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  1. B

    moving tank

    Thanks for all the help. Hopefully I'll get all my fish home safe and sound :D , and then turn around and bring them back a month later. Thanks again. bc1299
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    moving tank

    So I don't have to worry about airating the water that the fish are in or anything else like that? Also, what about my plecosthomus, can I bag him as well? Thanks for all the help. bc1299
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    moving tank

    The tank is ten gallons. I am located in northern Ohio and will be moving the tank to southern Ohio, which is about a four hour drive. Finally, yes it will be by car.
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    moving tank

    I am a college student and i will soon be moving home for winter break. I was wondering if anyone could give me any insight in how to best transport my fish and fishtank home (four hour trip). Thanks. bc1299
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    moving fish from one residence to another

    I am a college student and I will soon be returning home for winter break. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the best way to transport my 10 gallon tank and my fish home is (a four to four and a half hour trip)? Any advice would be greatly appreciated because I have a friend who...
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    rosy barb can't having trouble "sinking"

    I have a ten gallon tank with three rasbora tetras, two red blue columbian tetras, two rosy barbs and a plecosthomus. One of my rosy barbs apears to not be able to stay "down" in the water. It is constantly struggling to "sink", at times completely vertical in the water. All of my water...
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    fish with bad eye

    Its actually the exact opposite. The bad eye doesn't stick out from the fish's head at all, it is completely flat. The fish has calmed down a little bit, but he can't find food at all, just a crumb everytime I put food in that happens to fall right next to him. I don't think I can sit here...
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    fish with bad eye

    I added two new fish to my tank today, and when i got the fish back to my home, i noticed that one of the fish seems to have a bad eye. Both fish are of the same type and the other seems to be fine, but the one with the bad eye sits in one place and when any of the other fish swim past, he...
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    new fish in tank

    I have had my tank up and running for about three months now. I have two rosy barbs, three raspora tetras and a plecosthomus and today i added two new tetras (i'm not sure of the type, but they have a neon blue stripe down their back), one of which i believe has one bad eye. i've been watching...
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    new fish in tank

    I have had my tank up and running for about three months now. I have two rosy barbs, three raspora tetras and a plecosthomus and today i added two new tetras (i'm not sure of the type, but they have a neon blue stripe down their back), one of which i believe has one bad eye. i've been watching...
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    beginnings of possible nitrite poisoning

    Thanks for all the help. I can't believe how little the people at the pet stores really know. No one ever told me anything about cycling my tank before I put fish in it. I will do my best and hopefully not lose any fish. Thanks again. bc1299
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    beginnings of possible nitrite poisoning

    I don't believe that I completely cycled my tank in the beginning. Like a fool, I listened to the people at the pet store and they told me that after a week I could add a couple of fish and after two more gradually add a few at a time. I did this and now my nitrite is out of control. I have...
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    beginnings of possible nitrite poisoning

    The tank is ten gallons and has been established for about a month and a half now. I have a total of six fish, the above mentioned being all of them. As to the water situation, I have been treating the water as I put it in, not before I put it in. Would that still kill all of the bacteria...
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    beginnings of possible nitrite poisoning

    I think I'm in the middle of a fish crisis. My tank's nitrite level is very high, even after a partial water change daily, and today, a 7/8 water change. I have moved my two rosy barbs into a separate jury rigged tank (consisting of a rubbermaid water dispenser and an air hose to keep the...
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    sick mollie

    My tetras are clear with a green and black stripe down the side. As of now, I have between 7 and 8 inches of fish. I was thinking that I could add one more and that would be about right. I do, however, plan on waiting until the nitrite level has dropped. Any suggestions on the type of fish...
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    sick mollie

    Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, my mollie died a short time ago. I now have two rosy barbs, three tetras (can't remember actual type of tetra), and a pleco. How long should I wait before I add another fish to the tank? Do you have any advice on what type of fish to try with the current...
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    sick mollie

    I have a male black mollie and for the last few days he has been back and forth between floating on top of the water and laying on the gravel. I did my water tests, and the nitrite level is higher than it has been in a while, so I think this may have something to do with it. Any advice? bc1299
  18. B

    black mollies

    Can anyone tell me whether or not it is normal for a male black mollie to constantly chase around the female, to the point that the female hides in the corners to escape? Thanks! bc1299