Water Change Routine's


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2006
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Hi everyone ,

I live in a soft water region ....... lucky me :rolleyes: with a ph of 7.5 .... i would like to know what are your routines for doing water changes. I know that everyone has their own way of doing things , but i would like to know what would be the best way of doing things to ensure that i keep all my parameters stable . Iam not looking for advise but just curious on how others do theirs .

regards .

yoyo :good:
lights out, take 50% out, add dechlorinator, add 45-49% tap and 5-1% RO/DI depending on evaporation and if i have leftover from my saltwater tank. Put in recommended flourish excel in, i think its like 4 capfuls off the 2 liter one. Then i turn up my mj 1200 with venturi at the top of my tank that is always on at night time and off during the day to out-gas the CO2. I scrape before and during the water change of algae off the glass using a mag-float and razor blade.
This is a weekly routine or whenever i feel like it....

Killed almost all my hair algae. Cyano is now left to rule temporarily until i take it out with a blackout, muahahahahaha....
i do weekly gravel vac, and if im not picking up alot i just let the tube suck out all the water while i watch something on my computer.. then i drain old water, get new water condition pour. done! wipe up any drips.

this will be changing for when i have new fish tho :|
On my 180 litre I currently syphon off water into a 15litre bucket, trying to catch any rubbish on the substrate. I usually take 3 buckets worth (45 litres). I then run a hose into my bedroom (using tape to hold it in place) dash outside and turn the tap on, dash back inside and tip the required amount of dechlorinator in as well as my dry ferts (mixed in some tank water first) and Flourish Excel. It all gets distributed nicely around the tank :)

I've only started doing this routine for a few weeks (well, with all the ferts and stuff). I'm finding it fairly easy to cope with :)

For my 70 litre tank its pretty much the same thing, just no ferts and less buckets of water ;)
Water change routines are mainly related to your fish stocking levels and/or your chosen plant fertilisation routine. Using the Estimative Index method means I do a 50% change weekly, each time substrate where possible.

If you don't overstock, have lower light levels and don't use heavy fertilising for plants, then you may be able to look at a 20-30% change fortnightly or possibly monthly.
Depends on the tank with me. My middle tank doesn't have a planted substrate so it gets a good gravel vac every 2 weeks when I do the 25% water change. My large tank gets a 20% ish water change every week as anything less and I get algae. My 24lt EI tank gets a 50% every other day, when its up and running, but its not at the moment.

on my 180l EI tank, i do 50% weekly wc.

lights on otherwise i cant see what im doing. co2 off. heater off. ehiem 2026 filter off.
scrape any algae off glass first, then gravel vac, attach spare garden hose (which i only use for tank) and syphon water straight onto flower beds.

Refiling tank is the big pain as i do it by the bucket.
fill bucket with hose pipe, boil kettle each time so water is right temp before going in tank. Add dechlorinator to each bucket before pouring in tank.
ANY tips on making this easier apreciated.

every 2 weeks change floss in filter, media quick rinse.
Refiling tank is the big pain as i do it by the bucket.
fill bucket with hose pipe, boil kettle each time so water is right temp before going in tank. Add dechlorinator to each bucket before pouring in tank.
ANY tips on making this easier apreciated.

I just fill the tank straight from the tap via a hose (adding dechlorinator). My fish seem to like the cool water streaming into the tank and play about in the current. I don't have the hose on very fast obviously ;) It lowers the temp of the tank but it increases again over a day or so and fish seem to be fine with it.

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