My First Scape After A Long(ish) Absence.

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
N. Wales
This a 120cm I set up for the GF in her house. It is around one month old. There are 30 Copper harlequins and six Honey gouramis in there.



wow this tank is absolutely amazing, what plants did you use?
Thanks for the replies.

The Copper harlequins certainly are great little fish.

Tank specs:
2 x Tetratec 1200s with added Zeolite and Purigen
300W Hydor inline heater
Pressurised CO2 via an Aquamas reactor
3 x 38W reflected T8 lights in an Arcadia luminaire
120cm x 45cm x 45cm float glass tank. I wanted opti white, but Ray at Aquariums Ltd kindly offered me this one at an unbeatable price

Wood picked up off the fields of N. Wales and an Almond grove in Spain. The rocks/stones are my usual N. Wales quarry source, but they should disappear under the mosses. The coarse sand is from TGM.

ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia where there are plants
Macros are EI using AE powders
Micros are Flourish from a bottle Johnny the wop gave me
CO2 as high as is comfortable for the fish

Cryptocoryne undulata (a beautiful plant)
Cryptocoryne parva
Bolbitis heudelotii
Anubias barteri var. nana
Anubias barteri `coffefolia`
Staurogyne sp
Hygrophyla corymbosa `compact`
Rotala sp `green`
Rotala sp `nanjenshan`
Leptodyctium riparium
Taxiphyllum barbieri
Taxiphyllum sp `spiky moss`

Trigonostigma hengeli (Copper harlequin)
Colisa chuna (Honey gourami)
That is a lovely looking scape Dave.
I bet your girlfriend sits admiring it for ages :)

why did my smiley turn into a party blower???
Thanks for the replies.

The Copper harlequins certainly are great little fish.

Tank specs:
2 x Tetratec 1200s with added Zeolite and Purigen
300W Hydor inline heater
Pressurised CO2 via an Aquamas reactor
3 x 38W reflected T8 lights in an Arcadia luminaire
120cm x 45cm x 45cm float glass tank. I wanted opti white, but Ray at Aquariums Ltd kindly offered me this one at an unbeatable price

Wood picked up off the fields of N. Wales and an Almond grove in Spain. The rocks/stones are my usual N. Wales quarry source, but they should disappear under the mosses. The coarse sand is from TGM.

ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia where there are plants
Macros are EI using AE powders
Micros are Flourish from a bottle Johnny the wop gave me
CO2 as high as is comfortable for the fish

Cryptocoryne undulata (a beautiful plant)
Cryptocoryne parva
Bolbitis heudelotii
Anubias barteri var. nana
Anubias barteri `coffefolia`
Staurogyne sp
Hygrophyla corymbosa `compact`
Rotala sp `green`
Rotala sp `nanjenshan`
Leptodyctium riparium
Taxiphyllum barbieri
Taxiphyllum sp `spiky moss`

Trigonostigma hengeli (Copper harlequin)
Colisa chuna (Honey gourami)

Hi Dave,nice to see you are using the ferts i gave you,lovely setup mate (see you at tgm in dec) regards john.AKA johnny the wop

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