Malu Anemone


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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bought a malu today from lfs. anyone got any advise on these also atlantic in there with other corals and inverts
bought a malu today from lfs. anyone got any advise on these also atlantic in there with other corals and inverts

Jay IMO this is a real bad move, your tank is way way to young to support a very delicate animal such as a Nem,
I will leave given advice on this aniaml to peeps with experience with tham as althought I do like them I personally wouldnt have one in my tank due to the risks etc.

I wish you luck with it

bought a malu today from lfs. anyone got any advise on these also atlantic in there with other corals and inverts

Jay IMO this is a real bad move, your tank is way way to young to support a very delicate animal such as a Nem,
I will leave given advice on this aniaml to peeps with experience with tham as althought I do like them I personally wouldnt have one in my tank due to the risks etc.

I wish you luck with it

:)cheers. atlantic been in for few weeks and that is doin ok but i know what u mean.
If the malu is white (most of them are when in theshops) then its stressed and expelled its zooanthae. "If" you manage to nurse it back (assuming its white) then it should turn a dirty brown colour with coloured tips. Most people buy these anenomes for their beaty as they are gorgeous when white but this is not their natural colour and a sign of sickness.
Malus are probably one of the hardest anenomes to keep as they are highly delicate and probably the easiest of all to stress out . They are very delicate with water conditions so stability is highly important.

You have both ends of the spectrum now.. the Atlantic is one of hte easiest and the malu one of the hardest :*)
so whats the best if it is not a brown colur. at minute it is a white/lime green colour with blue/purple tips but that is under lights. how do u nurse it back and how will i know if there is something major wrong.
i also have a marroon clown will this go into malu or is it another type of clown and if so which is best
so whats the best if it is not a brown colur.

Nothing - Brown means it's healthy, anything else isn't good

at minute it is a white/lime green colour with blue/purple tips but that is under lights.

Unfortunately this is not sounding good

how do u nurse it back and how will i know if there is something major wrong.

You will have to keep a very careful eye on it and make sure that it's fed properly and given the right care requirements, only then will it have a chance to regain its health. You will know if there's something major wrong when you wake up one morning and your tank's nuked!
You would be suprised how long it can take for an invert to regain its colouration and regain its zooanthae. I had a bubble coral that bleached compltely. I thought it was a gonner as it was a truely beautiful green. However i percivered and gave it to a friend of mine who hospitalised it in his invert tank. It took just under 12 months before any form of algae took residence back in it again. NOw it sits back in my tank and is its normal full colour. During this time i lost 4 out of hte 5 heads (it was a branching one) but it was not lost altogehter. During this time it somehow managed to gain enough nutrients etc to survive so i am not saying that your malu cannot pull through. It might take a long time before it regains its zoo algae but it is possible. My only concern is the delicacy of this creature when compared to the hardier anenomes etc. They have a very poor survival rate in an already extremly poor survival rate for the species as a whole.

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