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  1. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    thanks for the replys.the only fish i have left is kuli loach upside down cat fish 2 swordtails...
  2. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    i have just found two silver tip tetras dead in my tank and 1 of them looked like it had a white fluffy ball on it can any one got any ideas please. -_- :no:
  3. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    i use the same buckets as i always do,i never use them for nothing but my water changes and yes i do use a declorinator.i do have an airpump for my tank,with my air stone.they size of my tank is 22 us litres .i can understand all the question every bit of info is useful. :good: thankyou
  4. t..j


    hi lisa and welcome :hi:
  5. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    my ph is 6.5
  6. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    my water status are as follows ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 my tank size is 2ft and my filter is below the water and i do weekly water changes.i have lost another fish since my last post .i need help...
  7. t..j

    My Fish Are Dying Slowly

    ive got a 2ft tank of which ive up and running for about 6 months now ,every thing was fine until i done a partial water change last filter broke so i went to my local fish store and got a new one they told me to take the media out of my old filter an d wash the new one together and...
  8. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    i have told her to get a bigger tank and she is going to get one very soon.i am unsure which ones they are but to me they look as if if they were to go in a bigger tank they would grow quite large.thanks for your advice i will pass it on to her.lets hope she takes note of it lol.
  9. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    lol this fish is far from dead,its still swimming as normal :lol:
  10. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    the size of her tank is too small for the fish its only a 5 gallon and they are the only fish she has.she changes it every other day and i have the testing kit so i check them for her. ammonia 0 nitrate 25 nitrite 0 i will tell her to give them a better diet.
  11. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    thanks.the only food that she gives them is flakes for goldfish.
  12. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    thanks i,ve just done that :rolleyes:
  13. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    :blush: hi every body just posted this in the wrong section,not been on for a while.i need to ask this question,as my friend has two goldfish and over the past week one of them has turned white.she has had them for about six months and they've been great,they are heathly and lively.she changes...
  14. t..j

    Goldfish Changing Colour

    :blush: hi everybody i havent been on for a while,i need to ask this question do goldfish change colour?as my friend has two goldfish and over the past week one of them as turned white.she as had them now for about six months,changes the water often and they look heathly.i just find it very...
  15. t..j

    Mollie Fry In Main Tank

    the other fish that i have are mollies guppies peppard coreys featherfin catfish 2 dwarf gouramis 1 baby albino red tale shark 1 bristlenose plec the 4 week fry should be ok cos they are aleast 1 inch long were as they other are still small.if they wont last i just might do water changes every...
  16. t..j

    Pregnant Platy?

    my sister-law now knows that her platy has given birth, which i told her she did cos of the gravid spot changing colour,she has found 1 baby which was my poor accident she was doing a water change and cleaning the filter out that she seen the fry in the dirty water from the filter had...
  17. t..j

    Mollie Fry In Main Tank

    i have a fry tank with 4 week old and 2 week old and i was wondering if i can put them in my main tank.the reason i want to know is that my pump on my filter has just broke :sad: ,and i dont want them in the tank with no filter.can somebody please advise me,i'm not sure what to do, as i want...
  18. t..j

    Red Nosed Corey

    i added the meds yesterday and today he seems alot better the reddish colour has now turned pale pink,so i think he is on the road to recovery.he looks great today,alot more active :) thanks for the help and advice inchworm :thanks:
  19. t..j

    Red Nosed Corey

    thanks for that reply inchworm :D i thought i was never gonna get an answer.i did a water change on friday and the only treatment that i have is interpet 9,will that do?i have plenty of water circulation around, my filter does plenty and i have an air stone,so can i start treatment know or...
  20. t..j

    Red Nosed Corey

    can anyone advise me as one of my peppard coreys has a little red mark at the front of his face round about the nose area(if they av noses that is). -_- he seems ok swiming around as normal and eating.he looks ok other than this red mark.i dont know whether to be alarmed or what.i have had them...
  21. t..j

    Yellow Tint To Tank

    did you let your driftwood soak for a few days ?if not, let it soak.i soaked mine for 24 hours in boiling water.changing it every couple of hours with fresh hot water.gradually you will see the change in the colour of your water and when its clear you can then put it in your tank.good luck
  22. t..j

    Film Over Tank Water

    thanks guys for the help, my tank is back to normal now after alot of scrapping the top of the tank water with my net.the fish can come up with no worries :D
  23. t..j

    She's Coming Home Monday!

    i can understand that you are excited :yahoo: we were like that when are cat was in hospital and she was coming home its a great feeling i'm really pleased for you good look
  24. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    on that note i dont have to get her neutered because she has already been done also she has been microchiped aswell which i'm glad.again thanks alot for all your careing words :thanks: she is well on the road to recovery had plenty to eat and lots of cat naps.
  25. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    :) i got my cat back she seems fine she has just gone to hide under the sofa.probably gone for a sleep.the kids have harrassed me all day when are we gettin marmalade back they are happy she is finally home.thanks everyone for your kind words :thanks:
  26. t..j

    Film Over Tank Water

    thanks for that advice i will try my best :)
  27. t..j

    Film Over Tank Water

    my filter is hydor crystal duo r1011.wot i think has happened is that i borrowed my sister-inlaws breader net for my pregnant molly,just done a water change to see if i could get rid of the film on the water moved the breader net down and felt the inside and it was greasy the outside was fine...
  28. t..j

    Film Over Tank Water

    can anybody please advise me as to what to do with my tank please.i have a very thin film over the top of the water.the fish are coming up for air and the water is not moving,i have scraped it with my net the best i could and it's still there.the bubbles are gathering and not's very...
  29. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    i feel so guilty cos she wants feeding and i'm unable to feed her because i have been told not to feed her after is can you tell a cat that she carn't be fed cos she is havin an opp.cats are not like fish they can cope when you dont feed them for a day,they can scrounge...
  30. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    thanks for these replys im glad there is other cat lovers out there.not alot of people i know dont like cats they think they are horrible and glad im not on my own :thanks:
  31. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    well i took the cat the vet this mornin and i have got to take her back to have an opperation on her leg because the wound is that bad.hope she will be ok.she seems fine now the vet gave her injections for today,then 2moz is a big day for her. -_-
  32. t..j

    Vicious Sine To Gouramis

    i went to a garden centre today to have a look at the selection of tropical fish.there tanks were very clean but i had only one problem with them,they had a delivery of fighting fish which were great.we got half way round only to find a tank full of about 20 or more gouramis and only one fighten...
  33. t..j

    My Cat Has Been Attacked

    :angry: i have had my cat for about 5 months.she is about 2 years old and we got her from the rspca.she is very shy and pieceful hardly goes out and really loves the children adore her she is a great addition to our family besides my fish that is( i couldn't forget them).the thing...
  34. t..j

    Coloured Lights With Bubbles

    thanks for that,glad you answered my question i will now start using them a little bit more often.i can now have a change other than my air stone. :good:
  35. t..j

    Hey! South African Greetings

    hi :hi: you will learn alot around here they are all great and friendly.glad you joined. :cool:
  36. t..j

    Coloured Lights With Bubbles

    can any one give me some advice please. i have two sets of hydor ario coloured lights in my tank and i was wondering are they ok for my fish.i have been told by a friend that they are not siutable because they can cause problems for my fish.i have had them for awhile but its not very often that...
  37. t..j

    Pregnant Platy?

    thanks for that bit of info LiveLifeGoJomp. i have passed the infomation on to her and she is pleased,it has helped her alot and she is keeping an eye on her tank.she hopes that she has got fry.she will be well pleased if in a few days she sees baby platies thanks again.
  38. t..j

    Suggestions Please

    i think i would prefer the males more than the females cos there tails and colours are alot more outstanding imo that is,i will have to see how my fry tank goes before i get my betta id go and get one tomorrow.i seen one in my lfs a few days ago he was great the only prob with him is i spent...
  39. t..j

    Suggestions Please

    my 2.5 gal tank that i was putting my betta in has just been turned into a fry tank til i can seal the fry tank up cos of the leak but i will be getting my betta for that tank very soon maybe i just might go out and get a new tank lol.they are great things to have my four year old can name all...