47 Fish Dies For No Reason!


New Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Some Guppies, 2 flying foxes and the rest angelfish, no sign of desise, they just float around and soon turn upside down. Any ideas? If you need more info to help me, tell me. I need help! No more fish in Tank! All in Medicine tank.
What sized tank, what other tank mates? Anything new added recently? What are the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate readings?

47 fish dont generally die for no reason - so with more info someone might be able to help and prevent any more dying.

Sounds more like poisoning than illness if it were sudden, maybe poor water quality or a change in the water coming into your house, or has anything been sprayed in the area or dropped in the tank?

You say their tank was medicated - what medecine have you been using, and what dose?
tank size: 90
tank mates: Angelfish, Guppy, Flying fox
REadings:ammonia0/nitrite0/nitrate 8
Might sound stupid but did you have a power outage recently, because if you did you could have lost the majority of the colinized (sp) bacteria in you filter?
Also have you got any rusty metal in the hood anywhere?

Although these sound stupid they could be the cause although your best of sticking to the others.

There is a reason for 47 fish to die!!!!!!!!

Just something ur note sure of....... Overdosing with treatments are common.
Or have someone done any cleaning around the aquarium?
Do u have any filters?
How many angels did u have and what size was they?
How long have u had the aquarium running?
Have u introduced any new fish in the last 10 day?
If so did u introduce them striate to your main tank?
when multiple deaths like this happen its usually caused by introducing a diseased fish to the tank with no obvious external signs of anything wrong but internal parasites, bacteria, are ravaging it. then quickly over 3-4 days the whole tanks occupants can be lost
Was this tank a newly set up one? Did the first all die at once or over a longer period of time? If it was a newly set up tank and you added all the fish at once, New Tank Syndrome is most likely the reason for their deaths;


The more info you can give us about your situation the better we can help you out :nod: .

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