Internal Parasites?


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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a long time ago, i posted a picture of a 2.5g All-Glass i used to own, where there were little white blobs all over the place, and it seemed to me that my betta was expelling them through his gills or vent. *cough*


see those little blobs there? they're back. i tried to photograph them, but my camera seems to be in the throes of death.

is that just some form of betta waste i'm not familiar with (how could i miss that?) or is he expelling some sort of internal parasite? sori, the red one, is the only one this happens to. furin doesn't do this. is sori just a messy fish?

he's currently in a 2 gallon bowl, and his last water change was 3-4 days ago.

:*) i know, i lost track of time.
a long time ago, i posted a picture of a 2.5g All-Glass i used to own, where there were little white blobs all over the place, and it seemed to me that my betta was expelling them through his gills or vent. *cough*


see those little blobs there? they're back. i tried to photograph them, but my camera seems to be in the throes of death.

is that just some form of betta waste i'm not familiar with (how could i miss that?) or is he expelling some sort of internal parasite? sori, the red one, is the only one this happens to. furin doesn't do this. is sori just a messy fish?

he's currently in a 2 gallon bowl, and his last water change was 3-4 days ago.

:*) i know, i lost track of time.

No clue - sorry
What are you feeding him?
You should spend some time just watching him to see exactly where they are coming from.
I feed them Hikari betta pellets, generally around 4 a day or every other day, depending.

I put him in a 1.25 bowl now, with no plants, and I'm eyeing him. He seems to really like the attention. *laugh*

He doesn't act sick, except he occasionally goes gonzo and swims madly about, often knocking into the bowl and bottom. He doesn't do it often, I'd say I catch him in the act once or twice a day. Aside from those momentary freak outs, he acts just like how he normally acts. In fact, going occasionally gonzo IS how he normally acts, and since I have two cats, I just accepted it as part of his behavior and moved on.

It looks ilke that gunky stuff you sometimes see in betta cups at a shoddy LFS, sort of globby and white.

I wonder if this is just paranoia, or something. I asked about the white stuff before, and people thought that maybe it was some sort of odd bacteria bloom. Except I wonder why Sori gets it and Furin doesn't?

I don't think he's in the throes of death or anything, but I'd have for him to be sick and have me not do anything about it.
Is it that whole pinkish thing that you're talking about or the spots on it? Either way it looks really gross. How big is it too?
I altered the contrast and circled what I'm talking about:


The stuff seems to be rather tiny, but not excessively so, and not mobile (as in, I don't actually see the buggers swimming). Keep in mind, that this is an old picture, in a different tank than he's in now. I removed all the plants from his bowl and put him in clean, new, treated water. I've observed that a very small quantity of these little gel looking things have shown up, but not to the same degree as the other tank. This could possibly be because they hitched a ride when I moved him from the 2g to the 1g. If they continue to show up in a second move, then Sori is the source of the jelly stuff, not any plants.

I use a silme coat stimulating water treatment, think that might have something to do with it? Maybe Sori is sensitive to it, and Furin isn't?
You know, after a couple days in his 1.25g bowl with no plants at all, I've come to two conclusions: First, that Sori fouls his water very quickly, and Second, that the plants in the bowls make a huge difference in the quality of hish life.

My bowl water rarely ever/never goes milky, but without the plants in there, his bowl is already cloudy. It's been about a day and a half. :blink: Normally, I change out his water every 3-4 days, depending.

Here's my theory: I used a little too much water treatment in his bowl, thereby causing him to shed a little more slime coat in the water, which then settled on the plants. Previously, I had creeping fig (ficus pumila) in his bowl -- it's been in there since March of last year, and grows rather quickly. I replaced the creeping fig with java fern, which grows very slowly (bowls have very little light, you know?). Since Sori is a big waste producer, and he was with a slow growing plant at the time, instead of the water staying clean until WC day, it got all pearly with that slime stuff.

Make sense? :huh: Sound like a reasonable standing theory?

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