Yellow Tint To Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
sittingbourne kent
why does my standard jewel rio 125 tank seem to have a yellow tint to it. is it the clenliness of the water or is it the lights or even the food.

what can i do to improve this and try to make my tank look crystal clear :angry:
What is the water quality?
If that is not it try adding some carbon to the filter (remove for treatments) which might help clear the water. But first I would reccomend doing a few large water changes.
did you let your driftwood soak for a few days ?if not, let it soak.i soaked mine for 24 hours in boiling water.changing it every couple of hours with fresh hot water.gradually you will see the change in the colour of your water and when its clear you can then put it in your tank.good luck

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