Plants That Cories Won't Eat?

sleepy smurf

New Member
Sep 25, 2005
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Canberra, Australia

My cories eat almost any plant I add to my tank. The only plants I've found that they don't touch are val and amazon swords. Recently I tried adding milfoil and it collapsed in a matter of days ... not that I saw the cories actually eat that, but I've seen them eat other plants before.

Any ideas on plants the cories won't eat? I'd really like some variation from val in my tank!

I wasn't aware that corries ate plants at all :unsure: I have 6 corries in my planted tank and haven't noticed any damage to the plants. The albino corries do seem to go along the leaf edges but seem to be eating the detritus off them
Yeah originally (about a year ago) I asked the guy at my lfs, and he said the same thing. It's amazing really, I'm not good at keeping cories alive (been better lately) so I don't have any of the originals. Maybe it's been passed on though :S

Although maybe it is something else - I have really bad algae problems, assuming because the tank's in a very bright position (can't move it) and it's only lightly planted. So I want to add more plants, but A$7 to feed a few fish for a day? :hyper:
I think heavy algae on plants is bad for them. I keep ottos in both my tanks now and they seem to keep the algae in check. When plants become established they should suck a lot of the nutrients out of the water that the algae is thriving on and this should help too.
Are you sure it's Cories eating your plants? I've never had a Cory eat my plants. What else do you keep in your tank?
At the time I did see them eat plants the only other fish in the tank were harlequin rasboras. Then again maybe it was the harleys and I blamed the cories for it?

I don't know ... but given what everyone's said maybe I have to rethink why the milfoil collapsed. I just assumed it was partially eaten, given past experience. Actually my val's not doing too well at the moment, but the swords look fine.
I think heavy algae on plants is bad for them. I keep ottos in both my tanks now and they seem to keep the algae in check. When plants become established they should suck a lot of the nutrients out of the water that the algae is thriving on and this should help too.
ottos own, my tank is spaqrkling clean with only 4 of them

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