its costing me double. between three people in my hose we have, HPI Rush Evo x2 Cen racing GX2 x2 AE RC18T x2 - the 1/18th trucks HPI Sprint Gti x1 Yokomo Touring car x1 Mardave x1 1/12 pan car...
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    47 Fish Dies For No Reason!

    Might sound stupid but did you have a power outage recently, because if you did you could have lost the majority of the colinized (sp) bacteria in you filter? Also have you got any rusty metal in the hood anywhere? Although these sound stupid they could be the cause although your best of...
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    1.5l Pico Diary.....1st Pics

    Im going to have to watch this as this looks truly amazing. How much has this set up cost you so far mate? Dan
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    Possible Nano Owner

    Hi rhysiboy, How many gallons (imp) is the aqua one 500? I've just found this on ebay and know that one of my LFS's has them instock: - could this possibly be a better tank for a similar price, my only concern with this tank is that...
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    Possible Nano Owner

    Hi guys and girls, I need your help although it’s not to urgent it’s just a thought I had. Looking around some LFS's today and it suddenly hit me that I could start a small nano reef. So likes you do I looked at the small tanks and came across this tank...
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    A Warning To All Fishkeepers!

    Sorry for you loss mate. Looks to me like im not going to be able to do half the stuff i do no in my room then. I cant help being a tenager. Dan.
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    I had a look at this today whilst i was there and was suprised of the size of, was expecting it to be tiny. May have to buy one when it comes to my brother (jonh) buying his fish, hes new and totally useless at it atm. Sorry was still logged in as my brother when i started this thread. Dan
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    Dwarfs And My Livebearers

    Hi Neale, Glad you got here today because i was aiming on going and getting one tomorrow morning. Thanks for the heads up, although i will still go to the LFS to have a noisey. Dan
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    Dwarfs And My Livebearers

    Hi Neale, Dont mean to sound y or sarcastic with this question but if this is the case with all the fish needing different water qualities, how comes my LFS keeps the majority of fish in tanks that all have the same water supply and filter without any problems. The only time the use water...
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    Dwarfs And My Livebearers

    Thank you donna you've been a great help as always. Dan
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    Dwarfs And My Livebearers

    Thanks Donna, looks to me that i need to get the QT tank filled up and get some more plants and rocks before i get to the lfs with my jar filled of money labelled 'Fish money'. Will dwarfs accept frozen daphnia and flakes eaisly? Thanks
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    Dwarfs And My Livebearers

    Hello all, Sorry to be a pain, can i keep dwarf gourami's in a 18 gallon (uk) with the following: 1 dalmation mollie 1 black mollie 5 guppies 2 panda corys. The tank is soon to have its final few plants added making it heavily planted, and hopefully a cave will go in soon, therefore giving...