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  1. N

    Cory Very Sick Urgent Plz Read

    Tank Size 35 U.S. Gal Water Ammonia 0 Nitirite0 Nitrate Minimal Soft Ph, Acidic Side of Neutral I have just had an outbreak of Ich and began treatment with Super ICK Cure, and added 2 tablespoons of salt as told by LFS, (they said to add more but I wasn't sure if the cory's would like it). Is...
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    Stocking Plan Plz Give Your Advice

    I know Ive already asked this but this is my final one. Sry if it bothers anyone. 35 U.S. Gallon 10 Neon Tetras 6 Rummy Nose Tetras Pair German Blue Rams 4 small corys 3 otos Pair Dwarf Gourami Any problems with compatibilty? Overstocked? My main concern is if nething will bully the neons...
  3. N

    Very Very Agressive Neons

    Yeah theres 6 skinny ones and 1 fatter one.
  4. N

    Very Very Agressive Neons

    Thats what mine are doing there like a little tornado when they start fighting lol
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    Very Very Agressive Neons

    I have 7 neon tetras alone and there the most aggresive fish ive ever seen, they chase each other relentlesly and appear to be doing something that looks like what might be fighting, They flash around eachother STABBING AND RAMMING. The once peaceful school has erupted into an all out brawl...
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    Bubble Fetish

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :lol:
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    Bubble Fetish

    This is an extremely dangerous thing for your fish to be doing, while it seems fun for you and them, the air bubbles have a small but very real chance of slipping thorugh the scales and epidermis of the fish and entering the blood stream, which is always fatal. I would recomend removing the...
  8. N

    Film On Top Of Water

    A whitish film has develppoed on the surface of my tank water. There are no fish as of yet just a few live plants and there passenger snails. THe film is barely broken even when the water is heavily disturbed, the filter disturbance doeasnt break it. What is it and how do I get rid of it?
  9. N

    Stocking Of 35 Gallon

    Well its not really cycled but ive been adding live plants and theres some snails in there and itll have been running for 2 weeks so it should have a bit of a head start.
  10. N

    Stocking Of 35 Gallon

    I should be getting my first fish by this time next week. Looking forward to it. :D Ill be able to get pictures up most likely aswell, but only when its all 100% done. To start it off would 4 Cherry Barbs be a good bet?
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    Stocking Of 35 Gallon

    COol :D This is the combo I wanted for my 45 gallon, but I ended up getting a 35 gallon instead since it saved me $450. Now that I can do this anyways Im quite happy. :lol: So the gouramis will do best as a male and female?
  12. N

    Stocking Of 35 Gallon

    So I could get: 8 Rummy Nose Tetras 6 Cherry Barbs 6 Small Corydoras(panda, pygmy etc) 2 Dwarf Gourami 3 Otocinclus 2 German Blue Rams Are your sure? its U.S. galons remember. I did hear thought thats small corys and otos and tetras produce very little waste so maybe. This is about 45'' when...
  13. N

    I Wonder....

    Yeah if you were careful and had only fish from the same lake youd be ok. I dont know about bluegill I thought had some but i guess I dont. I read that most sunfish like 31 C water so I hope you have a good heater :D . Make sure you have very good filtration, do lots of water changes and keep...
  14. N

    I Wonder....

    I had never thought of this before but its a very good point about the diseases. Me myself I wouldnt worry about the legalities of it but you might I dont know, I see guys all the time keeping minnows in dyi setups keeping them for bait. I just wouldnt want to introduce a disease to my lake or...
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    I Wonder....

    I wouldnt attempt keeping something that big.
  16. N

    I Wonder....

    I knew it was a bad idea to keep them and I would never think of keeping them longterm ever unless I had a very large tank. The were barely minnows when I got them from a minnow trap. And I kept them in the water from the exact lake they came from with exact plants and sand. To give you an idea...
  17. N

    I Wonder....

    I did this before. I had a crayfish, some rock bass and a blue gill all from my lake/ widened river i live on. They were all in only a 10 gallon. After a month I released them, cause when they grew the tank became to croweded and the damn crayfish kept escaping. They had grown 2-3 times bigger...
  18. N

    Bronze Cory, Homicidal Maniac Or Just Lucky?

    Yes overstocking did kill them. They were so tightly packed some disease easily wiped out all your stressed fish. From what I see you had a 15 gallon stocked like a 70 gallon. 29 fish with some being 5" is way overstocked. I know you didnt mean it because even now you dont think it was...
  19. N

    Stocking Of 35 Gallon

    Ive come up with a final list for stocking my 35 gallon planted tank. Here we go: 8 Rummy Nose Tetras 6 Cherry Barbs 4 Small Corydoras(panda, pygmy etc) 2 German Blue Rams Any problems with that? Can anymore be added? taken away? Im open to suggetions on something similar and compatible to...
  20. N

    Help Me Sock My 35 Gallon Tank

    whats wrong with platys, swordtails and planted?
  21. N

    Cloudy Water

    The tank has been crystal clear for a few days now. Started planting it yesterday. No more problems yet. Crossing fingers.
  22. N

    Help Me Sock My 35 Gallon Tank

    Yeah i thought it was overstocked by about 5 fish inches or so. Im either gonna get rid of the livebearers or the gouramis, but i like all the fish on the list :( . Maybe ill be starting another tank before this ones even done lol. :D .
  23. N

    Help Me Sock My 35 Gallon Tank

    I have a 35 gallon U.S. tank which will be moderately planted with live plants and have a piece of driftwood as the main decoration. I was wondering if all these fish would get along? and if its too many? 8 small tetras 6 small peaceful barbs 4 corydoras same kind 2 blue german rams 2...
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    Cloudy Water

    My general location is Northern Ontario, Sudbury to be exact.
  25. N

    Cloudy Water

    I do live in Canada btw. I have used it in a tropical tank and I do not remember this happening before. I have read though that the properties of well water can change drastically over time or even in a matter of hours in extreme cases and the last tank was 2-3 years ago. WOuld it be possible...
  26. N

    Cloudy Water

    Thanks again. Only trouble is I wont be able to do this till Monday. It will be funny to see just how many bacteria can grow. :lol: One more question. What can I do to make sure this all doesnt happen again when I add the next bach of water since all the stuff was sqeaky clean to begin with...
  27. N

    Huge White Cloud

    At first I was hesitant to put this under emrgencies but I finally decied to. MY tank has nothing in it other than; substrate (pea gravel and laterite) heater, filter, and thermometer. All brand new. My tank was perfectly fine until about 30 hours after setup with water. A white cloud began...
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    Cloudy Water

    As far as I know it is new. For a while i thought i had rinsed it using salt water but now i remember I didnt. I bought the tank from a lfs and everything was new in box except the tank which usually are taken out of box to display i think. I was also very surprised to see this cloud this...
  29. N

    Cloudy Water

    There is a sweetness to the smell. SO what do I do now? Empty the tank, take outside and re-rinse, then soak it with salt water for 24 hours? Re-rinse substrate? Replace filter media? Im a bit confused as what needs to be done. oh and would salt remaining in the ank cause this to happen...
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    Cloudy Water

    Nothing not even a decoration The cloud has no trace of any color but white
  31. N

    Cloudy Water

    does the tank smell? No what is the smell like? No -Have you added anything else to the tank other than water conditioner and the "bacteria boosting" solution? Laterite -The cloudiness, is it on the glass or in the water or both? Swirling white cloud in the water -If it is on the glass what is...
  32. N

    Cloudy Water

    Please somebody help its getting worse by the minute if you look closely its like a milky white cloud. You can no longer see through from one end to he other length-wise.
  33. N

    Cloudy Water

    I just got home now and the problem is twice as bad, if it gets any worse i wont be able to see the background. Could it be comeing off the gravel? I also have laterite in there but i rinsed that good too and it turns the water red when it leaches.
  34. N

    Cloudy Water

    I just setup my tank, all there is in it right now is gravle, a filter and thermomemter. I had it running with water in it for about 30 some hours. The water was fine for the first day but when i woke up this morning there was a murky white cloud all over the tank. The only thing I think it...
  35. N

    Livebearers Breeding In Community Tank

    I was planing on having 3-4 platys or swordtails in my community tank. With other small community fish such as Dwarf Gouramies, Tetras, Barbs, Corys, Danios, etc . Will the livebearers reproduce?. And will any fry survive to overpopulate the tank?
  36. N

    Lighting Question

    what about Dwarf Anubias?
  37. N

    Lighting Question

    I just got a 35 gallon tank today, earlier I posted about a 46 gallon but I got this for a good deal. Anyway it came with a hood and light and I'm only going to be getting about 0.5 wpg. Is it possible to grow some hardy plants with only 0.5 wpg?\ Its an eclipse natural daylight f18t8 if that...
  38. N

    Questions About Live Plants

    Thanks for all the help everyone and sorry this wasn't posted in the right section. So far these are the plants I am thinking of getting. -Dwarf Anubias -Tropical Hornwort -Dwarf Sagittaria -Thai Onion Plant -Java Fern My tank is 46 gallons I posted earlier about the fish. I'm hoping...
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    Questions About Live Plants

    I was planning to do just add a few hardy fish to start the cycle. Should I add the plants before or after the first few fish?