Suggestions For The Newbie


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
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Hey guys! I'm really excited because I just finished setting up my breeding tank for my bettas. It's a 10g tank with a sponge filter and an air stone. Still need to get a few plants and some rocks for the female to hide in. So in about a week I will start the breeding process. Do you guys have any pointers or suggestions for a first time breeder?
I'm already used to caring for fry because I've had alot of guppies have babies (really coool colors too) so have some experience. No experience with fish eggs though.
I will get pics of the parents-to-be on here soon. I got lucky to get good characteristics.

So, yeah, any suggestions before I begin?
my male is a crown tail. bluish-black body and red fins. the female's body is bluer, almost kinda purple, but her fins are red with alittle purple and alittle blue. very cool colors. i'll have pictures soon
i think i need help. i introduced the male and female at the same time on monday and kept them separate until wednesday. jasper chases june around and then starts building his nest but it's not all that big. and then it decreases alot as he's looking for her. should i do something different? should i leave them in overnight together? i heard that sometimes it takes a couple days for them to start breeding but i may just be getting impatient. could anyone give me advice?
Exactly hwo much research effort did you put into this venture before you started?

Breeding Guppies and bettas are like comparing Apple Juice to Sweet Tea.

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