Fish Bogie?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
South East England
Hi All,

Just a quick question.

One of my Tetras, Rick Whaller, has a white kind of "bogie" just under his mouth. Wasn't there this morning but got back from work and now its there? Is it something just stuck to him, or something more serious? SHould I simply wait n see if it drops off?

Rick seems ok, no strange behavior - just got me a little worried.. Any ideas?
Do people not like his name, and wont help him 'cos of it??!!

Ok, panic over.

Seems he's cleaned himself up and wiped his nose - the bogie has gone!

- But if anyone knows this to be a pre-cursor to a illness please let me know.

By the way, having trouble naming my last fish. I'm trying to choose names that'll be completely unique so these will be the only fish called what they are - here's where I've got to, in size order.. any ideas on the last would help:

1: Big Show - By far the biggest, aptly named
2: Rick Whaller - After that fat bloke from TV. Not as big as Big Show, but still much bigger than others
3: ?
4: Jeremiah - Just 'cos a fish called Jeremiah sounded kinda cool, in an odd way.

So any ideas on no 3? - Remember! - VERY unusual names please - Celebrities/Famous names welcome

many thanks

Ok, forget all the names above. The bogie seems to be back. not as big, but it's there for sure. Does anyone know if this is a symptom of a desiese??

OK, here's the pics.




Not too clear but it's the white thing just under his mouth, just looked and it's dead centre??
OK, here's the pics.




Not too clear but it's the white thing just under his mouth, just looked and it's dead centre??

I had this problem sevral weeks ago with a flame tetra. its a parasite - that much i was told - an anchorsomething. best ask at your lfs they gave me a med which cleared it up easy.

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