Search results

  1. S

    Leopard Danio....gone Missing

    I've looked around the tank before and still haven't found them. Then again I didn't do that for the one that recently vanished ... and I've just remembered a gap where they could have jumped out. I really hope they aren't under the stand and I've just missed them ... I have looked there before...
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    Leopard Danio....gone Missing

    I've had 2 or 3 zebra danios just vanish - 1 just the other day. I looked through the whole tank, the filter, everywhere and have never found them. I figure if another fish ate them, well at least they saved me from picking out a dead fish ... of course that's assuming the fish died before it...
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    Stocking Ideas For A 10 Gallon?

    I would think that the tank you're thinking of would be way too small for congo tetras - but I'll let more experienced people comment on that. I would suggest you get a bigger tank if you can, cos soon after most people buy a tank they tend to want more fish, and then go and buy a bigger tank...
  4. S

    Stocking Levels And Tankmates

    Okay definitely no kribs! I'd forgotten about the cardinals, I'm sure I can give them to my buddy who's going to get the harleys. Wouldn't mind dropping the cories, but nowhere for them to go. I have so much trouble with them - out of all my fish they (at least the peppered ones) die the most...
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    Stocking Levels And Tankmates

    Interesting thing with fish, different people, different opinions, different experiences :/ I've been searching the forums for info on kribs, some people say only keep 1 krib, others that you shouldn't keep kribs with neons ... guess it depends on the individual personality of the kribs you...
  6. S

    Plants That Cories Won't Eat?

    At the time I did see them eat plants the only other fish in the tank were harlequin rasboras. Then again maybe it was the harleys and I blamed the cories for it? I don't know ... but given what everyone's said maybe I have to rethink why the milfoil collapsed. I just assumed it was partially...
  7. S

    Plants That Cories Won't Eat?

    Yeah originally (about a year ago) I asked the guy at my lfs, and he said the same thing. It's amazing really, I'm not good at keeping cories alive (been better lately) so I don't have any of the originals. Maybe it's been passed on though :S Although maybe it is something else - I have...
  8. S

    Plants That Cories Won't Eat?

    Hi, My cories eat almost any plant I add to my tank. The only plants I've found that they don't touch are val and amazon swords. Recently I tried adding milfoil and it collapsed in a matter of days ... not that I saw the cories actually eat that, but I've seen them eat other plants before. Any...
  9. S

    Stocking Levels And Tankmates

    Hi, Just a question on my plans for new fish and rehoming of a few current fish. I haven't really got the hang of stocking levels yet. My sig has what I currently have in my tank, my plans are (obviously not in one day, probably over a couple of months): - give the harleys to someone else -...
  10. S

    More Than I Bargined For At Feeding Time!

    No advice sorry, but that's pretty exciting! I got a shock a couple of weeks ago when I saw cory eggs all around my tank ... no time/tank to look after them, so they were eaten a few days later.
  11. S

    Feeding Fish Among Floating Plants

    I've been planning on getting floating plants for a while now, I think my lights are too bright for my fish. This seems like it should be obvious, but I'm wondering how well feeding works with a floating plant like duckweed? Do you just push it all aside and dump the food (flakes) in? Thanks.
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    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    Aren't fish good for teaching patience? ;) Thanks for all the help, I'm looking around at bigger tanks now so I can have happy, living fishies :)
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    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    My tank is about 6 months now, but I'll leave it a bit longer. Esp if I get a new tank next year :) I'll just appreciate the rainbows in the shop for a while. I will check here before I buy fish again - you're right, much better to get a number of varied opinions and make a somewhat informed...
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    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    Yes. I wish people wouldn't tell me that fish that are too big for my tank will be fine! I guess after Christmas I will start looking for a bigger tank. Better to put money into a bigger tank than unhappy and dying fish.
  15. S

    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    I'm not into goldfish these days. I had them when I was a kid and for some reason they kept dying ... at least it was some mysterious reason back then, now I know lots more and realise what I was putting those poor fish through :sad: Fish shop was no help back then. Would love to have all...
  16. S

    Angelfish Looks Dead But Still Alive

    Sorry I can't help, but it really is awful to see angel fish like that! I saw one like that in a shop a while back - with a sign on the tank saying a customer had bought it from another shop and brought it in. Hope he gets better.
  17. S

    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    Thanks for the info. I put the salt in once, last week. The first 6 rainbows finished dying a couple of months earlier. Are rainbows more susceptible to low quality water than my other fish? I am now pretty dedicated to weekly water changes. I've done a fair bit this week because of the...
  18. S

    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    Okay I have: 5 Harlequin Rasboras 2 Neon Rainbows 10ish Neon Tetras 2 Cardinal Tetras 1 Peppered Cory 2 other little catfish 6 Zebra Danios Dechlorinator = yes. I have to admit I used to slack off with the water changes. Rampant algae and fish deaths have encouraged me to stick to once a week...
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    Neon Rainbows Keep Dying

    Hi, In September I got 6 neon rainbows, and over about 6 or 7 weeks they all died. The first one died by getting himself stuck in a log (at least he was stuck in the log when I found him - think how much fun I had digging him out :/ ). The second one died a few days later. A week after that...
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    I've been reading for a while too ...

    and I finally got around to registering the other day. I have an approx 60-70L tank so far with 8 harleys and 2 peppered catfish. They seem to have stopped dying now - wish my LFS guy had told me about fishless cycling, it's not fun chucking 2-3 fish out of the tank morning and night!