Little White Things Swimming In My Tank


New Member
Jan 7, 2006
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hi there, i have noticed a lot of tiny(you have to look very hard to see them) white things swiming in the tank (some on glass as well), can someone tell me what they are and if they are good or bad? many thanks nog :/
Hi Nog

It could be one of a couple of things

Amphipods - Good
Isopods - Bad
Copepods - Good

or possibly Flat Worm - hopefully it isnt as they are a pain

have a look here for some pics
hi thanks for your reply im not sure that they are any of them might be COPEPODS but they are so small they look like bits of dust but they are definatly swimming!!! nog :crazy:
Some info & closer pics of Coco's
i had these when i first put live rock in. they appeared couple of days later then got more over next few days but went not long after that . They cause no problems so dont worry.
Some info & closer pics of Coco's
i had these when i first put live rock in. they appeared couple of days later then got more over next few days but went not long after that . They cause no problems so dont worry.

Jay if theywere Coco's then they are a good hitchhiker to have

:thumbs: :thumbs:
hi thanks for all your replys i think they are Copepods so will leave them alone and see what happens
thanks again nog :rolleyes:

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