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    Bolivian Cichlid?

    I can't see the pic :/ Could it be a Bolivian Ram ? I've kept them are they are quite calm and non-aggressive fish (compared to other cichlids)
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    Yay, Im Getting My 1st Betta Soon

    How warm does the room stay overnight (the room your going to keep the betta in) ? Are you in the UK, if so i personally would prefer a little heater in the tank (maybe a Hydor Mini Heater) as it gets pretty cold in our house during the night. The temp may be ok during the day, but it might...
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    Omg, Makes Me Angry!

    Pets at Home in the UK are like that (at least the ones i've been to are) they always have male bettas in with all sorts of fish, i even saw one dead in a tank full of cichlids (last time i ever went in). The woman working there was going to sell a Senegal Bichir at 3" that she told this...
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    Is This Normal?

    what do you mean by sleeps ? Laying on the bottom of the tank ? If so i wouldn't say it was normal for it to spend that much time laying on the bottom. All of mine are fairly active all day long.
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    African Butterfly Fish

    Hi, i too read your article and was pleased to see the African Butterfly in there as i am planning to get a few. The tank i was planning to put them in has quite a strong water flow due to the filtration, do they prefer calmer tanks to a strong current ? I assumed they would prefer a tank with...
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    Six Footer Diy Flat Pack Tank

    Awsome looking tank, great lighting effect. Love your Oscars too, my favourite fish :thumbs:
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    Albino Bristle Nose

    hi, i have 4 Bristlenose in varous tanks for a couple of years now. They do enjoy chewing on bogwood, i think it helps their digestive system. I feed mine cucumber, algae pellets and bloodworms. They are particularly partial to cucumber though
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    Frontosa Tank Mates

    Hi, i was thinking of adding some pim pictus cats into my 4ft frontosa tank and was wondering if anyone had kept these together before. also has anyone kept an African Butterfly fish with frontosas ? Cheers
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    Do Royal, Gold Nuggets Or Bristlenose Plecostomuses Suck On Discus?

    Hi, i didn't want to step on anyones toes i just thought it wise to let you know that from personal experience i wouldn't keep Bristlenose plecs with Discus. cheers
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    Do Royal, Gold Nuggets Or Bristlenose Plecostomuses Suck On Discus?

    i had 2 bristlenose plecs in with my Discus, but in the end i had to remove them because they kept sticking themselves to the sides of the larger discus.