Search results

  1. J

    Home wanted for tetras

    I am selling my fish tank and all equipment, due to other commitments and lack of time to keep up my lovely planted tank. I have 4 fish left that I still need a home for - 3 cardinal tetras and 1 rummy nose. I haven't introduced any new fish for about 2 years and no new plants for about 18...
  2. J

    Round Pellia, Huge Portion, Sale Or Swap

    Hi Threefingers I received the pelia today.   A lovely sized portion. Many thanks!   Julia
  3. J

    Wanted: Juwel Vision 180 Hood Flaps

    Thx for the links Charlie!
  4. J

    Wanted: Juwel Vision 180 Hood Flaps

    Hi all I'm looking for some flaps for the juwel vision 180 l.  If anyone has any they no longer want I will be happy to buy them off you. Also interested in a T5 high-lite unit for the same size tank. Thanks Julia
  5. J

    For Sale, First Come First Served - Riccia, Java/xmas Moss And Hydroco

    Hi I'm interested in just the riccia and moss. Have u still got them and how much?
  6. J

    Free - 2 Juv German Blue Rams Males

    *bump* Still available.
  7. J

    Free - 2 Juv German Blue Rams Males

    Im in Middlesbrough. It's not far off the A19.
  8. J

    German Blue Rams (Teesside)

    Hi Stiffler Im looking for a couple of females. Do you have any left? Im in Teesside so i could pick up. Cheers Julia
  9. J

    Free - 2 Juv German Blue Rams Males

    Hi all, I have 2 german blue rams I'd like to move out of my tank. I bought them as small immature fish before xmas. They are now colouring up nicely. Now other fish have paired up these 2 need a new home. I WONT POST fish, so pick up only pls. Cheers Julia
  10. J

    Anyone Bought These?

    no, I was disappointed when AE stopped selling individual plants. [hint, hint Richard!] These collections seem really expensive and you may not want some of the plants they include, or more likely some are not suitable for your set up. I agree with adandrews, find out what you like and buy...
  11. J

    Greasy Film On Surface

    Thanks for your comments guys. Have thought about a surface skimmer, but if it pumps the water back into the tank then I'll never really get rid of the stuff... right? :unsure:
  12. J

    Greasy Film On Surface

    Hi all, Have done some searches on this surface film, and found lots of people with heavy planting and EI dosing have had this (which I also do). Except im pretty sure I can pin point when this film appeared in my tank - and thats when I used vasoline to grease the o ring in filter. So i...
  13. J

    Stuff For Drop Checker

    ***bump*** anyone know?
  14. J

    Stuff For Drop Checker

    This is the drop checker i bought off ebay. it comes with a little bottle of something. Is this bromothymol blue - I assumed bromothymol blue IS BLUE??? This stuff is red.
  15. J

    Why Do I Have Algae?

    I would aim to have your nitrate levels between 10-20 then you know your plants are not being deprived of it, before you next add ferts. you should definitely have phosphate, if your levels are zero, then this affects your plants growth lots. When plants not growing, well algae generally...
  16. J

    How Do You Dispense Product From A 2l Bottle?

    I have a smaller bottle, using a funnell i fill it up from the bigger bottle. bigger bottle goes in the garage out the way. :)
  17. J

    Sluggish Primer On Filter

    I dont think anythings lost its shape, it just needs some lubrication.
  18. J

    Sluggish Primer On Filter

    I bought this silicone grease off ebay to get the primer on the filter priming again. I used vaseline last time and its left a horrible coating on the water surface. So dont want to do that again & didn't want to pay ehaim prices for a tiny packet so i bought some of this. The grease is called...
  19. J

    Can You Id This Fish Please

    What names do you know for this fish please?
  20. J

    Where Are People In Uk Buying Plants From

    Ive always got my plants from Green line and was always pleased with the service, plants arrived in good condition, often with care advice on bags etc. Wouldn't get any plants from ebay again. Any recommendations pls?
  21. J

    Have I Set Bubble Counter Up Correctly?

    Ok, I think Ive got my normal valve the wrong way round. :rolleyes: Thanks for your halp guys. If this doesn't work - "I'll be Back."
  22. J

    Dog Tricks..

    My dog, Molly is obsessed with fish in ponds (as in my avatar) - but doesn't bother about the ones in the tanks. Her most useful trick is that she will jump on the bed and wake me up with licks if I sleep in on a week day. On a weekend ( dont ask me how she knows), she jumps on the bed but...
  23. J

    For Sale: L007 Plec & To Give Away: 1 Common Plec

    I've been looking for a nice L number for a while. And Im only in M'bro but I only want one if its not going to get too big. How long have you had him? Do you know how big he's going to get? Hard to do your homework on a fish whose id isn't certain. julia
  24. J

    Have I Set Bubble Counter Up Correctly?

    This link on aquaessentials tells you to put bubble counter & check vlace other way round. ??? Anyone confirm before I change them around as they are a real *ugger to get on 7 off.
  25. J

    My First Scape After A Long(ish) Absence.

    That is a lovely looking scape Dave. I bet your girlfriend sits admiring it for ages :-) why did my smiley turn into a party blower???
  26. J

    Have I Set Bubble Counter Up Correctly?

    Would be much easier to show you what Ive done but camera not working - just like my bubble counter. OK so I have the diffuser in tank, then bubble counter with the 'inside tube thingimijig' at bottom of bubble counter, about 2/3 full of water, then airline tubing, then check valve. I can tell...
  27. J

    No Check Valve & Water Back Flowed

    Yep, thanks - fitting it today. I did think that the little black valve that came with the CO2 kit stopped backflow but I guess I was wrong. Thanks Julia
  28. J

    No Check Valve & Water Back Flowed

    Never had this problem with helter skelter/ladder thing, but I have recently fitted a ceramic diffuser and noticed that water has flowed back up the tubing. Not sure if it's actually got as far as the CO2 bottle but if it has, what should I do? I am using a 2kg FE. Should I be worried...
  29. J

    2 Co2 Diffusers

    Sorry, plants won't provide all the oxygen needed for the fish. Its surface agitation which is where most of the oxygen in the water is absorbed from. Yes you will lose some CO2 when the surface is agitated. I can run my CO2 at a high count, with surface agitation, but with none I quickly...
  30. J

    Setting Up Planted Tank

    Hi Tom Theres a good pinned topic at the top of the planted tanks section on CO2. It'll give you lots of info on there. Lots of people go for DIY mix as a cheap way of dosing CO2, but if you can I'd go for CO2 injection with 190l. Julia
  31. J

    Upgrading The Lighting On A Vision 180

    I upgraded to 2 better T8 tubes, 1 Arcadia Oringinal Tropical and 1 Arcadia Freshwater both 25W. And I added 2x T5 Interpret HO lights (twin) at 55W each. With this much lighting it was difficult to get the balance right at first with duration lights left on, CO2 & ferts. I had lots of...
  32. J

    Fish Euthansia

    There is a discussion on this in the scientific section. I use clove oil but every time I do it I always worry that it is not the kindest method, so Im always interested when this subject crops up.
  33. J

    Optimum Use Of Co2

    So is a ceramic diffuser a waste of time in this tank, unless I get either a better or an extra filter? Also where abouts in the tank do you place these diffusers?
  34. J

    Optimum Use Of Co2

    Hi all At the mo Im using the ladder/helterskelter thing that comes with the JBL pro 2 CO2 system. Apart from wanting to get the most out of my moneys worth of CO2, its a real bgger to get them refilled where I live, so I want my CO2 to last as long as poss. I have a 2kg fire extinguisher so...
  35. J

    Flourish Excel

    Ive dosed double the dose on the bottle before when ive had an algae problem. I put the excel in when my tank is half empty during wc. Fiddle around with plants, deco for 10 mins and re.fill tank. This works fine for me, gets rid of any algae, including stubborn staghorn. It does tend to melt...
  36. J

    Planting Dwarf Hairgrass

    Never planted hairgrass before. Im planning on having it cover an area of about 20 x 10cm2. I dose EI and have CO2. Any tips please on how many clumps to buy, how to plant, and keep healthy please? Thanks.
  37. J

    Water Change Routine's

    on my 180l EI tank, i do 50% weekly wc. lights on otherwise i cant see what im doing. co2 off. heater off. ehiem 2026 filter off. scrape any algae off glass first, then gravel vac, attach spare garden hose (which i only use for tank) and syphon water straight onto flower beds. Refiling tank...
  38. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    Ok, thanks James. Hope I can get it right, if not some lights will have to go.
  39. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    Thx James. I think I'll try leaving lights on for 8 straight hours an turning CO2 on 2hours before. and see if that works. Why is it recommended to turn co2 off half hour before lights off? Can i accurately measure CO2 with the GH &KH test kits?
  40. J

    Cant Get It Right!

    I always gravel clean when I do WC. Ive put my EI routine at top. Igenerally keep nitrates between 20-30ppm and phosphates between 2-3ppm, and I add K Flourish about 10ml, sometimes less as my other ferts are potassium nitrate and potassium phospate, but I have no signs of K deficiency in...