No, unfortunately clowns are all from the pacific and 99 times out of 100, wont host with a more hardy condylactis anemone from the atlantic. [more hardy than most of the known host anemones] But then again, the less picky clowns like the clarkiis would be more likely than any, and im sure youve heard about clowns using a powerhead or something that doesnt even resemble an anemone as its host. If there is a pipe organ coral, or sometimes even xenia present they will use it because it has long tentacles, [not always called tentacles] like an anemone. My true perc chose a sponge I used to have as its host.
Ive seen 2 different kinds of anemones all in the same tank at fish stores before, that were all there for like 3 or 4 weeks, I think until someone bought them. Im not sure if its really ok though.