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  1. K

    Very Bloated Neon Tetra

    I'm not sure, he didn't tell me, all he said was that all 5 of them very quickly swelled ti that size. So I would it it it eggs. Thanks for the replies by the way. :)
  2. K

    Very Bloated Neon Tetra

    Hi people, My friend emailed me this morning asking for advice (as she knows I am a fishkeeper). He gave his Tetras sinking food yesterday, and apparently they ate it all. He said immediately afterwards, his Tetras looked very bloated. Here's a picture he sent me of one of them. It looks like...
  3. K

    Reply To Worst Tank Ever. (look At This Its Sick)

    even if was a shop tank, still horribly overstocked. I couldn't watch the entire film, it was sickening. :sick: :sick:
  4. K

    Fish That Are Fun To Watch?

    My Blue Rams are a pair, very funny to watch, and I simply can't wait to get a few cories, as I've been told they are very playful and amusing!
  5. K

    Community Tank

    I am a beginner to fishkeeping, -_- and would like to know some good, hardy, easy to look after fish in my 121 litre community tank. Are these fish suitable... Cardinal Tetras (and how many, I was thinking about 10??) Guppies (I've heard the males show off so much they split their fins)...
  6. K

    Fish Bogie?

    I would think that the 'bogey' was actually mouth fungus. :/ But if it has cleared nothing to worry about!! :good: