No Check Valve & Water Back Flowed


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Never had this problem with helter skelter/ladder thing, but I have recently fitted a ceramic diffuser and noticed that water has flowed back up the tubing. Not sure if it's actually got as far as the CO2 bottle but if it has, what should I do?

I am using a 2kg FE.

Should I be worried?

....nightmares about the FE rusting inside... eventually a hole forming... the gas explodes out... the FE rocketing up through the tank... fish floating about the room... next door complaining about the hole in their wall...
Never had this problem with helter skelter/ladder thing, but I have recently fitted a ceramic diffuser and noticed that water has flowed back up the tubing. Not sure if it's actually got as far as the CO2 bottle but if it has, what should I do?

I am using a 2kg FE.

Should I be worried?

....nightmares about the FE rusting inside... eventually a hole forming... the gas explodes out... the FE rocketing up through the tank... fish floating about the room... next door complaining about the hole in their wall...

Geez!!... Don't quite get the picture but it sounds awful.... My wife's busy drying the floor as we speak, as we just had a "power out" and my Eheim thermo whatever decided to reverseflow onto the floor.... took obout 10 buckets to refill the tank... Did not realise what's happening in the dark.
The same thung happened here, with a power outage. The water backed up as far as the check valve, and stopped. Those things are very useful!!!
Always install a check valve or a vacuum breaker on anything that can siphon. In this case yes, be worried and get a check valve. I doubt you have much to worry about in regards to the CO2 tank. Due to the pressure in the bottle its unlikely any water made it past the regulator. A check valve should be a must in any system like this though.
Always install a check valve or a vacuum breaker on anything that can siphon. In this case yes, be worried and get a check valve. I doubt you have much to worry about in regards to the CO2 tank. Due to the pressure in the bottle its unlikely any water made it past the regulator. A check valve should be a must in any system like this though.

Yep, thanks - fitting it today.

I did think that the little black valve that came with the CO2 kit stopped backflow but I guess I was wrong.

it wouldnt of gotten past the reg, if you had a solenoid then it will of probably ruined this.

have you got a bubble counter? most have built in check valves.
Ive tried to stop this for a while - still dont understand WHY it happens ! Best I can do is leave a loop of pipe higher than the tank lid... check valves just fill up with water ! (I assume this is because they need a back pressure to "seal" )

Would like a solution too :good:
there must be a small air leak somewhere if the water can backflow it has to push the air out somewhere,

love your sig Rooster & totally agree wit it :D

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