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  1. J

    Nano Set Ups

    i just want some info on nano set ups. i have a 60 gal reef set up at min but would like a smaller invert only tank. my lfs said that u dont need skimmer water changes are a lot less demanding and is easier to keep as a invert only. any tips and would yuo agree with this
  2. J

    Skimmer Probs

    i have a seaclone skimmer running a small tank and has been fine for about a year. just put some stress coat in to tank but now it just keeps filling up with froth quickly then turning to water not the usual brown stuff over time . is this usual with stress coat in tanks
  3. J

    Is Anyone Interested In Buying A Set Up

    just outside halesowen
  4. J

    Is Anyone Interested In Buying A Set Up

    i have a reef marine set up for sale. it is nine months old with 35 kg LR. 55 gal tank or 230ltr. 4ft 4 tube t5 arcadia luminaire. 3 x 1200 maxi jet power heads, protein skimmer, timers for lights all various testing equip and cleaning containers, heaters etc, corals= 1 x brain coral, 1 x...
  5. J


    ok thanks 4 advise
  6. J


    i currently feed my corals on green phytoplankton in a bottle i was told to put in about 6 or 7 5ml spoonfuls about an hour and half befor lights go out. is this enough and why that long before lights out. my sun coral eats live brineshrimp and so does brain. will this do them more harm than...
  7. J


    55 gal tank 32 kg LR protein skimmer 2 x 1200 ltr , 2 x 900 ltr /h power heads T5 luminaire with 4 x 54w bulbs s.g 1.025 phosphates 0.01 ph 8.17 calcium 420 k h 13 mag 1500 ammo 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 30 50 ltr water change every two weeks with r.o stock. yellow goby yellow tang humbug damsel...
  8. J


    thanks ill steer clear then. what can i have that looks unusual, bright colour and good to keep.
  9. J


    i am thinking of purchasing some dendronephtya from my lfs. they only have a delivery once every eight weeks so got time for research. it is a beautifull coral but has anybody ever kept it than can give me some usefull tips
  10. J

    Best Way To Remove Anemone

    ok cheers. i have a malu to it been in for about 6 weeks and it doing ok i think it was a white/ lime green colour when i bought it but it has slowly been changing over last week to a brown colour on the ends. is this ok do you think. only thing is it not attached to nothing as such it just by...
  11. J

    Best Way To Remove Anemone

    it is the bottom rock typical really . i could try and lift it slightly. how far do they normally go in
  12. J

    Best Way To Remove Anemone

    i have had an atlantic anemone in my tank for about 2 months but it has grown enormous and is trying to reach out for everything in its path ie corals fish etc. i want to take it back to my lfs but was wondering how to remove it without damage. it has pushed itself under rock on substate and it...
  13. J


    yes it lr cured. it seems ok.
  14. J


    i have had my 55 gal tank now for about 6 months. i have a few fish and few corals. 30 kg live rock. ammonia 0 nitrite 0 phosphates 0.03. calcium 420. mag 1300. kh 11. ph 8.0. sg 1.025. my problem over last 2/4 weeks is nitrates they were about 40 but now they have crept up yo 100 and i dont...
  15. J

    Malu Anemone

    i also have a marroon clown will this go into malu or is it another type of clown and if so which is best
  16. J

    Malu Anemone

    so whats the best if it is not a brown colur. at minute it is a white/lime green colour with blue/purple tips but that is under lights. how do u nurse it back and how will i know if there is something major wrong.
  17. J

    Malu Anemone

    bought a malu today from lfs. anyone got any advise on these also atlantic in there with other corals and inverts
  18. J

    Feeding Uncooked Prawns

    yes marine. can u feed atlantic anemones on prawns as they eat bit of cockle at min
  19. J

    Feeding Uncooked Prawns

    can u use frozen or fresh uncooked prawns as food
  20. J

    Algae Problem

    my tank is about 4 months old and has been fine upto about 2 weeks ago i seem to be having lots of algae build up on glass and on equipment. i am cleaning my glass every two days. my levels are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrates 30, ph 8.1, kh 10, calcium 450, 1.025 sg, phosphates 0.14 which i am...
  21. J

    Strange Things In Tank

    i have noticed some what look like snails with no shell on . they mainly come out when lights are off or just blue light. some are about 1 inch long but there are loads of small ones up the glass as well. what can these be
  22. J

    Sea Apple

    what is best to feed them on and how. i currently put in phytoplankton liquid for corals and it said this is for all filter feeders is this true and is this the right stuff for them. if not what
  23. J

    Sea Apple

    i bought a sea apple today. anyone got any advise onkeeping these
  24. J

    Calcium What Kind?

    i use reef complete calicium builder. keeps calcium fine one capfull per 80L.
  25. J

    Little White Things Swimming In My Tank

    i had these when i first put live rock in. they appeared couple of days later then got more over next few days but went not long after that . They cause no problems so dont worry.
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    Blue Star

    i have had it for about 4 weeks and has been coming out since then but has hid a lot of the time. it is only the last 4-5 days that not seen it. i cant see it anywhere usually if hiding then you can at least see a tiny bit. do they bury into sand or under rock in sand. if it is dead would i not...
  27. J

    Blue Star

    i have a blue star but i have not seen it for about 4 days. it has always been in hiding either under rock or in it but now cant see it at all. do they just disapear like this for few days or just come out when im in bed. should i moe all rock to try and find it or just let things be
  28. J

    Help Saltwater Aquirium

    well had my 55 gal tank now for about 3 months and has cost me well over £1300 already which includes tank, rock , power heads , skimmer , filter, lights, and some stock. even when u think u have finished it still costs loads in food for your coral,fish, test kits, water etc. so think before u buy.
  29. J

    Air Bubbles In Tank

  30. J

    Air Bubbles In Tank

    4ft luminaire with 4 x t5 bulbs 2 white 54w and two blue
  31. J

    Air Bubbles In Tank

    ok cheers ill see how it goes. i have bought an atlantic anemone and maxima clam any useful tips
  32. J

    Air Bubbles In Tank

    its been doing this since saturday but was foaming fine before.
  33. J

    Air Bubbles In Tank

    i recently done some changes to my tank i.e took off hood fitted luminaire etc. since i have done it i conected my skimmer back on and it now it flooding my tank with very tiny air bubbles and i cant seem to alter it. if i loose more in air it does get better but not go away the only trouble is...
  34. J


    ok will do
  35. J


    the clam at the minute is on the substrate at bottom. is it best to move it onto rock work higher up where there is more water flow across it or best left at bottom on sand
  36. J

    Mixing Anemones

    cheers for advise
  37. J


    i have a tridacna maxima clam. also there is a blue cheek goby which keeps blowing sand around the tank. the trouble is it keeps putting sand on top of the clam can this harm the clam and what should i do to stop it doing this
  38. J

    Mixing Anemones

    i have a couple of polyps and a leather and some pulse will it harm these and would you advise taking it back
  39. J

    Mixing Anemones

    condylactis anemone apparantly but common name atlantic. like long tentacles on it. my tank is 4ft x 2 ft x 2ft. 235 ltr or 55 gal. so is there no fish that go in atlantic anemones then