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  1. K

    Redong Small Tank

    Sorry brain just isn't working today forgot to say where I got the stand from :blush: it was just from the LFS nothing fancy, the 2' cube one was apparently specially made though. I've only seen the stands 12" wide so I'm affraid I'm not too sure, the 30"x12" stand was £ 70 (I've got the...
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    Redong Small Tank

    Stand was ment to be £60 & hood £40, I got them in the sale so a lot cheaper :good: I was quoted stupid prices aswell for a 2' cube ranging from £400 upwards, I hit lucky & got the stand & hood off ebay for £30 (poor person dropped a rock in the tank and smashed the glass) and got the...
  3. K

    Redong Small Tank

    Thanks :D Neal, This tank was from a friend he had them specially made for his fish room.........I swopped him a batch of goldfish fry (comets & fantails) for this one B) When I was looking about for a tank of this size I was quoted about £25 I think, my 2'cube tank cost me £80 to be...
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    Redong Small Tank

    Any suggestions on the above substrates? :( Here's a pic of the tank atm, with the wood that I'll be using :) I have mostly microsorum pteropus, windelov, narrow & undulata along with anubias barteria nana and egeria densa............ow and crypto parva.
  5. tank.jpg


  6. K

    Goldfish And Plants! My Personal Battle.

    I've found cryptocoryne pontederiifolia does really well in with my goldfish, my blackmoor is a big lad who doesn't quit until he's eaten a full plant if he can. Even with my low light set up it still grows really strong :) I place peddles around them so the goldfish can't get at the base to...
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    Redong Small Tank

    I have my small tank sitting empty at the moment waiting to be replanted but I'm wanting it to be a little bit special ;) I got an early christmas present yesterday...... nature aquarium world, book I'm even more determind to have it done out really nice. OK time for a few...
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    Appistogramma Agassizii

    I've not had this pair that long, they were sold as a pair (ie male& female) but now I'm having doubt about the smaller one, not quite sure if it is a true female. It is smaller with smaller fins & less colouring, it tends to hang around the cave more than show off like the other but there's...
  9. K

    Red Dragon Pk

    Check out my new site for prices, I'm just getting some new pics & will pm everyone who's shown interest asap :)
  10. K

    Red Dragon Pk

    depends where abouts in Scotland ;) mostly i's just wet all the time, lol. Lived in Germany very nice place, never been to Ireland though........I really like Canada (atleast the places I've been to). I've managed to get a couple of quick shots of a few of the lads, they're still young so are...
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    Red Dragon Pk

    I've got a few of these lads (a few too many :wub: ) and since I'm having a going away for a while I'm having to find new homes for a handfull of my young lads :-( . Arrangments have been made for a handful of my bettas I have but I still have too many (or dear don't we all, lol). I can post...
  12. K


    I bought a gro-lux tube a few weeks ago and I'm already wanting to change it :( , it's very pink!!! I have it mixed with other tubes including an arcadia tropical which is a lot nicer and cleaner looking. The plants directly underneath the tropical tube seem to be bubbling a lot more than the...
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    unfortunetly Endlers are perfcet bite sized snacks for angels, so a definete no no, sorry :(
  14. K

    Different Light Spectrum

    yeah I'm not excatly liking the purple tint, it's not as clean a look as the arcadia tropical tubes.........think this tube might be getting changed rather quickly :X I had wanted the tubes you'd mentioned, especially at those prices, but they don't seem to do them in 30"...
  15. K

    Different Light Spectrum

    yeah the growlux tubes do seem to rather dated, lol. I have the daylight + T5 tube in another tank and it defiently brings out the greens. I'll see how this one goes if it turns out to be a load of rubish then I'll have to change it :rolleyes: OK the co2, right reread that article (read it a...
  16. K

    Pressurized Co2 The Cheap Way

    Building the system up like that is a lot cheaper to set up, if you have a bit of a look around you can pick the pieces up even cheaper. Here's a regulator for £30 and you can go for dispossable bottles aswell, which case you'd need this one...
  17. K

    Different Light Spectrum

    I picked up the grow lux tube today, it's not too bad still to pick up the Arcadia tropical since it wasn't in stock but so far so good ;) It's less pink than the Arcadia orignial tube, you can't really tell just looking at them but if you take a photo of the tubes together the difference is...
  18. K

    Different Light Spectrum

    Thanks for that :D I think I'm gona go for a Grolux tube, Arcadia tropical & Arcadia Original, hopefully the combination of the three will help balance each other out and by the sounds of it the plants should really like it ;) Thanks again :D
  19. K

    Cheap Substrate !

    I had the aquatic potting soil for ponds before in my old tank, the plants did seem to like it but when I came to clear the tank out it had turn into a brick basically (haven't a clue how the plants managed to get thier roots through the stuff, lol) now I use Cactus compost underneath either...
  20. K

    How Many People Do Without A Substrate?

    I find it depends on the size of the tank and if your gona have anyone else in the tank (ie corys) as to whether or not to have a substate. I personally prefer bare bottom tanks for most of my bettas, since they're much easier to clean (syphon any poop or uneaten food out as I notice it). One...
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    Ordering Online

    I regularly send young bettas through the post, they're bagged in a certian way and travel with heat packs to make sure they don't get cold. I've done this many times now with no problems but you still worry until you get word that they're in their new home and pigging out on some bloodworm...
  22. K

    Would This Work?

    you could plant the tank up with real plants, I have a 60 litre tank (hex tank) that is fully planted with a few neons, 2 otos & a male VT (Star) it doesn't look bare at all and the betta loves it. In tank such as yours I really wouldn't mix a male & female, it can be done BUT only if the tank...
  23. K

    Different Light Spectrum

    OK well I've got a bit of a choice this time as to which tubes I buy (T8 tubes) in the LFS I can get Arcadia Freshwater/Original, Interpet Daylight+, Interpet Tri something or other, Gro-lux, aquaglow & Powerglow (I think). I already have a Arcadia Original tube but wonder what's the best...
  24. K

    Another Light Question

    would be interesting to know which brand :) there's no way you'd touch the compact one, it's hot enough to melt the clips that it came with (think they now come with metal clips because of that). I'm still not too sure which to go for, there isn't too much difference with the price so it's...
  25. K

    Another Light Question

    I've got a compact T5 and that gets really hot!! I've had special metal fixtures made to hold it in place so it doesn't melt the lid and fall into the tank. The new lights would be going over a 20g (UK) tank, also need them for my 40g but those can wait for the moment ;), hood issue isn't a...
  26. K

    Another Light Question

    I'm changing a few of my light units atm, and have the option of either going for a double T8 unit or a double T5 unit. The T8 would be 30" tubes so 25watts x2, the T5 would be 24" tubes so 24watts only 2watts difference but surely the T5 would be better :/ There's...
  27. K

    T5 Lighting Question

    thats a brilliant link gf225 :) you wouldn't happen to know what their postage charge is by any chance??
  28. K

    Microsorum Pteropus "windelov"

    I recently added a nice clump of this to one of my tanks, attatched to bogwood. In the past 2 days I've noticed that some of the leafs have gone a burnt brown colour :/ . I've got it in another tank & it's always a lovelly bright green colour so I haven't a clue what I've done to this one :no...
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    Arcadia Lights

    thanks for that :) yeah I like the freshwater tubes aswell. the store had completely sold out of them so waiting for some to be delivered ;)
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    Arcadia Lights

    I have a few of these tubes over various tanks, and so far I'm really pleased with them. I use a mixture of original tropical & freshwater tubes. I just bought a new original tropical tube but can't find any information on the box regarding colour temperature or any other use full information :/...
  31. K

    Goldfish Tanks And Filtration

    lovelly sized tank :) I'm not a keen fan of HOB filters for goldfish since they're total poop machines, lol, and definetly prefer external canister filters. I'd recommend looking for one that does twice the volume of your tank or even better going for 2 seperate filters. I have a 120litre...
  32. K

    Gravel Or Sand?

    I have to admit that I really like sand in the tank, I love to watch the corys digging through it :wub: It's easy to clean since everything just sits ontop of it (shames you into cleaning the tank more often ;) ), my plants seem to like it aswell. It is a pain to clean before you put it into...
  33. K

    Attempt Of Planting

    if you could add a couple extra tubes that would really open up your options :) ................otherwise I find crinum thaianum does really well in low lighting, along with cryptocoryne pontederfolia, I also have some java fern in with these plants which is growing just really slowly. This...
  34. K

    Alternative To Vallis

    the clown loach does the most damage, it nibbles at the base of the vallis :( the BNP just charge head first into it looking for more food, lol. I've had a bit of a look and spotted cryptocoryne balansae, does anyone have any information about this plant or had it themselfs?? I like the...
  35. K

    Hexagon Tank

    thanks :) Your right about the lighting, the shape makes it very akward to fit the light over the tank, I've had to cut the hood to fit the tubes through............they're the full width of the tank (end caps sit over the edge on both sides), but it can be done ;) The problem with fitting...
  36. K

    Albino Bristlies

    thanks that exactly what I wanted to hear :wub: :wub: , I'd just stripped down the tank today (plants growing out of control) so managed to get these shots, I hadn't been able to tell with other shots I'd taken :rolleyes: . the tank is quite heavily planted, with big chunks of wood (which...
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    Aquascaping - Gravel And Sand

    I've tried this a couple of times, I had fine gravel either side & sand in the middle. On one tank I had the sides raised up,( so there was gravel each side with sand in the middl)e so the sand wouldn't get mixed up too much, this worked the best (but not 100%), in another tank I didn't have...
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    Sam's Nano Journal

    lovelly tank, I really like how you've made the holder for the lights. Think I might have to give it a try, I don't want a hood for one of my tanks but totally broke so can't afford anything fancy ;) looking forward to seeing this develop :)
  39. K

    Hexagon Tank

    This is my smallest planted tank, it's roughly 13 gallons (UK) and is home to "Star" my veiltail betta (I have lots of bettas) a few neons, otos young bristlies & shrimp. I gave it a much needed tidy up today, the vallis at the back was over grown and starting to choke itself (I now have a big...
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    Albino Bristlies

    ok I have 4 of these lovelly wee fishies, 2 are definete 100% males, another is looking to be male but the forth has got me stumped :/ It's a bit more plump then athe other two big males, it's only a teeny bit smaller than them aswell, I'm not too sure if it might be female as it has teeny...