Angelfish Looks Dead But Still Alive


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
my angelfish looked dead yesterday so i went to net it and it moved a bit. it is still alive but the heater had broken and the temp dropped to 60F, i put some other heaters in and now it is 72F. the angel is still on the floor breathing slow and flapping its fins on its side. what should i do?


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Sorry I can't help, but it really is awful to see angel fish like that! I saw one like that in a shop a while back - with a sign on the tank saying a customer had bought it from another shop and brought it in.

Hope he gets better.
Just make sure the water quality is good and make sure the temp doesn't rise too fast as anymore temperature fluctions at this stage could be lethal, you may want to add some melafix in there to aid recovery and to increase the flow of the filter if you can to make sure the bottom of the tank is well oxygenated- is the angel taking food at all? You want to make sure any other fish in there don't finish the angel off as many fish will bully sick fish when they know they are about to die..
my krib was pecking it so its in a floating trap. shall i put a power head in to move the water around near the bottom? I am going to feed the rest of the fish now. I will try to get some melafix a bit later if i can.
Just make sure the floating trap has a steady filter current then, what do you feed your fish :) ? I wouldn't put a full dose of melafix in right now, just a 70% dose.
OK, im currently having this problem with my betta, was very weak....what i would do i isolate it in the net on its own, and feed it a bit of angel likes bloodworms....but give him like a pinch every day.....because your not meant to feed bloodwroms everyday....that should give him a good bit of energy to pull him up, Hope the little angel gets well again, how old is it?
i dont have any bloodworms but i can feed it some frozen brine shimp or mysis. i'm not sure how old it is as i got it from someone else. I have 2 males aswell and they regularly spawn. not sure about anything else...they cost £2.50 and you get 24 blocks....i jus break 1 block into peices and feed him 2 peices a day....if you ask someone in the shop about your angel fish they will give you the correct type of bloodworms to get, i asked and they told me the ones my betta would take to, but all my fish nibble some from the net.
i just tried to feed it some shrimp with a syringe and it tried to eat them but i dont know if it got any in its mouth or not. if i can get to a shop i will try and get some melafix and bloodworm
i just tried to feed it some shrimp with a syringe and it tried to eat them but i dont know if it got any in its mouth or not. if i can get to a shop i will try and get some melafix and bloodworm

if it tried to eat some keep trying every 1 hr or something, also when you are at your local shop get a breedig net to isolate it in, shouldnt have it laying at the bottom it might be trying to breath and the sand is blocking the gills!!!
Sounds like with the dramatic temp drop the angel went into shock, and now it not to good as laying on it's side and heavy breathing is not good news, good luck.

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