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    Here is my Cockateel Laurel
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    Rogue Pet Gallery

    aww the cat is so cute how old is it now ?
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    Thinking Of Getting A Hamster.

    i have got a hampster called sandy and i hate cleing her out she always bites me and always smells and after i have cleaned about an hour later he messes it all up lol :angry:
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    Some Pics From My Tank

    Nice fantails
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    Newbie To The Forum!

    welcome to the forum
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    New Pics Of My Tank

    Nice tank its looking really good i like the layout with all the rocks in the bak are they rocks lol
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    My Fish Swollow Stones

    i dont know if yuo can help but my fish kepp swollowing stones and the stones are not big i dont know how this is happeinng we are having to get the stone out by hand and they keep swolling them if we dont get them out they will die does anybody else have tbis problem please help
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    Cloudy Water Revisited

    yes i had this problem then i figured out that it was something to do with the filter try cleaning out your filter if that does not work then i dont know what it is :thumbs:
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    Hi! New Here

    Hello all newbis welcome iam new aswell here is my fish tank
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    White Floating Fluffy Things?

    My fish keep eating stones and getting them stuck in their mouth does anyone else have this problem and they go all funny n cant get them out of their mouth we have to get them out ourselves and the stones are not small.
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    hello this is my first post just joined i keep fancy goldfish koi carp in my pond and keep paradsie fish iam only 13 years old.