Search results

  1. I

    L066 Spawn

    Not hugely different from my set up, my group is only 5 in a 180l loads of wood slate etc well over filtered and lots of flow, perhaps i will alter my flow direction and point the caves as you suggest. I dont change as much water as you so could try that i guess, mine also like a lot of meat in...
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    L066 Spawn

    I have been trying to breed mine for nearly 2 years now without any sucess or anything that looks like sucess! What were your water params? did you do aything to trigger them? I have the same caves from smithrc, however, my male prefers the cave he has dug out under some bog wood. What size...
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    New Pleco

    Just had a look in my aqualog. Not a panaque fan either, but it does not look like L190 or 191 either. However it does look like Panaque nigrolineatus no L number as shown on page 143 of aqualog. Not sure if this is any help. Ian
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    Is This Def A King Tiger

    It certainly looks like a king tiger to me and I have several to compare it to. Ian
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    Can Plecs Blink?

    My L66 King tigers regularly blink. They have cool blue looking eyelids. Ian
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    I've Just Bought An L066 King Tiger Plec ... Again.

    If he showing signs of eating the food i.e. sitting on top of it that is good. Just leave him well alone and hopefully he will keep eating. Try not to keep disturbing him. they can take a while to settle. Mine still dissapear as soon as I go into the room and they are used to me they have...
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    I've Just Bought An L066 King Tiger Plec ... Again.

    looks a bit on the thin side but has nice colour and eyes these plecs like warmer temperatures and lots of oxygen hard to sex from those pictures and a little young at 3 inches. If I had to say, I would sat its a Male. Make sure he has meat availible mine get muscle and bloodworm on a regular...
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    L066, King Tiger

    I keep a group of 3 king tigers. Lovely fish need a meaty diet and can be slow to feed to start with. I also find they prefer warmer temperatures and lots of oxygen in the water. If you need any more info just ask. I would think carefully before adding them to such a heavily stocked tank...
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    New L260 Found Nearly Dead

    Plecs are weird creatures sometimes they die for no apparent reason. I lost an L200 yesterday. He/she was happy and eating as usual at 6pm and by 9pm looked unwell. By 10pm he/she was dead! Everything else in the tank is fine including my L66's. Nothing had changed no chemicals present all...
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    Slate Caves

    Caves arrived. They look great, not that ayone appears to have moved into them yet. Hopefully with time someone will take up residence. Thanks again Ian
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    Slate Caves

    I will take the 4 you have left. No rush for them. PM sent
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    King Tiger Pleco

    I would also point out that most of the other information on that website is not accurate, they can be fussy eaters and need a meaty diet. They do not eat algae. They do not compete well for food so would not recomend keeping them with loaches. They have also been succesfully bread in...
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    King Tiger Plec

    They like a meaty diet, bloodworm, cockles muscles etc but they quickly learn to eat most foods. Mine eat tetra prima and a variety of catfish pellets etc. Ian
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    King Tiger Plec

    I am having trouble posting pictures, so if you PM me your email address I will send you some. I also have nano reef pictues you may be interested in as it looks like you are bout to set one up! Ian
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    King Tiger Plec

    Thats a difficult one. I am a fan of groups, but then I am trying to breed the king tigers. If you have no experience sexing plecs it may be difficult to get a male and a female. I love my king tikers and think they are stunning. There are 2 more waiting at my LFS to increase the size of my...
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    King Tiger Plec

    Assuming you are talking about L66 king tiger plecs I can help ypu. Males can be a bit shy. I find mine spend most of the day in their caves and only come out to eat, they often venture out after lights out. My female on the other hand is always out and about . My dominant males can be...
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    L002 Tiger Plec Or L066 King Tiger Plec?

    Hi I have L66 king tigers. They are awsome fish they reach about 6 inches but appear to be slow growers. Mine eat anything but paricularly enjoy meaty foods such as muscle and cockle. If you want any mor info just let me know. Ian
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    B&w Plec But What L Number?

    It also looks like an L66. Perhaps a bit light in colour but the markings are the same. Ian
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    L066 King Tiger

    Dont think they get as big as 8 inches 5 or 6 is maximum size as far as i know they don't appear to grow very quickly. Well mine has not! Think they will be fine as singles, mine does not appear to be objecting while I try and find it some friends! 80 should be fine temperature wise obviously...
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    L066 King Tiger

    I have one at the moment she is still small but is fairly active. Make sure it is feeding before you take it as I had difficulty getting mine to feed(i had more than 1 but i lost a couple as they refused to eat) mine appears hapiest at high water temperatures with lots of oxygen. They appear...
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    King Tiger Pleco, L066, Network Pleco, Scribbled Pleco

    thats a good price. I paid £30 for my 2 that size, smaller ones around 2inches are still expensive at £20 quid a pop nice fish tho.
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    Is My Tank Over Stocked?

    My black phantoms were fin nippers and they were kept in an understocked tank with Angels. I eventually had to return them to the LFS. I found they were fine at first but started nipping fins as they got older. Ian
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    My First Ever Tank

    Looks like a good start. Keep up the good work! Ian
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    Mixing Plecos

    I am not sure where The Wolf gets their information from but Golden Nuggets are territorial to other bottom dwellers and do not compete well for food. See for more information. Probably best not to mix them with other plecs. Hope...
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    Please Help! Urgent

    Thanks for the advice, my tank is def 22l it has been up and running for nearly a year and has never crashed as i keep a v close eye on the parameters. I think i will quarintine my star thanks for that, should really have thought of that. unfortunately i dont want to add any more stock as you...
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    Please Help Me!

    woops sorry, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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    Please Help! Urgent

    Hey there, I have a 22l nano reef marine tank, i do a water change of 5 l every week. It houses 2 true clowns one hermit crab star fish orange spotted goby it has has 3 Xenia several small polyps and 5 smal mushroom corals. Ph is 8.3, nitrate is below 15ppm and salinity is 1.023 specific...
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    Please Help Me!

    Hey there, I have a 22l nano reef marine tank, i do a water change of 5 l every week. It houses 2 true clowns one hermit crab star fish orange spotted goby it has has 3 Xenia several small polyps and 5 smal mushroom corals. Ph is 8.3, nitrate is below 15ppm and salinity is 1.023 specific...
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    Gravel And Fish Problem

    All i can say is dont use Methylene Blue. The clown loaches are scaleless and Methylene Blue will kill them. Ian
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    yellow/brown water

    Add some carbon to the filter. I actually think it looks better than crystal clear water. Looks more natural. Ian
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    yellow/brown water

    It is probably just the tannins in the bog wood. They are harmless allthough do lower the ph. Hope this helps! Ian
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    Juwel tank - fish in the filter

    Well to stick up for jewel tanks, I have 2 a rio125 and a rekord 96 and only once have i had a fish in the black filter housing and that was when it jumped when i was doing some filter changing. Sorry to hear about dissapearing fish. Perhaps some tights streached over the inlets will prevent...
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    Angle Fish

    In my opinion I have never had any problem keeping angle fish with smaller tetras. I currently have one tank with 6 angle fish (4 white, 1 black and 1 black marble) The 2 black ones are between 4 and 5 inches in size. They are kept with 10 cardinal tetras, 2 rams, 3 clown loaches, 5...
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    new fish

    Clown Loaches as said before can be very shy when first introduced. Provide lots of places for them to hide and I would suggest leaving the plants in. When I got mine i thought one had died because I did not see it for days until 1 night after the lights were out I saw it appear out a hole...
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    A good substrate

    Hi I am new to this forum and have a quick question I have 2 tropical tanks a rekord 96 and a rio 125 both community tanks and planted. I am just about to move the tanks and want to change the substrate to something more plant friendly as I have read that gravel is not doing my plants any...