My Cat Has Been Attacked


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2006
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:angry: i have had my cat for about 5 months.she is about 2 years old and we got her from the rspca.she is very shy and pieceful hardly goes out and really loves the children adore her she is a great addition to our family besides my fish that is( i couldn't forget them).the thing that i would like so say is that she went out about 2 nights ago and wouldn't come back so we left her til mornin,then she came in all scared and trembling i discovered that she had been in a fight with a load of tom cats,now i have got to take her to the vets as she has got a great big open wound on the inside of her leg which my 8 yr old son found and he cryed really bad with worry.sorry to go on a bit but i felt i had say it.i am soooo sad :sad:
I'm very sorry to hear about your cat. :( My sister-in-law had a cat, eight years old, and he got into a fight with another cat, and that cat scratched him, which made him get some kind of tumor or infection in his body. To make a long story short, after trying to treat him, the cat got worse, and he had to be put to sleep. His body had given up the fight. :( He was an attention hog, too! :)
well i took the cat the vet this mornin and i have got to take her back to have an opperation on her leg because the wound is that bad.hope she will be ok.she seems fine now the vet gave her injections for today,then 2moz is a big day for her. -_-
srry to hear about your cat :( my mom had a cat that got in a fight with a siamise type and my grandparents didnt have enough money for the operation it would have taken to keep the cat alive so they put it down without telling my mom :) boi was she mad when she found out 10 yrs later!!! :p
thanks for these replys
im glad there is other cat lovers out there.not alot of people i know dont like cats they think they are horrible and glad im not on my own :thanks:
awww poor thing. I had that with oen of mien not so long ago, she came in with a gaping hole on her side :/ I went into a blind panic, was very upset. Thankfully the vets just gave her a few stitches, a lampshade collar so she couldn't take them out and antibiotics for a week or so. Worst bit was it happened about 3 days before I went on holiday so she was in the cattery so wasn't even at home to recover. Poor baby. The cattery were excellent with her though and she's recovered now.

got my fingers crossed your kitty recovers well
i feel so guilty cos she wants feeding and i'm unable to feed her because i have been told not to feed her after is can you tell a cat that she carn't be fed cos she is havin an opp.cats are not like fish they can cope when you dont feed them for a day,they can scrounge arround the bottom of the tank and look for little bits of left overs if there is any.were as a cat doesn't have that.thanks again for these replys and i will let you know how things go, hopefuly everything should go well,its just a simple little tidy up of her leg :)
Sorry to hear about your kitty, but it sounds like she's on the fast track to recovery. Is she up to date on all of her shots? I hope so; if there's nasty tomcats out there, chances are they aren't neutered or vaccinated, which puts her at risk for things like FIV/FeLV/FIP.
:) i got my cat back she seems fine she has just gone to hide under the sofa.probably gone for a sleep.the kids have harrassed me all day when are we gettin marmalade back they are happy she is finally home.thanks everyone for your kind words :thanks:
Glad to hear Marmalade is recovering now. :)

By the way, good on you for getting her from the RSPCA. I really respect people who can take in an animal that has had a hard time and give it a good home. Thanks. :)
:yahoo: Tank God she is good! It would have been so bad if something went wrong during the opperation. hopfully she wont get into any more fights! :clap: :good: :yahoo:
nice to hear your cats ok :good: i presume you are getting him neutered when he reaches the appropriate age?
Glad to hear She's ok :)
on that note i dont have to get her neutered because she has already been done also she has been microchiped aswell which i'm glad.again thanks alot for all your careing words :thanks: she is well on the road to recovery had plenty to eat and lots of cat naps.

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