Stocking Of 35 Gallon


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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Ive come up with a final list for stocking my 35 gallon planted tank. Here we go:

8 Rummy Nose Tetras
6 Cherry Barbs
4 Small Corydoras(panda, pygmy etc)
2 German Blue Rams

Any problems with that? Can anymore be added? taken away?

Im open to suggetions on something similar and compatible to replace the cherry barbs, I want a small schooler but I've heard Cherry barbs only school on occasion.

Would it hurt to add 3 Otocinclus to the tank? If there is more room this is what I would add.
That sounds like a great tank! All the levels of the tank will be filled up (rummys- top and middle, cherries- top and middle, rams- bottom and middle, cories- bottom)
If you go with the smaller cories, you could increases the size of the shoal to atleast 6, even 8. Also, with cherry barbs, they don't actually need a "school", as they don't school but pair up. What about a centerpeice fish for the top level, like a gourami? And yes, you could add a group of ottos, just remember to feed them aglae disc though.
So I could get:

8 Rummy Nose Tetras
6 Cherry Barbs
6 Small Corydoras(panda, pygmy etc)
2 Dwarf Gourami
3 Otocinclus
2 German Blue Rams

Are your sure? its U.S. galons remember. I did hear thought thats small corys and otos and tetras produce very little waste so maybe.

This is about 45'' when the fish are full grown though.
well, my suggestion would be nix the gouramis just because i've had two. now i have one because he killed the other one. Though in such a big tank I imagine that this problem may be alleviated. But the tank will look fine without them.

as for the 45 inches, it's not such a big deal so long as you do water changes, test your water, and make sure everybody has enough room to do as they please.
COol :D

This is the combo I wanted for my 45 gallon, but I ended up getting a 35 gallon instead since it saved me $450. Now that I can do this anyways Im quite happy. :lol:

So the gouramis will do best as a male and female?
I'd go with the
8 Rummy Nose Tetras
6 Cherry Barbs
6 Small Corydoras(panda, pygmy etc)
3 Otocinclus
2 German Blue Rams

and the pair of dwarf gouramis if you can get a m and fm. If not, just get a male or a trio of honey dwarfs.

Can't wait to see the tank!
I should be getting my first fish by this time next week.

Looking forward to it. :D Ill be able to get pictures up most likely aswell, but only when its all 100% done.

To start it off would 4 Cherry Barbs be a good bet?
Well its not really cycled but ive been adding live plants and theres some snails in there and itll have been running for 2 weeks so it should have a bit of a head start.
If I were you and it's available/affordable, I'd get a pack of BioSpira when you get your fish. It is usually about $9 here. You have to keep it cold so the bacteria will live. If you go just for a natural cycle though, just do lots of water changes and monitor your fish constantly. (The snails will have helped a little bit, but not much if you aren't feeding them.)
Also, if you're going to go with 6 cherry barbs, are you going to do 1 m or 2? If 2, then I'd just get at trio (1m, 2fm) to start off with and another trio later. Just my opinion though.
Good luck... keep us posted!

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