My First Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Orpington, Kent , UK
Well people, slightly delayed in getting him but i have done. His in a 5gal tank that looks very bare atm, need to get to pets at home to get some tropica plants. I will shut up now and let the pics do the rest.




Sorry for the sideways image and the poor quality they were taken on my phone.

One last question, he just seems to turn his nose up at flakes i know this is normal but will he be ok until saturday on frozen food since he wont even take dried bloodworm or brine shrimp?

Congrats On Your First Betta, Hes Great, Amazing Colours! And Ye He Should Be Ok On Them Foods!
He may not be eating because he's still settling into his new home, give him a few days to settle in then try feeding him again :good:
Aww, he is nice, I like his colourings. Congratulations on your first betta!
He's beautiful, great colours!
A couple of my Bettas didn't feed for about three days when I first brought them, some do take a while to settle.
He's really pretty, congratz!
My betta didn't eat for a week when he came with me, but now he eats like a pig, my other betta though had no problem. It's common for them to take some time to settle in.
One of my girls didn't eat for a whole week as well. Just be sure to remove any of the uneatten food and he'll be fine. I usually try to feed my fish at the same time everyday so they expect me coming...

Good Luck! :good: And he's really cute btw! :wub:
Thanks guys, i will send my brother to the LFS to get some betta pellets mainly becasue i forgot yesterday. He looks to be happy fella as he built a small bubble nest last night.

He seemed to take to the frozen daphina today so things are looking up. But now i think im getting a case of mulitple tank syndrome.

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