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    Ordering Plants?

    Does anyone know a web site that sells plants for cheap and ships in the U.S?
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    ordering plants?

    Does anyone know a web site that sells plants for cheap and ships in the U.S?
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    algae...sick of it

    Your tank is probably in the sunlight. My grandfathers 50 G tank is in the sun and it always grows algea very fast. Mine on the other hand is in my basement where there is no sunlight hitting it. I have the light on all the time with live plants and I get absolutly no algea whatsoever.
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    Plant problem

    I was wondering if there was some sort of florecent light that acts as sunlight. My fish tank is in a basment and is nowhere near sunlight, so my plants wither and die off. Does anyone have any suggestions on keeping my live plants alive?
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    Does anyone have rams? I want to know if they are good fish to have in a community tank or if they are good fish to have at all. I heard they die really fast when you change the environment. Does anyone have one or more?
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    neon tetras

    All of my 9 neons stay around the bottom and swim all around the bottom of the tank.
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    Just got Clown loach

    Yeha I just got one last night and its doing the same thing. Its kinda cute because its like a little kid. It hides, then run out for a second then runs back to its hiding spot. Its getting used to my tank slowly.
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    Light at night?

    Is it better for the fish to have a dim light in the tank during the night or is it alright to keep the tank in pitch black dark? What are your opinions? Somtimes my fish vanish and are never seen the next morning :/
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    Digging? loach?

    Yeah Im more than sure it weather loach does it all the time. He loves going under the gravel and peaking his head out.
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    Lighting question

    I have a black light that i'm doing nothing with and I thougt maybe it can be used as a moonlight light for my fish when they sleep or for the more noctunarl ones. Will this work at all? Is it the same as the Aquarium Moonlights?
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    Air pump - turned off at night?

    What is the best/most quiet air pump?
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    Siamese Fighting fish Q

    I was wondering if it is okay to put a male siamese fish in a community tank of non-agressive fish? Its a georgeous fish and I think it can add a lot of character to my tank, plus i hate seeing them in that tiny little bowl they keep em in. I have: 4 Zebra danios 1 Angel Fish 1 male swordtale 1...
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    How do I know when my platy will give birth?

    She isnt extreamly huge but I always do see her hiding. However, I think she just maybe be trying to hide from the male...Maybe she is getting stressed out. :/
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    How do I know when my platy will give birth?

    My femal platy is getting really big....and somtimes she hides behind plants and stays in the corner of the tank at the bottom. Does this mean she is going to give birth soon? Should I put her in the breeding tank right away?
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    Platy fry

    Once your platy is pregnent, how long on average does it take to have their fry?
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    How can I tell what gender my Platies are?

    Ah great. 2 days ago I had 2 females and 1 male. One of my females died and I went to some other place and ask for a femal. I asked the guy in the store if he was sure it was a female...he said you cant really tell...what an it appears I have 2 males and 1 femal in my tank...thats...
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    Female Platy

    I just got 1 male swordtale and 2 female platies yesterday. I wake up this morning and one of my Female platies is constantly on the top of the water swimming around. When I put my finger near it, it did not swim just kind of sat there. I have a feeling she is going to die soon. Is...
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    Cant decide!

    What if I got the cichlid's at a very young age? Would they still be agressive?
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    Cant decide!

    Thanks a lot going to look into those dwarfs...still fixed on that yellow cichlid though...hehe maybe I will give it a shot.
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    Cant decide!

    I have a 20 gal tank with 4 zebra danios, 2 painted tetras, 1 weather loach, and a algea eater. As most of you probably know aside from my paintes tetras I have a lot of very dull colored fish. I was wondering if any of you guys know if there is a nice bright and colorful community fish out...