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  1. C

    Silver Dollar Mating Rituals

    I have 3 silver dollars, 2 swam together a lot from the beginning but now they've started swimming upto each other rubbing bodies and wiggling their back ends/fins. Is this some kind of mating ritual? thanks.
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    Oscar Tank Size And Other ?'s

    Thanks one of the tanks I'm looking at is 450 litres (approx 120 US gallons) the other is 69 x 24 x 20 inches which according to online calculator is 540 litres (approx 140 US gallons) neither of these are big enough according to your message, would they be ok for one?
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    Oscar Tank Size And Other ?'s

    I am looking to get a pair of Oscars what size tank will be best? I'm thinking 5ft+ what age do they pair up? Is it best to get a slightly older already bonded pair? I don't want to get 2 that are un-happy together but at the same time I wouldn't want one on its own to be lonely. I know its...
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    Black Widow Tetra Colour Question

    their colours back :D they soo pretty :wub:
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    Gourami V Tetras

    i have a dwarf gourami and black widow tetras in same tank...
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    Black Widow Tetra Colour Question

    thanks! am a little disappointed now :/ oh well I'm sure I'll grow to love them and they'll keep spiddy company she (or he) is swimming round the bag thats floating with them in she looks like she wants to get in with them bless
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    Black Widow Tetra Colour Question

    I just purchased some more black widow tetra to keep the one I already have company but upon getting them home their colour is all washed out and grey not like the real intense black of the one already in the tank, will the colour come back to them or did I buy duds?
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    My Fishies

    unfortunately I lost the male dwarf gourami :(
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    Fish Pic

    if you wanna use these I'm Lisa Kavaney
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    Sick Gourami

    My tank is 126L (33.3g) I had it running 2 weeks before I put some fish in, it now has 2 corys, 1 black widow tetra and a female dwarf gourami then it did have the male dwarf gourami too. Everyone else is fine no signs of any distress or sickness
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    Sick Gourami

    he's just lying on the bottom now I think he's dead :no: after I bought him I was told fish from pets at home usually die but I didn't want to believe them... his girlfriend seems fine though and she came from there too. All other fish that came from the LFS are ok, hope its nothing catching.
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    Sick Gourami

    nitrite 0.5 ammonia 0.25 nitrate 20
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    Sick Gourami

    I think my male dwarf gourami is sick he keeps zooming round, swimming vertically, swimming in circles rolling around and going upside down I'm now running some water tests to see what they at but I'm scared I got attached to him now :-(
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    What Type Of Cory Is This?

    thanks! anyone else got any ideas?
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    Fish Dying - Very High Nitrite

    won't nitra-zorb work? I'm a newbie so don't know but its reccomended for removing nitrates/nitrites
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    What Type Of Cory Is This?

    hope you can help me, thanks!!
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    New Tank Newbie cycle is the brand name. I have nooo idea what high ph is it was a test in the tester kit, total newbie here :blink:
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    New Tank Newbie

    I have just got a 126 litre tank for my birthday I have set it up and planted it out and have dosed it with cycle. Its been sitting for a week. I ran some tests today and the results came out as ph 7.6, high ph 8.2, ammonia 0.5, nitrite between 0 and 0.25 and nitrate 40 what do I do next? is...
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    Hi! I'm totally new to this, I have decided to get into fish keeping but first I'm doing my research I hope to learn lots here. :nod: Lis