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  1. F

    Possible Tankmates

    Actually my husband had otocats in the same tank when it was his tank and they did fine. He had quite a few other fish too like a group of 6 danios and a few guppies. I may move one of my oto's over from my other tank. We have actually had quite a number of guppy broods and they're not all full...
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    Possible Tankmates

    Ok guys, I know I asked before but that was with a 5g. This time I decided to put the breeding on hold for awhile until I'm totally 100% prepared for it. (If it wasn't for the experts input on this forum, I never would have came to that realization. Thanks guys.) So, I'd like to turn the 10g...
  3. F

    A Little Betta Equation...

    Great pics! Always wanted to see pics of someone's fry. Nice job and good luck with em! :kewlpics:
  4. F

    Second Spawn

    I'm so happy for you. I read about your last breeding attempt and felt so bad for you. But there's always trial and error. But definitely keep us updated with the second one! I wanna see pictures! (Along with everyone else :) )
  5. F

    Look What Im Getting!

    Well, maybe they're not brothers. I got mine from Petco (wait, you knew that already from my post...) but maybe they're distant relatives hehe. You'll love the way the edges of his fins glow blue under a flourescent. It's awesome and makes them even more beautiful! Very beautiful fish you're...
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    Look What Im Getting!

    Wow! I'm completely shocked! Your vt looks exactly like my Avery! I just posted pics of my bettas like 2 days ago. Check it out: I'm really totally stunned! They could be brothers! Where did you get yours from?
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    Internal Parasites?

    Is it that whole pinkish thing that you're talking about or the spots on it? Either way it looks really gross. How big is it too?
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    Pics Of My Bettas

    Believe it or not but Petco does have some nice Bettas. Here's my older one, Jasper: Yes, that is Lara Croft behind him but it's not in the tank. That would be kinda cool though....nah. And here's Avery. I couldn't refuse him. I practically begged my husband to get him...hehe. He's...
  9. avery.jpg


  10. jasper.jpg


  11. F

    Moving Into A Penthouse

    I actually prefer the living room or someplace where people will be when they come over cause I like to show off my fish! Hehe :D But since there isn't anymore room out in our tiny apartment living room because of my husband's 29g, I have a 5g with a male (Avery) in my bedroom and a 10g breeder...
  12. F

    Nest Help..again!

    I was having a hard time with my male building a nest too. Same problems as you were. But one night I turned the light off early and left him go (male in tank, female in breeder container in tank) and in the morning, he had a huge one. I thought it may have been the light but my husband said it...
  13. F

    Very Wounded Betta

    I really hope the little guy makes it. Poor thing. I'm sorry I don't have advice for your little boy but I would file some sort of complaint against Petco for containing them like that. I'm sure it was someone who didn't know what they were doing. Even though Petco is where we go for most of our...
  14. F

    Help! Help! Female Is Sick!

    A sad update...June didn't make it. :-( I found her under the filter. I did alittle experiment and i pulled at the fuzzy thing and it did come out but i didn't know what it was. It didn't look like food but not sure what it was. I did have to pull kinda hard so it's good I didn't do it when...
  15. june.jpg


  16. F

    Help! Help! Female Is Sick!

    Ok, it's in. Let's hope and pray this works. I don't want my little June to die... :-( Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it.
  17. F

    Help! Help! Female Is Sick!

    By the way, it's a 10g. I have this fungus med that's Jungle brand. It's called Binox and it's for fungus and bacteria. Should I use that?
  18. F

    Help! Help! Female Is Sick!

    I did forget to add that I did do a complete water change and I just put her back in about an hour ago. I really don't wanna pull at it cause i tried before and it almost seemed like it was attached to her so I'm afraid to touch it now. Here's a pic of what it looks like: Any thoughts?
  19. june.jpg


  20. F

    Help! Help! Female Is Sick!

    I don't know what's wrong with my female betta. She has a white fuzzy thing under her one gill that's preventing her from breathing out of that one side. She's not active either but she will still go up to the surface for air. It's very possible it's a piece of old pellet food that got stuck in...
  21. F

    10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

    Congrats on your new fish. I am so totally jealous! Especially your black copper pair...absolutely gorgeous! I can't really have a whole lot of bettas in an apartment. But once we get a house, I'm getting more! :D Again, very beautiful fish!
  22. F

    Suggestions For The Newbie

    i think i need help. i introduced the male and female at the same time on monday and kept them separate until wednesday. jasper chases june around and then starts building his nest but it's not all that big. and then it decreases alot as he's looking for her. should i do something different...
  23. F

    Suggestions For The Newbie

    my male is a crown tail. bluish-black body and red fins. the female's body is bluer, almost kinda purple, but her fins are red with alittle purple and alittle blue. very cool colors. i'll have pictures soon
  24. F

    Suggestions For The Newbie

    Hey guys! I'm really excited because I just finished setting up my breeding tank for my bettas. It's a 10g tank with a sponge filter and an air stone. Still need to get a few plants and some rocks for the female to hide in. So in about a week I will start the breeding process. Do you guys have...
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    Betta And Gouramis - A Good Match?

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, I can't return them. Looks like my husband's getting an addition to his tank. So what about tetras or Kuhli loaches? I really wanted to get the loaches in the first place. Any thoughts?
  26. F

    Betta And Gouramis - A Good Match?

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with the problem I'm having. I just got a 5g hex tank about a month or so ago and for awhile I had about 30-40 baby guppies in there (trying to save them...that's another story) and I recently moved my male betta in there because his tank was getting too...